Agree totally.
I've been thinking all year that the needle has moved too far the other way.
By that I mean for years the defence was dominating the attack due to all the wrestle and holding down the players were allowed to get away with. There was minimal fatigue because defences were getting little mini-breaks and then they introduced the 25 second limit on scrums and dropouts when teams weren't actually milking in this area to begin with. They only started after the rule got introduced.
But fast forward to today and the 6-again rule. Now attacks are running over defences and we are seeing possession percentages that are more skewed than ever before. And we wonder why we are seeing blowouts ? Please. I'm surprised we're not seeing more.
If we just compare this year and last.
In 2019, 60 points were scored in a match 8 times.
In 2020, with significantly fewer matches, 60 points have been racked up 15 times.
I'm not suggesting we go back to the wrestle. But can we just try and give defending teams a chance and not turn it into quasi-touch football ?
Just because a bunch of points aren't scored doesn't make it boring. The semi final against the Rorters where it was 4 - 0 is a classic example.