To all the people who are disengaged, embarrassed to support Manly, are going to turn it in after supporting the team for 10, 20, 30, 40 , 50 years due to our current situation in 2018 you might as well grab your bats and balls and leave now.
Leave quietly.
Stop whinging.
Maybe support an NRL owned team.
Or, like the team need to do, dig deep.
Heads up.
Move forward.
Be Manly!
Go Manly!
Please win soon team. This place is getting out of control.
Didn't expect you of all posters to become a total ****wit, power corrupts all I guess
Go clean the houses of the owners who lead us this bull****, cook them dinner, wash their clothes among all the other favors
I guess you love watching this bull**** all over again
Maybe you'd be better served going for parramatta where they're used to piss poor pathetic efforts and a sub par board, although we're a dead heat with them on that front now
I mean how dare people feel that our owners are total ****wits
I guess you agree with Peters that all fans have no idea and should shut up and fork out our hard earned to help support the people who have somehow ruined our club in a matter of years when they get to go unchecked
They pay the bills all alone don't they? Or are they using our merch money and gate takings to do it? And our season grants from the NRL
Nope they pay it all and we should shut up because we're a bunch of wank pheasants
You may enjoy mediocrity, you may love knifing legendary clubmen in the back
But I think it's total bull**** and I don't care if you're a good sort or not, in this case you sound as bad as a Penn