Right. So you don’t even get what one of the simplest, shortest words in the English language means? STOP.
Mate, you are an A-grade imbecile. You’re a tool. A moron. You have your head stuck so far up your baby-oiled arse it’s not even funny. Not only do you post a whole heap of hyperbolic bull**** without understanding what you’re even shouting out to the world about yourself, you also cannot even comprehend the most basic of instructions and recognise when someone has had enough of it.
And here’s a tip: I’d rather not read your drivel and have notifications popping up every 30 seconds, letting me know that you’ve posted more of it. Stick to spamming the memes you hoard, you sad, strange little man. At least whoever’s creating the memes has more than the half a brain cell you possess.
The posters on this forum, as a general rule, are more intelligent, reasoned, and articulate than most you’ll find on the internet. You are most definitely NOT in that category, however.