Izzy sacked

SO .... the ball is played by the Violent home invader who throws a crisp pass to the wife basher ... who passes back inside to the rapist .... who breaks through the defense to link up with the assualt causing actual bodily harm convictee ... who chips ahead to the serial drunk and obnoxious .....

But wait .... the Christian has been penalised for believing what is in the bible .....

Can't have that bible sort of thing in Rugby ....
To have an opinion is OK, but when it is a well known sports star, just need to kind of not be so "In ya face"....as its a subject that is extremely black and white and will be a Massive headline creating social hysteria. Personally I don't agree with his comments, but just think of it as "His opinion" that he has cast across in a distasteful manner, sparking public debate and think "you idiot" - end of story.
The dumb thing about it to me, is he has played with and against some of his toughest opponents he does not realise are this way and throw in 10% of his best friends....anyways thats my view - prefer to look forward to a Top weekend and another Manly victory !! :happy:
Idiot religious nut, probably a closet case, thinks he is bigger than any game, i hope a big bad gay knocks the crap out of him. I will quit following Manly if he ends up with us!

I am not a religious nut, and make most of the criteria from Izzy's list to hell, I do not agree with what he posted on social media, that is his belief so be it he has a right to it as does those who feel differently. I find it so hypocritical that people who have taken offence to his comments, bring out the homophobic hate speech diatribe to smash him with yet at the same time use that very hate themselves. To bring his wife into it, attacking her, her looks and making it personal just because she is associated with him by being his wife is just as bad in my opinion and why these things get way out of hand.
You can disagree with him all you like, but leave it at that, no need to bring anyone else into it just because they have a relationship.
So really there is no such thing as freedom of speech in a world where everyone is outraged .

The Sea Eagles certainly do have their fair share of 'perpetually outraged' fans. You certainly don't come on here for a balanced discussion that's for sure.
a) This isn't a cafe or family business;
b) If we sacked players for saying offensive things, we'd have half the league we have now (example: Maloney would be fired).

Societies become too precious . Example:

X Walker pulled his partners hair (allegedly). People want him rubbed out of the game for life. Dumb, dumb act, yep. But something he should learn from and move on. But all the heroes out there want his income, his wife's income, and his child's income dissolved for life.

Whatever happened to remorse / mistakes / redemption / empathy / open mindedness.

Even on these boards. People can't have an honest opinion without being berated. That's what this site was for ,to have an "alternate" but open view and opinion. Not these days. You critique the team or a player, you're targetted, called names. Some people defend Des, the club, Parker, Suli and others vehemently, and if you critique them, you're the most hateful, spiteful, negative , terrible human being on the planet, but apparently it's open season on Barrett, Brown, Kelly and others and it's okay to bad mouth them, their personalities, life, name call etc to the hearts 's desire. That's Silvertails mentality now.

Maybe I'm getting old and grumpy. I'm not sure. But I miss the warm and fuzzies. I miss a time you could share, be open and honest, regardless of how cutting edge your opinion was. People could disagree, but they wouldn't slay you for it. Especially when hypocritically, their opinions meant slaying certain elements, players or coaches WAS acceptable .

We've become Americanised. Narrow minded, insular , hypocritical, and over sensitive.

Who’s the major sponsor of the Wallabies? And who’s their CEO, and what ‘rights movement’ are they known to be heavily involved in as a result?

Folau knows this, he’s been spoken to at length about it previously; he can say whatever he likes, but he has NO right to jeopardise the organisation’s standing with their major sponsor because he can’t toe the line and keep his abhorrent views off a public forum. Bottom line is - if the ARU keep him on the books, they risk Qantas pulling their sponsorship every time he opens his undereducated trap on social media. I know who I’d be bending over backwards to appease if I were running the ARU.

And that’s before you take into account any of the social responsibilities the organisation has with regard to its player and fan base.

Folau has the platform and reach he has, to vilify and insult the sheer numbers of people he’s able to, purely because of sport. He’s been told what not to do, he’s continued to do it, they have every right to discontinue their association with him.

Think about this: would you be ok with Folau castigating Indigenous Australians/Asians/Greeks/insert whatever race you like - in the same manner?

And - would you be ok with Dylan Walker pulling the hair of your wife/mum/sister/daughter/niece, hard enough to bring her to the ground, while she’s holding a tiny infant? Hell, I wouldn’t be ok with him doing it to my dad, or my (physically imposing, male) partner!

Please stop trying to minimise domestic violence - it’s offensive and belittling to those who have been through it. Hair pulling is in some ways worse than just being given a black eye - other people can see that, and sympathise with it. Having your hair yanked, and basically being swung around by it - your scalp is sore and tender for days afterwards. And it’s just as scary as having a punch thrown at you, while the incident is happening - you don’t know what’s coming next, you don’t know what they’re trying to achieve by physically controlling you by your hair - is the next move going to be slamming you to the ground, ramming your head into something, holding your head where they want it so they can punch, bite, or head butt you? Yeah, I’ve been there - and it’s really starting to grind my gears hearing ‘he just pulled her hair’ being trotted out as if it’s some sort of mitigation for Walker. It’s got all the same elements of control and humiliation as any other act of DV.
Exactly, this is not a family run business, it is a multi million dollar empire, that relies greatly on its sponsors and fans.

What are you referring to with Maloney?? Please tell me you are not conparing what Izzy said (twice now) to Maloney BBQ'ing alone? leagues apart.

Also please dont refer to domestic violence as just a dumb act. The courts are dealing with Walker, If he is convicted he will face the consequences and if he does have to face those consequences I am sure he will make his way back like Lodge, Ma'u etc etc

The forum........spirited debate is what its all about, people disagreeing and arguing there views. Pretty boring site if eveyone agreed on everything. I'm sure personal attacks happen, I've probably had some against me, but mids will deal with that and honestly, it is some faceless name on the internet....don't let it get you down mate.

Basically the crux of my arguement is.....Izzy is free to air his opinion.....but people are free to air their own to counter.

If the ARU disagree and feel his coments damage their brand they they have every right to sack him.

You can't just claim freedom of speech for one side
I'm for pretty for the libertarian view that you can do and say what you want so long as no one is harmed. People argue his comments are offensive because of high youth suicides, etc but that's taking a very broad view and adding context to them that is not there. To me (my view only), his comments read like this - if you are x, y or z - you will go to hell. He is not threatening anyone or or wishing harm upon anyone (he is not an ISIS extremist saying kill all the infidels) - he is stating something about the afterlife, that afterlife being something you'd only believe in if you are say Christian. And if you are a by the book Christian you believe what he says anyway. So you either believe everything he says or you believe nothing, and if you believe everything he says is bull****, how can you authentically deem it to be so offensive?

Again, to me, people just want to paint particular view points with a very broad brush of disapproval. They are not stating what they personally believe deep down, which in most cases would be nothing because they don't really care and most likely don't think someone should lose their job over a religious belief.

Anyway, would be interesting if he challenged this in court and played the religious card to see how they would decide it. Whether it is discrimination on religious grounds or if he's fundamentally breached his contract but if he's done it to get out of his deal for an offer in Europe that won't happen and our ever decreasing civil liberties will continue to erode...
SO .... the ball is played by the Violent home invader who throws a crisp pass to the wife basher ... who passes back inside to the rapist .... who breaks through the defense to link up with the assualt causing actual bodily harm convictee ... who chips ahead to the serial drunk and obnoxious .....

But wait .... the Christian has been penalised for believing what is in the bible .....

Can't have that bible sort of thing in Rugby ....

I was actually thinking the same thing ... Michael Chee Kam scored for the Tigers around the same time I found out about the Folau thing. One is banned and one bashed a taxi driver.
Screw him and his hateful views...
I reckon he should just **** Right Off Completely
Or get a room full of bibles and bash them
a hateful cretin from the dark ages
The thing that annoys me is he believes in fairy tales
anti vaxxers can go to hell too
Idiot religious nut
i hope a big bad gay knocks the crap out of him

Charming - I guess hate breeds hate!!!
I'm for pretty for the libertarian view that you can do and say what you want so long as no one is harmed. People argue his comments are offensive because of high youth suicides, etc but that's taking a very broad view and adding context to them that is not there. To me (my view only), his comments read like this - if you are x, y or z - you will go to hell. He is not threatening anyone or or wishing harm upon anyone (he is not an ISIS extremist saying kill all the infidels) - he is stating something about the afterlife, that afterlife being something you'd only believe in if you are say Christian. And if you are a by the book Christian you believe what he says anyway. So you either believe everything he says or you believe nothing, and if you believe everything he says is bull****, how can you authentically deem it to be so offensive?

Again, to me, people just want to paint particular view points with a very broad brush of disapproval. They are not stating what they personally believe deep down, which in most cases would be nothing because they don't really care and most likely don't think someone should lose their job over a religious belief.

Anyway, would be interesting if he challenged this in court and played the religious card to see how they would decide it. Whether it is discrimination on religious grounds or if he's fundamentally breached his contract but if he's done it to get out of his deal for an offer in Europe that won't happen and our ever decreasing civil liberties will continue to erode...

..... and when making the judgement of what is politically correct or acceptable .... it would be wise to remember that many 10's of thousands of christians and specifically Mormons. and there church going families, play and support Rugby .....

... and whilst they may not believe with the conviction of Izzy ... they may not appreciate that a member of their faith has been singled out for his beliefs .... that the beliefs of their church are being held up as "offensive" .....

.. and incidently.. I am not a well informed God botherer but I think Muslims, Catholics, Methodists, Sihks, and other major religions also frown upon homosexuality ......
At its core, this is simply a breach of contract matter. From all reports, Rugby Australia included an explicit clause in his contract regarding social media use, which he has apparently breached and thereby giving rise to a right to terminate the contract.

The freedom of speech arguments were perhaps more relevant last year when his contract was not explicit on the matter. But he signed a new contract early this year so it would have been front and centre in his mind.
Screw him and his hateful views...
I reckon he should just **** Right Off Completely
Or get a room full of bibles and bash them
a hateful cretin from the dark ages
The thing that annoys me is he believes in fairy tales
anti vaxxers can go to hell too
Idiot religious nut
i hope a big bad gay knocks the crap out of him

Charming - I guess hate breeds hate!!!

I agree with you .... but more importantly .... I agree with your right to say it ....
Interesting that we had no problem having other 'fanatics' play for us in the past (anyone remember Hopoate and his mormon mission?)

It seems we don't mind people being extremists when they play for us so long as they don't say it in public.... yet Folau comes out on Social media and we are all up in arms!

I, for one, wholehaertedly disagree with Folau's point of view (and those of his religion). But I also believe that people are entitled to their beliefs and opinions.

I have a simple motto in life:
People are free to do/believe what they like.... so long as they don't impose those beliefs onto other people or harm others in the process (i am looking at YOU, vegans and F45/crossfit fanatics)
Look, his views don't only effect adults. The type of **** he is sprouting can have a real negative effect on young people who are struggling with their sexuality. The last thing these vulnerable young individuals need is some high profile fear mongerer telling them that because they were born gay they will be punished for all eternity. This idiot could be responsible for young people falling into depression or even taking their own lives. As for his wife she has already stated in the past that she fully supports and agrees with his views.
..... and when making the judgement of what is politically correct or acceptable .... it would be wise to remember that many 10's of thousands of christians and specifically Mormons. and there church going families, play and support Rugby .....

... and whilst they may not believe with the conviction of Izzy ... they may not appreciate that a member of their faith has been singled out for his beliefs .... that the beliefs of their church are being held up as "offensive" .....

.. and incidently.. I am not a well informed God botherer but I think Muslims, Catholics, Methodists, Sihks, and other major religions also frown upon homosexuality ......
The Tele has him on their home page having a dig at Catholics and Christmas etc. I’m a lapsed Catholic that thinks it’s all bull****. To me his dig at Catholics and Christmas is way off base. Someone should tell him all those dates were set to appease Pagans. That might blow his mind to kingdom come.

I read what he says and just think he’s a poorly informed, sheltered dip****.
Interesting that we had no problem having other 'fanatics' play for us in the past (anyone remember Hopoate and his mormon mission?)

It seems we don't mind people being extremists when they play for us so long as they don't say it in public.... yet Folau comes out on Social media and we are all up in arms!

I, for one, wholehaertedly disagree with Folau's point of view (and those of his religion). But I also believe that people are entitled to their beliefs and opinions.

I have a simple motto in life:
People are free to do/believe what they like.... so long as they don't impose those beliefs onto other people or harm others in the process (i am looking at YOU, vegans and F45/crossfit fanatics)

I think it could very much be argued that an international sports star posting what he did, could be construed as imposing his beliefs in others.

Regardless, he breached his contract. If his contract said he can't do what he did then he breached his contract. It was very intentionally put in there after last year.

He knew the consequences.

I do not agree at all with people leaking footage of his church sermon. That's rubbish. He can say as he likes in the confines of his own church and should be free to do so.

But the Twitter stuff was a breach of contract. Simple.
I have a simple motto in life:
People are free to do/believe what they like.... so long as they don't impose those beliefs onto other people or harm others in the process (i am looking at YOU, vegans and F45/crossfit fanatics)
This we would all agree on.
But don't you think Folau caused harm by using his public profile to tell a significant proportion of the population that they were going to burn in hell for their choices in life. Consider a young aspiring rugby player who looks up to Folau and just happens to be gay, Folau may think that his message would guide him towards the right path but in reality it would cause such a person enormous harm to their mental health.
I would assume that the majority of us on Silvertails are, like me, straight white males who have never really understood what it feels like to be told you were born the wrong way (female, gay, non northern european background, don't comply with traditional gender roles etc.). So consider what it would feel like, especially as a young person to have an influential person to not only tell you that your beliefs and way of living is wrong but to incite others to believe you are less than they are (and not just vegans telling you that you're enslaving cows and bees).
IF ... if ... if the views of the Bible are harmful ... is the logical next step .... banning the reading, sales and publication of the bible ...

We could also try the same tack with the Koran ....
Who’s the major sponsor of the Wallabies? And who’s their CEO, and what ‘rights movement’ are they known to be heavily involved in as a result?

Folau knows this, he’s been spoken to at length about it previously; he can say whatever he likes, but he has NO right to jeopardise the organisation’s standing with their major sponsor because he can’t toe the line and keep his abhorrent views off a public forum. Bottom line is - if the ARU keep him on the books, they risk Qantas pulling their sponsorship every time he opens his undereducated trap on social media. I know who I’d be bending over backwards to appease if I were running the ARU.

And that’s before you take into account any of the social responsibilities the organisation has with regard to its player and fan base.

Folau has the platform and reach he has, to vilify and insult the sheer numbers of people he’s able to, purely because of sport. He’s been told what not to do, he’s continued to do it, they have every right to discontinue their association with him.

Think about this: would you be ok with Folau castigating Indigenous Australians/Asians/Greeks/insert whatever race you like - in the same manner?

And - would you be ok with Dylan Walker pulling the hair of your wife/mum/sister/daughter/niece, hard enough to bring her to the ground, while she’s holding a tiny infant? Hell, I wouldn’t be ok with him doing it to my dad, or my (physically imposing, male) partner!

Please stop trying to minimise domestic violence - it’s offensive and belittling to those who have been through it. Hair pulling is in some ways worse than just being given a black eye - other people can see that, and sympathise with it. Having your hair yanked, and basically being swung around by it - your scalp is sore and tender for days afterwards. And it’s just as scary as having a punch thrown at you, while the incident is happening - you don’t know what’s coming next, you don’t know what they’re trying to achieve by physically controlling you by your hair - is the next move going to be slamming you to the ground, ramming your head into something, holding your head where they want it so they can punch, bite, or head butt you? Yeah, I’ve been there - and it’s really starting to grind my gears hearing ‘he just pulled her hair’ being trotted out as if it’s some sort of mitigation for Walker. It’s got all the same elements of control and humiliation as any other act of DV.

In no way did, or would I diminish DV @yokahontas . What I'm talking about is perspective. I'm very sorry and apologetic you went through that on a personal level, but you are talking from a standpoint (which has validation) from experience, and after the behaviours escalated in your situation.

I've personally gone through a similar situation as a child / entering teens (strangled to the point of passing out by my father with electrical chords, pets shot in front of me as lessons, frequent bashings weekly to the extent I was almost dead, and left bleeding out in a gutter to die), etc etc etc: so I get it. I was actually removed from him, and was raised by my Aunt, and then an Uncle that used to occasionally get physical with me. It wasn't all roses for myself either, so to say "it’s offensive and belittling to those who have been through it", in itself is offensive to me as a man, and a person with feelings.

Then attempting to explain to me the differences or similarities between varying levels. Trust me, I know and have experienced those various levels yokahontas, but I in no way want this to diminish your situation, and life experiences either, because what happened to you wasn't right, was unfair, and just plain wrong.

Your connotation (in my opinion) that domestic violence only happens to women is both biased and unfair. It can happen to anyone. To have my hair pulled when I was in a fit of rage publicly, as upposed to knocked unconscious by my father with facial structural damage - I KNOW what I'd prefer. Jesus, I used to lay his belt out on his bed for him after school, so that when he got home, got on the turps, it was easy access for him.

Therefore, no, I think people are making a mountain out of a molehill over a young mans religious opinions in Falou. I don't think Dylan Walker should be sacked for making one mistake and pulling his wife's hair (which I think is a terrible thing to do to his wife). I think he needs help, is probably getting it, and should have an opportunity for redemption (so he DOESN'T end up like my old man). The reasons I say that are also more FOR his child and wife, and so they can live comfortably on the salary he earns.

Wow, what a heavy convo. Hope I've not offended you here. Again, I'm so sorry you went through that. It's messed up. I absolutely respect and appreciate you putting into words what happened. Looks like you've come out the other side, a strong, independent, and obviously intelligent person, so kudos to you Yoke.

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