Interesting Twitter convo between Deb Spillane and Michelle Tapau. Whatever happens with Marty, I hope he and his wife put his business degree and her nouse into getting involved in League admin.
(Sorry for the messy cut and paste)
Question I keep coming back to re ‘consultation with the players’ re the rainbow jersey is do marketing people check with players if they are cool with wearing a special indigenous round jersey? Would it be seen as the marketing department’s fault is a player refused to wear one?
Michelle Taupau
For years the NRL facilitated sessions with every club in the lead up to Indigenous Round The messaging internally & externally was clear & all staff & players, Indigenous & non Indigenous had a chance to share & learn The NRL used to have working groups for themed rounds
A member from licensing, marketing, community, media & other departments would ensure all stakeholders were on track with purpose & messaging. It’s clear to me how this went wrong. It’s not hard to bring people on the journey - it just takes a little time and care for all
This jersey & it’s beautiful & important message deserved better. The staff, players, community all deserved better. Releasing it in women in League round makes no sense, esp with no comms around it! It was a total fail by administrators that caused unnecessary tension & pain
Deb Spillane
Thanks for your replies Michelle. I’ve given bit of thought to your perspective and you’ve made very fit points. I shouldn’t have given it the “in my day” treatment. I’ve always hated that response!Of course NRL has changed and I should’ve factored that in. 1/2
My perspective I from a wider, non-rugby league setting where I see Christian fundamentalists promoting division and trying to fight against more progressive tolerant attitudes in our society. It’s that overall pattern that disturbs me and I hate seeing it in the NRL. 2/2