lolThe real conversation between Carney and Greenberg goes like this
Greenberg: Have you been a good boy Todd?
Carney: Yes sir.
Greenberg: Where would you like to play?
Carney: Its a toss up sir between the Cowboys and the Sea Eagles sir.
Greenberg: Hmm. Look you can start at the Cowboys next week Todd. If you choose the Sea Eagles though, I'll make sure you never play in the NRL again. Do we understand each other Todd?
Carney: Yes sir. But what if the Cowboys cant pay me enough.
Greenberg: Dont worry about it Todd. We at the NRL have a little slush fund for all the good boys in the game. But we'll string you up by the balls if you try to sign with those Sea Turkeys. Are we understanding each other now?
Carney: Yes sir. Can I use the bubbler now.
Greenberg: Of course. Use mine.
This site never stops giving.😀