& you know this to be a fact or just your humble opinion?
Opinion, and it pisses me off because all I want is a team of passionate players who love and commit to their club and fans.
Call it old fashioned if you like.
Guys like Steve Menzies, Nathan Hindmarsh or that ilk are my examples, but I remember the passion Travis Burns had as an example of a 2nd tier player who just loved throwing on the jersey, and I heard he was bitterly disappointed when not offered another contract.
Like I say, I remember sitting in the pouring rain at night, with my 7 month pregnant missus watching the cowboys vs. The eagles at brooky in front of 4000 odd people. The passion those players had for our club back then was outstanding. Ok, they lacked the skill these kids have in natural talent, but the passion was there.
They lapped it up with the fans afterwards. Good times !!!
If loving that environment makes me negative, or attaches a perceived agenda, then guilty as charged.
THATS why I dislike the current state of affairs with the Chocs, Haslers, Matais, Forans...a club is supposed to be a community driving for a collective goal. I'm not seeing a collective anything is all. It sucks too, coz the game promises so much.
Jeez, even Mark from Brissy seems a little disillusioned after all these years of supporting the team. That speaks miles in my opinion.
Applogies for spelling etc..on the phone