That has to be one of the most moronic statements I have heard for some time.
I think I can understand Manlyfan 76 here. Blake Green is a reliable and undervalued player who gets the job done and was one of the reasons Manly made the finals in 2017. At Foran's best though Green is not a shadow of that former champion. Like Watmough, I have no problems about him and Foran leaving for bigger money. They have a limited time in the game and loyalty doesn't pay the bills or set you up for the next 40-50 years of your life after your football days are over. I was sad when they left but like with Kelly, I said good luck to them and thanks for the years you were at Manly including with those two, the premierships they contributed to gaining for the Sea Eagles.
So looking at the Green/Foran issue I think MF76 wasn't responding emotionally, at least that's not the sense I'm getting. What he is saying is quite pragmatic. With Green , you are fairly certain regarding the quality you are getting. He's consistently been on the field and done a good job for the clubs he's played for up until this year. He's worth the punt for further contracts. Foran potentially was a much more complete and effective player, certainly in his time at Manly. But personal emotional issues and a string of serious injuries over the past four years have now made him a big risk regarding having him on the field. He is still a fine player on the field, though not as effective as he was, and he may overcome his injuries in the next few years. But the injuries, for someone now approaching his late 20s, have made it more likely that a team wont have him on the field for a large chunk of the season. Maybe he'll prove me wrong, but the betting would be injury will continue to plague him. So as MF76 has implied, Green is at this stage a better proposition, not because he's the better player, but because he's more likely to be there for most of the season. For team a steady 5/8 is imperative as has been shown at Manly recently. Its too important a role to risk.
But anyway, we have Elgey and though he's had his problems with injury, he's still quite young, and like Green is a better risk. Though probably not as steady as Green, I think we'll find he's more talented and will take the pressure off DCE