Walker cleared to play.

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Manly Sea Eagles centre Dylan Walker stood down by NRL
The Daily Telegraph
14 minutes ago
Subscriber only
Dylan Walker has been stood down by the NRL with chief executive Todd Greenberg using the new discretionary powers handed to him by the ARL commission.

The Sea Eagles announced Walker, who was charged with assaulting his partner in December but has pleaded not guilty to the matter, would be sidelined game’s new “no fault” stand down policy until the completion of his matter before the court.

“We accept this decision as part of the NRL’s drive to significantly uplift player behaviour and the overall image of the game on and off the field,’’ Sea Eagles CEO Lyall Gorman said.


Sea Eagles player Dylan Walker at Manly Court. Picture: AAP
“Equally Dylan’s welfare is paramount to us and we will continue to provide full support to him and his family.

“Naturally we are disappointed to lose Dylan from our playing squad.

“In discussions with the NRL earlier this morning, the club has been advised that a future application for salary cap relief as a result of this stand down will be looked upon favourably.

“Hopefully this matter will be finalised at the next scheduled hearing date on Friday, May 10.”


Born and bred an Eagle
Comfort zones do not build tough players . Sit back and watch our players respond like the great Spartan army that took on the world and conquered..
Dont waste your money on Blood pressure tablets , Spend it on Viagra

I love your enthusiasm, but wish to add a cautionary tale.. don’t take Viagra when watching footy, because I’ve heard that it’s a bit awkward screaming obscenities at the tv with an erection you could crack a flea on @:blush:


Journey Man
fair call @Bearfax

having said that..... if I am working for a bank, or the post office, or a telco, and I get done for a crime which sees me incarcerated or lose my licence, there is a high probability that I will lose my job. My family is then impacted.

My employer has no duty of care to support/protect my family - that is MY job. Which I failed at.

It can happen. In parts at least of the military if you are convicted of drink driving you will be sacked. Even if it has nothing to with the military eg on holidays


Journey Man
I am still mystified as to how another player can be available to fill a stood down player's spot.

Case could be dismissed, withdrawn or expedited and the new player is then meant to disappear :think:

Does it mean that a Club's roster be more than 30 players :think:

What Agent would allow their player to sign a casual contract and risk him being injured and not being able to secure a subsequent contract :think:

With Walker's hearing in 10 weeks, how the heck can he be stood down for 12 :banghead:


I would assume it would be on a loan scheme and would allow the club loaning the player to reduce their cap for that year or front load someone etc.


Engorged member
Comfort zones do not build tough players . Sit back and watch our players respond like the great Spartan army that took on the world and conquered..
Dont waste your money on Blood pressure tablets , Spend it on Viagra

You know who defeated the Spartans? The Thebans at the battle of Leuctra. Just like this ban.... 'The ban' has halted Dylan for a few weeks.
LOL! I love history!

Ahhh well....the more you get kicked in the guts, the harder your core gets. Bring it on. We'll still upset a few teams this year!!

bob dylan

First Grader
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Geez I am out of touch.

Reports Walker and Napa on $600k each.

Would of though I'd get change from that amount if I had them.

Harvies elbow

I'm a country member....... " Yes we remember "
2017 Tipping Competitor
Only because the godfather fired players at will behind closed doors. Protected the Fans from the crimes that some chose to commit @:cool:
Players didn't have the money in those days to hire lawyers to challenge the ARL.

Greenturd is trying to reclaim that power but now his authority is going to be challenged in a court :nerd:
Please some names HM.
Surely it's not too soon??


Journey Man
Tipping Member
Some players get stood down, others get character references.

Nothing to see here...

Too true . !!!
Drink driving and you have the potential to kill some one, run over a child like a speed bump , leave some one a paraplegic or a quadriplegic but to Todd it is good enough to give a player that commits this offence a glowing reference . Under Todd Drink Driving is not a bad look for the game , the fans and the sponsors . A great endorsement and glowing references to the drink driver offenders from an incompetent fool who seems to be running around in circles at the same time as he is running our game .
This is fcked

Harvies elbow

I'm a country member....... " Yes we remember "
2017 Tipping Competitor
Look at the players who suddenly went to country league for a spell :wait:

At least we weren't bombarded in the Media with the seedy things that they did.

Ignorance is bliss if some of your faves were fwits off the field :)
Ok I know one then
I'll do more research .


Sea Eagle forever
Tipping Member
How can the same bloke that let Russell Packer and Matt Lodge back into the game, and also gave Greg Inglis a glowing Character reference for his court appearance, now start handing out suspensions to blokes found guilty of nothing???
Cause he's best mates with Pell.

Brissie Kid

So the NRL has caved in to hysterical mob (social media and NRL media) and not stood up for a basic right we're all supposed to have (innocent until proven guilty).

I can understand a player charged with a criminal offence not being considered for rep footy, but club football is private companies vs private companies.

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