Salary Cap Witch Hunt. **Appeal unsuccessful**

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Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
I don’t get the Tele nor do I have access but apparently we are presenting to the NRL today and they will answer within a week or so.

We should do a poll.

1) playing for no points in 2018

2) docked 10 competition points

3) fined $800k and loss of 8 points

4) fined $500k and loss of 4 points

5) Granny in question stoned to death by disgruntled Bears supporters.

6) Brookvale blown up by Nuclear warhead.

7) Manly told it must play Nate Myles and Lewis Brown in every game.

8) Manly to give all bottom 8 clubs a 20 Point start each game and all top 8 clubs a 10 Point start.

9) If Manly happen to finish in the 8 we have to relinquish that and swap positions with the club winning the Wooden Spoon.

10) a one line ruling letting Manly off is placed in the Telegraph Classified Advertisements Under “ funeral services”.

Surely one of these has a chance?


Toovey for NRL CEO
I don’t get the Tele nor do I have access but apparently we are presenting to the NRL today and they will answer within a week or so.

We should do a poll.

1) playing for no points in 2018

2) docked 10 competition points

3) fined $800k and loss of 8 points

4) fined $500k and loss of 4 points

5) Granny in question stoned to death by disgruntled Bears supporters.

6) Brookvale blown up by Nuclear warhead.

7) Manly told it must play Nate Myles and Lewis Brown in every game.

8) Manly to give all bottom 8 clubs a 20 Point start each game and all top 8 clubs a 10 Point start.

9) If Manly happen to finish in the 8 we have to relinquish that and swap positions with the club winning the Wooden Spoon.

10) a one line ruling letting Manly off is placed in the Telegraph Classified Advertisements Under “ funeral services”.

Surely one of these has a chance?

You forgot "all of the above".

Blake A

Reserve Grader
can someone post this article please? 15 mins ago... daily telegraph


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You can lay the blame for all of this squarely at the feet of the NSW Police, they fell flat on their faces in trying to find any evidence of any match fixing whatsoever, and after many hours and dollars of investigative work, the only thing they came across was apparently some conversations about some TPA's which they thought may have been spurious, but certainly NOT illegal in the eyes of the Law, so in order to save face from their initial investigation, leaked out information to the press.
The press has had a field day with this at Manly's expense, it has cost us sponsorship, as well as recruitment of quality players.
I'm always one to defend the Police, but what business was it of theirs to divulge information about some TPA's that may have been doubtful.

I like 90% of your post.

But.. this has not cost us $1 of sponsorship from what I can see. However, it certainly cost us Dogboy.


Reserve Grader
  • Manly Sea Eagles hanging on NRL deliberation over allegeded salary cap breaches
DAVID RICCIO, The Daily Telegraph
an hour ago
Subscriber only
MANLY’S ability to recruit for 2018 remains in hands of the NRL, who are currently deliberating on whether the club should be found guilty of salary cap breaches.

After listening to final submissions from the Sea Eagles lawyers in Sydney on Wednesday, the NRL will now consider the information put forward before handing down their final verdict.

Ahead of their opening round clash with Newcastle next weekend, Manly want a decision as soon as possible.

The NRL are also eager to close the case.

However, a longer than expected outcome is also possible with the NRL determined to protect next week’s season kick-off from the threat of any fan backlash that the cap findings or potential penalty could create.

COO Neil Bare was also afforded the opportunity to defend himself to the NRL Integrity Unit.

So too was ex-Manly CEO and current Roosters boss Joe Kelly.


Reserve Grader
Alongside Manly, both Bare and Kelly were hit with breach notices last December, for alleged cap breaches over the previous five years.

Both Bare and Kelly must prove to the NRL why they shouldn’t have their registrations cancelled while Manly are at risk of a significant fine.

All three parties have vehemently denied any wrongdoing.


Journey Man
Danger for Manly is that the NRL will drag their decision making out, just so they can add 'loss of match points' to our punishment :cool:

Stuey Davis’s Socks

Premium Member
Tipping Member
Despite the fact they might read this you won’t get a journo in a bulls roar of these issues.

They are happy to report on falsehoods , innuendo and rumours BUT actually doing any proper investigating , well that’s just beyond their skill sets at present.
Wouldn't be trying to use reverse psychology on our journalist friends would you Mark?
Last edited:


First Grader
Someone here posted an article that said it was scheduled for next Tuesday.

Which takes us past the 1st of March deadline for naming another player.

I know we were delayed in a response but it seems simple to me as it’s not a court of law.

1) charges made
2) response given
3) decision made

Why the need for us to front up??

This week or #nextweek
It might be (dog weeks) .

Supreme Leader

Uber L77T playa
I heard it was like a circus. They mentioned 40 plus people in the room, mostly lawyers. Tables everywhere. Trolleys of files and documentation. Similar to a big court room. My source refused to comment on the content as there was an agreement to not discuss as it could affect the end result. Having a beer with him over weekend, I'll see if I can get him drunk enough to tell me. I doubt that he will as he drinks better than me !

Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
I heard it was like a circus. They mentioned 40 plus people in the room, mostly lawyers. Tables everywhere. Trolleys of files and documentation. Similar to a big court room. My source refused to comment on the content as there was an agreement to not discuss as it could affect the end result. Having a beer with him over weekend, I'll see if I can get him drunk enough to tell me. I doubt that he will as he drinks better than me !

What a circus , for nothing other than what is “ a Kangaroo Court”.

I mean ,there’s no rules , no laws to abide by it’s just what a bunch of NRL employees “ think”.

Complete and utter Farce in my opinion!

Supreme Leader

Uber L77T playa
Any idea from our side when the NRL was looking to hand down their punishment? Surely they just didn't leave the room and say "ok then see you all next time..."

Surely it was something along the lines of "we'll review this and hope to have a ruling to you by the end of the week"...

Have to be really careful here... lets just say that the NRL want to check our explanations, as some were VERY simple to explain and show what the process was that Manly used. My personal view point from general discussions and media (MINE ONLY) was that a lot of this could have been dealt with a phone call or video link. I also believe that the extent of the original claims from the NRL were beefed up to appear there was a case to answer.

It is sort of like going through an internal audit at work, and the auditor says this is wrong you should have done this. Is it something that is an easy fix - you just change your process and move on, is it something that is endemic through each club - which means the actual process needs fixing from a Head Office perspective, or is a blatant case of being illegal and a criminal matter - that is a problem.

Also, the NRL needs to appear to be on top of things, trying to improve the way clubs do their business, in other words - JOB JUSTIFICATION. I wonder how much rorting could be going on in the NRL. How much revenue has the NRL used to "investigate" allegations into Manly. Could be as simple as from a Brand perspective - we do things honestly? Are we a victim of our own success. Because we are good we must be doing something wrong?

Batty to answer your question - no idea - we are a week away from season starts, is it really a priority for the NRL to close this matter before the start of the actual season? is it in the leagues best interest to clear us? I would say NO!

Hand down their punishment? Do we deserve one?

They say usually - we will review your argument and advise you via the processes in place. In other words they review the info, then implement a penalty should they wish. It goes into a writing, then Manly / Roosters, need to decide to take it to arbitration, and that will take most of season. If they do, they need to sanction senior management from Manly & Roosters, does the NRL really want to disrepute the game further.

Granted "if" we have done the wrong thing we should be punished and rightly so. I would have loved to be that fly on the wall yesterday.


Tipping Member
Have to be really careful here... lets just say that the NRL want to check our explanations, as some were VERY simple to explain and show what the process was that Manly used. My personal view point from general discussions and media (MINE ONLY) was that a lot of this could have been dealt with a phone call or video link. I also believe that the extent of the original claims from the NRL were beefed up to appear there was a case to answer.

It is sort of like going through an internal audit at work, and the auditor says this is wrong you should have done this. Is it something that is an easy fix - you just change your process and move on, is it something that is endemic through each club - which means the actual process needs fixing from a Head Office perspective, or is a blatant case of being illegal and a criminal matter - that is a problem.

Also, the NRL needs to appear to be on top of things, trying to improve the way clubs do their business, in other words - JOB JUSTIFICATION. I wonder how much rorting could be going on in the NRL. How much revenue has the NRL used to "investigate" allegations into Manly. Could be as simple as from a Brand perspective - we do things honestly? Are we a victim of our own success. Because we are good we must be doing something wrong?

Batty to answer your question - no idea - we are a week away from season starts, is it really a priority for the NRL to close this matter before the start of the actual season? is it in the leagues best interest to clear us? I would say NO!

Hand down their punishment? Do we deserve one?

They say usually - we will review your argument and advise you via the processes in place. In other words they review the info, then implement a penalty should they wish. It goes into a writing, then Manly / Roosters, need to decide to take it to arbitration, and that will take most of season. If they do, they need to sanction senior management from Manly & Roosters, does the NRL really want to disrepute the game further.

Granted "if" we have done the wrong thing we should be punished and rightly so. I would have loved to be that fly on the wall yesterday.

This is what I think is happening, they've got nothing other than a few technical errors by Manly. We'll probably get a fine so they can save face. It won't be anything like the eels rorting or serious rorting like the NRL made it appear.
Team P W L PD Pts
15 12 3 113 28
14 10 4 118 24
15 10 5 77 24
15 9 6 161 20
15 8 7 64 20
14 8 6 60 20
15 7 7 28 19
15 7 8 21 18
15 8 7 -8 18
15 7 8 -47 18
14 7 7 -50 18
15 7 8 -89 18
16 7 8 -31 17
14 5 9 -112 16
14 4 10 -71 14
14 4 10 -105 12
15 4 11 -129 12
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