(Womens Team) Discussion

You come back punching but when someone squares up to you and points out your errors the "whatever i'm above this" lame pedestal response is dillied out to save face.

No, wrong again ... From your responses I'm just afraid that you have only a casual grasp on reality ...
Any chance of a bull**** emoji being added to the emoji list? I guess I can use a gif instead.
sign language bull**** GIF
Tattoo on display the gif loses it's appeal
Hmmm, @Technical Coach proving absolutely nothing yet again, with his usage of bogus statistics, longwinded self-serving rants, and patronising misogynistic tenets.

Really @Red Pill??? Technical Coach's so-called "refreshing unconstrained truth" reads more like delusional, narrow-minded bull**** to me. It does match up with his homophobic and bigoted remarks in previous threads though.

But each to their own, I guess. Unless, of course, you're being ironic? Which clearly, you are not.
Hey, I like a lot of your posts as well I like people who speak their truth I have learned in life these kind of people are usually more genuine ( just a little misunderstood) than people that appear all polished and proper on the surface. These prim and proper people are also the quickest to judge and condemn which I find even more shallow than the topic of their so called outrage. Maybe your new bull**** emoji will be used for them as well. They like to judge so they can elevate themselves which I find really petty and shallow… Btw in case you have not noticed TC loves to stir and trigger these types. He is embellishing for effect and it’s working a treat thus my compliment. If you want to label this as bull**** then be my guest as I don’t particularly care… enjoy your evening
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They are not bogus figures look it up yourself and do some research.

I used the WNBA as an example because it has "long term"(from the 90's onwards) stats with a huge subsidized funding model and a massive population to draw upon and participation rates.

It is not the right time to subsidize a national league, i have no issue in the NRL funding female junior participation and if player numbers grow let the women elevate themselves to start a semi professional national league.

The women have to prove they are interested in a more naturally gravitate to sport and competition way, not some subsidized model that generates fake interest with no-one really respecting the league.

I'm sure there are "short term" gains in stats showing increases in interest in "womens team sports" but most are and will struggle, especially the more rough sports.

Thanks @Technical Coach for demonstrating that your "research" on NRLW is superficial at best, and severely compromised at worst. Please find below some of the "takeouts" from Gemba’s Specialist Data & Analytics Division across all elements of data and digital strategy and execution for the NRL and NRLW.


Increasing the number of Rugby League participants will likely generate new NRL and NRLW fans Increasing the number of participants will also assist with creating the elite talent required in the future to support NRL and NRLW leagues
Growth in participation could be driven via targeting female participation, with other sports experiencing significant increases in female participation after investing in women’s leagues.
Investment in participation initiatives could address a declining trend in Rugby League participation

Expanding the NRLW competition could increase Rugby League’s exposure over the course of a calendar year more in line with other sports that have seen growth in interest in their women’s competitions
Investing into the women’s game and creating new fans of NRLW could also have a positive impact on the number of NRL fans

Women’s sport typically does not demand large rights fees from broadcasters due to low TV ratings
The main opportunity to commercialise women’s sport is through sponsorship and enabling sponsors to use Intellectual Property
Most major sports in Australia have successfully commercialised participation programs well, particularly at a junior level
Significant commercial revenue can be generated if there is proper coordination of resources across the whole landscape of a sport

Female elite competitions were primarily the leagues that grew in interest across major Australian sports
• The five most popular women’s leagues experienced a combined average growth in interest of 15% amongst Australians between 2016 and 2019
• The growth in interest for women’s leagues is the inverse to men’s leagues, which have experienced a combined 1% decline in interest since 2016 (5% decline excluding ALeague and NBL)
• Women’s leagues are critically important to sustaining engagement within sports rather than relying on existing league fan bases that are declining
• Gemba data shows that across both NRL/NRLW and AFL/AFLW there is a strong relationship between fanatics of the female leagues also being fanatics of the respective male leagues
• Growing NRLW fanatics may also unlock new fanatics for the NRL. Based on 2020 data, 80% of NRLW fanatics are also highly passionate about the NRL

NRLW expansion will have a positive impact on the key drivers of sponsorship revenue, particularly league and team interest

Expansion will lead to greater fan engagement as more NRL teams have an equivalent women’s team providing the ability to generate more Intellectual Property value in sponsorship deals Additional matches will deliver an increase in broadcaster viewership which will widen the reach and value of sponsor brand exposure
On-screen exposure for brands will increase in line with the additional number of matches leading to increased exposure value for sponsors
Additional matches will result in greater reach and attendance which generates more commercial revenue for the league and additional value for sponsors

Brands are looking for opportunities to demonstrate their commitment to a sport from grassroots to the elite

“From NAB AFL Auskick to the big time” NAB
‘As a sponsor of women in sport for over a decade, from grassroots to the elite level…’ Harvey Norman
“We’re proud supporters of Australia’s game; men and women, young and old, from the grassroots to the elite.” Toyota
‘Kicking goals from the elite level to the grassroots: CBA and Football Australia have signed a dynamic new partnership to develop the national women’s game at all levels’

Expansion will lead to greater fan engagement as more NRL teams have an equivalent women’s team providing the ability to generate more Intellectual Property value in sponsorship deals Additional matches will deliver an increase in broadcaster viewership which will widen the reach and value of sponsor brand exposure
On-screen exposure for brands will increase in line with the additional number of matches leading to increased exposure value for sponsors
Additional matches will result in greater reach and attendance which generates more commercial revenue for the league and additional value for sponsors

Please refer to the 200 page Gemba_NRL-Expansion-Analysis_Final-Report_170621.pdf for further information and references.

Hope this helps.
Hey, I like a lot of your posts as well I like people who speak their truth I have learned in life these kind of people are usually more genuine ( just a little misunderstood) than people that appear all polished and proper on the surface. These prim and proper people are also the quickest to judge and condemn which I find even more shallow than the topic of their so called outrage. Maybe your new bull** emoji will be used for them as well. They like to judge so they can elevate themselves which I find really petty and shallow… Btw in case you have not noticed TC loves to stir and trigger these types. He is embellishing for effect and it’s working a treat thus my compliment. If you want to label this as bull** then be my guest as I don’t particularly care… enjoy your evening
Thanks, @Red Pill People speaking their truth generally works best when there is some actual basis in fact, for the conclusions made. I find the analysis of @Technical Coach to be seriously lacking in the above. This is no reflection on you, however. Perhaps Technical Coach should do some real research on his inaccurate presentation of NRLW "statistics", before posting them.
Hope this helps.
Off field cap lol yeah that is policed real well.

I recall going back 15yrs or more a news report(no idea if it was true at the time) that suggested Manly were paying around $30,000 a game for Brookie hire, one of if not the highest fee for suburban ground hire in the NRL. I think now Manly was able to negotiate a better figure but not sure what it is, it's still a huge cost.

Many clubs barely break even when making a GF, the NRL has been poorly run and promoted for way too long now it is a disgrace.
Of course what happened 15 years ago is very relevant to today.

Show me where clubs are barely breaking even when making a grand final? Especially when the NRL covers the most significant cost player salaries

Also the NRL might have its challenges however it report a surplus last year

Even your beloved storm with their membership size would bot be losing money
Never once specified "Polynesians" i said neck tattoos in general, once again you are caught out twisting comments to suit your confirmation biases.
Wow you still flailing about trying to defend this? Your comment about how you wouldn't use players with neck tattoos was with the full (indeed blatantly obvious) knowledge that for many players these hold traditional and cultural significance.

It was a classic case of indirect discrimination. Hey everyone is equal here and everyone equally must use the stairs to get on that railway platform (see, we aren't discriminating against people in wheelchairs, this applies equally to all). Duh

Why not just admit you were a bit hasty in your original opinion?
Wow you still flailing about trying to defend this? Your comment about how you wouldn't use players with neck tattoos was with the full (indeed blatantly obvious) knowledge that for many players these hold traditional and cultural significance.

It was a classic case of indirect discrimination. Hey everyone is equal here and everyone equally must use the stairs to get on that railway platform (see, we aren't discriminating against people in wheelchairs, this applies equally to all). Duh

Why not just admit you were a bit hasty in your original opinion?
The point i made was a general comment about tattoos and the higher up they are the more douche bag and bogan trash the person "probably" is, zero to do with any specifics in terms of background.

To be brutally honest when i picture douche bag tattoo loving freaks that i don't want to associate with or befriend i think in shades of white lol, the lighter the skin colour the more pathetic it is to see.(and before you once again try and read my mind and speak on my behalf i'm "White")

If my general views on tattoos offends some so be it but i never once or ever have targetted this viewpoint at a specific race, colour, religion, tradition or any other specific person(well unless you consider bogans as too specific)

My one gripe with darker skin shades wearing tattoos is why bother when it doesn't even stand out (other than i have "less" of an issue if it is for traditional reasons) i still think tattoos for traditional reasons is pointless and over exaggerated just for an excuse to have one by more recent generations.

So appologize SER8 and admit you went too far and let your "comeback" reply pride get ahead of you at the expense of delivering a point based on facts.

Oh right the moderators will probably delete this reply so i better screen capture right.
The point i made was a general comment about tattoos and the higher up they are the more douche bag and bogan trash the person "probably" is, zero to do with any specifics in terms of background.

To be brutally honest when i picture douche bag tattoo loving freaks that i don't want to associate with or befriend i think in shades of white lol, the lighter the skin colour the more pathetic it is to see.(and before you once again try and read my mind and speak on my behalf i'm "White")

If my general views on tattoos offends some so be it but i never once or ever have targetted this viewpoint at a specific race, colour, religion, tradition or any other specific person(well unless you consider bogans as too specific)

My one gripe with darker skin shades wearing tattoos is why bother when it doesn't even stand out (other than i have "less" of an issue if it is for traditional reasons) i still think tattoos for traditional reasons is pointless and over exaggerated just for an excuse to have one by more recent generations.

So appologize SER8 and admit you went too far and let your "comeback" reply pride get ahead of you at the expense of delivering a point based on facts.

Oh right the moderators will probably delete this reply so i better screen capture right.

Bogans campaigning for their rights. Oh!!! this is a pic from the tv series housos …gee the stereotype that identifies boganhood appears to have a lot of Tattoos. I can now picture SER8 sliding down the pole down to his bat cave. Our fav silvertail crusader to the 🛟 rescue yet again.
Of course what happened 15 years ago is very relevant to today.

Show me where clubs are barely breaking even when making a grand final? Especially when the NRL covers the most significant cost player salaries

Also the NRL might have its challenges however it report a surplus last year

Even your beloved storm with their membership size would bot be losing money
NRL has made a profit recently and many other times during flourishing years and much of it has been wasted away in over staffing and poor management.

"NRL clubs" it's been well known struggle to break even some even when making the GF, others have made small pathetic profits after making a GF and a few have profiteered well off a GF(that tend to compensate for previous years losses.) Sydney clubs for the most part are not made of money or make huge profits, the leagues club model covers and subsidizes for the most part of the games history.

The point i am making in terms of bringing up 15yrs ago is to show such huge amounts that are not accounted for in most peoples expenditure, the off field cap is way too difficult to police and clubs can and will over spend, it's not a level playing field in terms of all clubs spending the same like it's been made out, then extrapolating from that to suggest money is being made because all the off field costs are supposedly capped.

Male participation rates have stagnated for the most part of a decade or more with a recent upswing trend again which is good to see. As a result of this stagnation the female participation percentage has increased from around 5% in the early 2000's to around 10%, the percentage increase would not be as pronounced if the mens participation rates were in a healthy state but yes the big investment(relative to previous figures) into the womens game should show big improvements coming off such a low baseline starting point.

As male participation rates recover and keep growing i very much doubt women will exceed 15% at best during the peak initial interest in the first decade of a national league then drop back off to 7-10% and stagnate at that level no matter how much funding is directed towards the female game.

Until the "NRL clubs" can make a sustainable steady profit even in average years i'm against "NRL Clubs" funding a womans League, i have less of an issue with the NRL funding female junior participation until it reaches a sustainable level participation and interest wise then allow the women to start up their own semi professional league.

NRL clubs still haven't even reached participation levels, membership levels and crowd levels that the AFL reached prior to even having a womans national league, there is plenty of potential growth to be had before spending on the womens game. Until NRL clubs can prove to be long term profitable they can't be worrying themselves on promoting the female game.

The AFL on the other hand at least has a more sound business model and have probably exhausted near the limits in terms of size of crowds, participation rates and membership numbers for men that requires expanding into and tapping the female market for future growth.(as a percentage of population the AFL surpasses the level of interest most leagues around the world can generate)
I hate and don't waste time watching sporting levels that i can achieve or most 14-15yr old boys can achieve as a team, i don't call that quality entertainment.
Ha look at you running with the shock jock lines.

There was a time when I actually respected your view on footy, alas that time is long gone
Ha look at you running with the shock jock lines.

There was a time when I actually respected your view on footy, alas that time is long gone
Each to their own I guess @lsz but I have always found TC to be overly arrogant and bombastic, and only half as knowledgeable about the game as he thinks he is.
Each to their own I guess @lsz but I have always found TC to be overly arrogant and bombastic, and only half as knowledgeable about the game as he thinks he is.
And how do you quantify what is "half" do you know all that there is about the game and use that as a reference point.

Hmmm guess that makes you the arrogant one then.

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