Walker cleared to play.

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I'm all for protecting the image of the game but the NRL have done the game a disservice by the reactive policy they have taken.

They claim that it is a 'no fault' system and in no way reflects the innocence or guilt of someone who is stood down. Yet at the same time the policy was established as a deterrent for the minority of would be offenders and to drive cultural change. A very contradictory statement.

How can it act as a deterrent for those who are innocent? Shouldn't we leave it to the judicial system to be the deterrent? For those who are guilty, they still get paid..

What really is dangerous are the discretionary powers given to Greenturd to stand down players. If it is truly a 'no fault' system then it could be inferred that a player is guilty if stood down through the use of discretionary ruling. He is pre judged before he has his trial. Where is the fairness there Greenturd?


First Grader
Dylan Walker only has himself to blame for this, I do not like the edict about standing down a player before a court case as this could take months and it penalises the clubs. My biggest issue is that Greenturd is judge and jury over any player who transgresses and his form is consistent in what he does to players of clubs that he does not like , like Manly and how he bends the rules for the pet clubs like he did with Lodge and the Donkeys!!


First Grader
So the NRL makes some new " no fault " rules and Todd has discretion to do anything else that brings game into disrepute .

He retrospectively applies this law to De Balin, Walker and Bolton.

What is stopping him now banning Lodge and Packer?
He needs to ban Inglis for drink driving.

He needs to ban Cam Smith for Vonnie gate.

What else gents?


Tipping Member
Guess I won't share my opinion on that
In fairness, Ryan, I think we already know your opinion on it @:p

You are right that it is an underwhelming backline but all we can ever ask for is that they have a crack. We could have a Rolls Royce backline/squad that plays like ****e, which would be worse imo.


Armchair Expert
So the NRL makes some new " no fault " rules and Todd has discretion to do anything else that brings game into disrepute .

He retrospectively applies this law to De Balin, Walker and Bolton.

What is stopping him now banning Lodge and Packer?
He needs to ban Inglis for drink driving.

He needs to ban Cam Smith for Vonnie gate.

What else gents?

How about punishing the guy that illegally poached Des from us in 2011 while he was still under contract?
I just write Greenburg a skathing email.

Ryan, don't waste your time on that piece of ****. We still have a team, and I will not let Greenturd the eye baller ruin my hope for a 2019 return to the fortress.

It doesn't really matter "who" runs out in March, it just matters that they play with heart and never give up.

For what its worth, I think Walker is gone end of 2019 regardless of guilt or innocence.

Why? Des won't tie up 600-800k in salary cap on a braindead Neanderthal that cannot be controlled.


I don't even know @bazeagle . Just jaded and disappointed with those whole ordeal. Paying half a grand to watch that backline, when one could have spent 5 bucks to watch them at Blacktown Oval last season irks me.

Also with Tanginoa and Paseka out.

What's that round 1 team going to look like?
Yeah I'm with you. Another season of losses and torture looms and that's just being realistic. I don't care how far under the radar Des plays this out, the fact is we have little depth and now with no Walker, bugger all strike. And as you say: half a grand...
Because there is NOWHERE near enough local juniors to fill the void. I guess you could also include players like Matai, DCE & others who haven't played for other clubs.

01. Tom Trbojevic
02. Albert Hopoate
03. Will Hopoate
04. Clinton Gutherson
05. Michael Oldfield
06. Kieran Foran
07. Daly Cherry-Evans

Is what I could come up with.
I don’t have a problem recruiting from other teams......I have a problem recruiting DHs from other teams


I don’t have a problem recruiting from other teams......I have a problem recruiting DHs from other teams

Agreed - and Walker is one of the worst examples. This isn’t a guy we recruited after he had done anything towards redeeming himself, we took him on board literally as soon as he was sacked for DH behaviour at another club. Half the problem is he’s never had to face the consequences of his actions - and now Manly are having to cop the fallout, yet again. Should’ve left well enough alone when his junior club would no longer have a bar of him.


Tipping Member
Agreed - and Walker is one of the worst examples. This isn’t a guy we recruited after he had done anything towards redeeming himself, we took him on board literally as soon as he was sacked for DH behaviour at another club. Half the problem is he’s never had to face the consequences of his actions - and now Manly are having to cop the fallout, yet again. Should’ve left well enough alone when his junior club would no longer have a bar of him.
He was a 20yo Australian representative (yes, also a DH) who probably made all the right noises about how much of a wake up call his OD was and that he wanted to atone. I don’t blame the club for taking a punt, the potential upside was massive and particularly when we had the likes of Lyon, Matai and Snake there in 2016 who you’d think would be a good influence.
At the end of the day, you live and learn...


He was a 20yo Australian representative (yes, also a DH) who probably made all the right noises about how much of a wake up call his OD was and that he wanted to atone. I don’t blame the club for taking a punt, the potential upside was massive and particularly when we had the likes of Lyon, Matai and Snake there in 2016 who you’d think would be a good influence.
At the end of the day, you live and learn...

Regardless of skills/achievements on the field, and self-serving, pre-prepared statements to the media etc - the fact that Souths were unsatisfied with his attitude post-OD (whereas they kept Aaron Gray after the same incident) should’ve been enough of a red flag. You don’t get rid of a local junior with that much talent unless you’ve got some pretty strong indications he’s a bad egg.


Premium Member
Tipping Member
So the NRL makes some new " no fault " rules and Todd has discretion to do anything else that brings game into disrepute .

He retrospectively applies this law to De Balin, Walker and Bolton.

What is stopping him now banning Lodge and Packer?
He needs to ban Inglis for drink driving.

He needs to ban Cam Smith for Vonnie gate.

What else gents?
Inglis could have killed someone, but he gets a reference and it’s swept away?


Sea Eagle Lach
Premium Member
Tipping Member
We still have a team, and I will not let Greenturd the eye baller ruin my hope for a 2019 return to the fortress.
He's already done it.

Our hopes are seriously dented because our back-line depth is non-existent. Our young guys may rise to the occasion here or there but our chance for consistent performances has taken a huge hit. Because our top three-quarter 'might have' committed an offence.

Walker may be found not guilty, the defence case hasn't even started yet, has it?

At least if you wait till someone is guilty of something you can sack them and replace them. We can't do that. Greenberg 'may' look favourably on an application for salary cap exemption. Please Your Highness, we bow and scrape and beg your indulgence.

So what? Which decent player can we sign now who will be happy to sign for only 3 months?

Plus, Manly still has to pay the contract.

Plus, how sexist is it to suggest any assault on a woman is worse? That logic demeans women of itself.

This unprincipled disgrace of a CEO was perfectly happy for Auva'a to play an entire season and win a premiership, AFTER pleading guilty to domestic violence offences. Now his principled approach requires a different course. Give us a break. There is zero of principle involved in Greenberg's decision-making. It is all about cynical expedience, pandering to vested interests, and keeping up appearances.


Tipping Member
Regardless of skills/achievements on the field, and self-serving, pre-prepared statements to the media etc - the fact that Souths were unsatisfied with his attitude post-OD (whereas they kept Aaron Gray after the same incident) should’ve been enough of a red flag. You don’t get rid of a local junior with that much talent unless you’ve got some pretty strong indications he’s a bad egg.
The cynic in me says that them getting rid of walker was more about freeing up cap space to fit Sam burgess in after his failed union stint. The timing of Walkers release and Souths trying to sign burgess, who suddenly became available, was all too coincidental.
Anyway, we agree he is a DH and I am quite happy for him to leave the club at the expiry of his contract. He has been a dud signing (an understatement I know).

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