Salary Cap Witch Hunt. **Appeal unsuccessful**

  • We had an issue with background services between march 10th and 15th or there about. This meant the payment services were not linking to automatic upgrades. If you paid for premium membership and are still seeing ads please let me know and the email you used against PayPal and I cam manually verify and upgrade your account.
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  • Wwe are currently experience some server issues which I am working through and hoping to resolve soon, Please bare with me whilst I work through making some changes and possible intermittent outages.
  • Apologies all our server was runing rogue. I managed to get us back to a point from 2:45 today though there is an attachment issue i will fix shortly. Things should be smooth now though


Premium Member
Yep they stopped us getting much stronger didn’t they, that’s the Greenslime influence for you!

Yes and no, Pearce would have been a key signing but at that $$ could have locked a large chunk of our cap on the halves and we know what happened last time (chez/foz).

Hodgko, experienced backup but very injury prone.

The way i see it yes they hindered our recruitment but could be a blessing in disguise.

Time will tell

Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
So is it this week we get any news on this or more likely #nextweek??

I’m thinking it’s this week as #nextweek is too late to get our 29th player in by the 1st of March.

But of course #nextweek is better for Toddy as it’s #onelessweek for Bubbler Boy to have any time training with the team.

Jeez this week thing is confusing.


Journey Man
Tipping Member
Anything the Roosters can do , we can do better ....

Peter C

Yep they stopped us getting much stronger didn’t they, that’s the Greenslime influence for you!
You can lay the blame for all of this squarely at the feet of the NSW Police, they fell flat on their faces in trying to find any evidence of any match fixing whatsoever, and after many hours and dollars of investigative work, the only thing they came across was apparently some conversations about some TPA's which they thought may have been spurious, but certainly NOT illegal in the eyes of the Law, so in order to save face from their initial investigation, leaked out information to the press.
The press has had a field day with this at Manly's expense, it has cost us sponsorship, as well as recruitment of quality players.
I'm always one to defend the Police, but what business was it of theirs to divulge information about some TPA's that may have been doubtful.


Journey Man
You can lay the blame for all of this squarely at the feet of the NSW Police, they fell flat on their faces in trying to find any evidence of any match fixing whatsoever, and after many hours and dollars of investigative work, the only thing they came across was apparently some conversations about some TPA's which they thought may have been spurious, but certainly NOT illegal in the eyes of the Law, so in order to save face from their initial investigation, leaked out information to the press.
The press has had a field day with this at Manly's expense, it has cost us sponsorship, as well as recruitment of quality players.
I'm always one to defend the Police, but what business was it of theirs to divulge information about some TPA's that may have been doubtful.
To be fair, it's not the Police but the NSW Crime Commission who need to justify their budget :cool:

Terry Zarsoff

First Grader
You can lay the blame for all of this squarely at the feet of the NSW Police, they fell flat on their faces in trying to find any evidence.
I'm always one to defend the Police, but what business was it of theirs to divulge information about some TPA's that may have been doubtful.
They’re coppers. That’s why.


First Grader
Soon we will learn our fate in relation to this farce. It seems that they do not have much on us and their case is pretty flimsy. Without knowing the facts I suspect that is now all about saving face, Greenturd will never acknowledge or apologise for what has happened to our club. We need to ensure if we are exonerated that legal action is taken against him and his cronies for the irreparable damage that has been inflicted on our club over the last two years. The NRL have failed in their duty of care to our club and have sat on their asses while our brand was tarnished by betting and salary cap investigations. If Manly is exonerated, Penn and co must demand Greenturds resignation!
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Would prefer Hodko over Pearce, I just feel Pearce would of locked up too much Cap and we are thin in other positions. Hopefully can pick up a decent prop and centre before June 30.
Prop yes but centre no. We have Kelly and walker. Parker looks a real star. Wright is solid and Thompson can cover. Id say we need a prop and another experienced half


Reserve Grader
Premium Member
Tipping Member
OK. This the last week.
Manly Sea Eagles set to face NRL on Tuesday to present their defence for alleged salary cap cheating
DAVID RICCIO, The Daily Telegraph
February 27, 2018 5:34pm
D-DAY has arrived for the Manly Sea Eagles who have to prove to the NRL on Tuesday why they deserve to be acquitted of alleged salary cap cheating.

Almost three months after learning they were under salary cap investigation, Manly chairman Scott Penn, CEO Lyall Gorman COO Neil Bare and the club’s experienced legal team will present their final submissions to the NRL Integrity Unit.

Ex-CEO and current Roosters boss Joe Kelly will also be granted a chance to launch his final defence to the NRL, where he’ll be guided by prominent QC Bernard Gross.

Alongside Manly, both Bare and Kelly were hit with breach notices last December, for alleged cap breaches over the previous five years.


Sea Eagles CEO Lyall Gorman says the game needs a clean slate. (Adam Yip)
Both Bare and Kelly must prove to the NRL why they shouldn’t have their registrations cancelled while Manly are at risk of a significant fine, or a reduced cap for 2018.

All three parties have vehemently denied any wrongdoing.

The saga has rocked the Sea Eagles brand, reputation and ability to recruit, which is why they’re so desperate for a resolution.

The Roosters have stood firmly by Kelly, such is their belief in his innocence.

It’s expected that ultimately the NRL will reach their final verdict early next week — just days before the 2018 season kick-off.

Penn has repeatedly stated ever since the club was hit with the allegations last December that the alleged breaches were “really technicality issues”.


Former CEO Joe Kelly will also be at the hearing. (Gary Ramage)
Gorman told The Sunday Telegraph last week that a resolution in the case was important for the entire code.

“For the sake of the dark cloud that is hanging over the entire code, it’s important that our fans, members, sponsors and the entire NRL to have clarity ahead of the new season,’’ Gorman said.

“We have our season launch at Lottoland (Brookvale Oval) and the NRL will officially launch their season next week (Thursday).

“Everyone within the game and who supports rugby league would agree that this should be a time for optimism, excitement and celebrating the game — not uncertainty.

“Hopefully, we can move forward like we all want too, over the next week.’’
Team P W L PD Pts
15 12 3 113 28
15 10 5 108 24
15 10 5 77 24
16 10 6 195 22
15 8 7 64 20
15 8 7 40 20
16 9 7 2 20
15 8 7 -30 20
15 7 7 28 19
15 7 8 21 18
15 7 8 -47 18
15 7 8 -89 18
16 7 8 -31 17
14 5 9 -112 16
14 4 10 -71 14
15 4 11 -129 12
15 4 11 -139 12
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