Kids only a pup, and I'm already seeing opposition forwards running angles to avoid his hits in defense. The starts of games are when opposition forwards are trying to lay the platform. If he had a quality partner / bookend, I think he'd look vastly different.
Burgess sucks - lets start there. Then he has Ballin (who runs the 50m in 10 minutes stat). He's backed up by Ball player 1 (Meteo), Ball player 2 (Symonds), Ball RUNNER 3 (Lui).
Tooves needs to mix that starting rotation up. Having say Lussick in there with Turbo would provide punch. Leary runs hard towards the line, and if I'm Tooves, I attempt to get Symonds to run harder and more direct (bevcause he CAN be a devestating ballrunner when he does this).