Why do people think that if he's sacked from Manly he'll be doomed to poverty and starvation?? Lots of labourers out here in the non footy world manage to raise families just fine without the big money footy brings.
If he is not ready to get some counselling for his obvious anger issues...the very last thing I'd be supporting or encouraging is for his young child and wife to move back into that environment for the sake of money. Fcuk, that's such stupid advice in the present moment He's got a lot of work to do on himself. This isn't the 70s/80s where watching mum slide down the fridge when dad gets home from the pub is just part of life.
As for...lets just see what his wife does, that'll prove something......what in the blue fcuk do you think a young mum married to a high profile partner will do??? Sadly, she will support her abusive husband in public and hope it all changes for the good.....and I truly and sincerely hope it does, because the statistics show that giving it that "one last go" can often prove fatal for spouses and or children.
If he's not prepared to work on his issues (and maybe they both could use some help for all we know) and fix his family then maybe they should seperate. He can, and by law will have to support his child whether they are together or not. I hope Manly offer he and his family all the support they can, and I'm positive they will.....but at the end of the day, Manly are not responsible for Dylan Walker. He's his own man and boy.....it's past time for him to grow up and take true responsibility for his actions....not just go through the court process, but make some massive changes. I've seen lots of blokes put on the innocent, little boy face in court, then revert straight back to their dickhead selves when they leave the courtroom.
As far as I am concerned....he must get help and be 100% genuine about it if he wants to stay here. If he can prove he's not just wanting to change, but takes real steps towards that change....then kudos to him. But bear in mind, it's a long process. There are no two week courses that solve anger issues. He'll get there if he's man enough to take it on fully, completely and wholeheartedly.....but that does not rely on his staying here and it is not Manly's responsibility.
If family is his top priority...and it bloody well should be...his resulting shame and remorse should see him able to work on his issues no matter his surroundings....IF he's 100% fair dinkum about it.