Mate, truth hurts? Why are you always letting people what you do? You are the only person on ST that I know what they do? You are often banging on about it. I really couldn't give a ****. Do you have an inferiority complex or something?
Maybe as "banker" that is why you support the shafting of a club legend because that is what you ****s do every day to ordinary Aussies.
Eeergh, off and raging - AGAIN (siiigh).
Might shock you to realise, but before the likes of you joined the forums, and when the site was created, it was done by a very close knit group of mates (many, many years ago) who all knew each other and attended games together. We shared a beer or wine, and had a laugh.
Basically, we all had nothing to hide, because aggressive, abusive people weren't around like you, and we were able to debate a topic respectfully. I don't have to hide behind a fake name, or keep secrets.
Now, you've crawled in 4-5 months ago, ripping people left, right and centre, call people wankers, and basically lacking the capacity to have a healthy discussion (like many others have done in this thread above you) - who have the capacity to agree to disagree.
For that reason, you aren't in the "ordinary Aussies demographic" that your attempting to claim yourself as. You aren't laid back, nor can you have a chat about an emotional topic about Toovey without making it personal. Your angry, aggressive, disrespectful and abusive, and I've learnt that in all but 4 months.
So go ahead, rage a little more - I'm waiting for your anger filled, lack of respect reply. Don't call people wankers, or rip them like you have here, and not expect a reply.
Honestly, where has the art of conversation gone today?