Not arguing the contractual issue .... just the bigger picture .....
The ARU are effectively saying that the expression of the teachings of a major religion are inappropriate and offensive .....and that you are prohibited from expressing those religious beliefs on your own personal media ..... and if you do express those beliefs you will have your contract cancelled ....
That starts to go beyond just curbing freedom of speech and starts to play around with religious persecution .....
Not sure it matters what ideology it is.
When you represent an organisation you have to represent their values. So persecuting a it sexual orientation, race, whatever is in contravention of the contract he signed.
The people who turn up to watch the game from his religion...or any religion or ideology are not paid by the ARU, so they have no right to ban them.
If they bring a sign with what Folou put on his Twitter, then the ground and sport have every right to ban them. Or if I walk into Suncorp Stadium with a sign saying something that denigrates a race or religion or sexual orientation...I would expect to be banned.
I can't just say "its my belief system so I can say as I please".
If I say what I believe in my lounge room its fair play. If I put it out to the world in a public forum then I expect fallout from my employer and the community.
Like I said, whack up some inspiring quote about God or religion or whatever. Say God is awesome and if you don't believe that you're crazy etc etc
But don't expect to be paid millions of dollars to represent an organisation by persecuting his list of "off to hell" people.
Believe in whatever you like. But when you are in a prominent position of influence like he is, you have to be responsible in what you say. He wasn't.