The V'Landy's era .. Pass or fail poll

The World according to Pete has been ..

  • An overwhelming success .. brilliant.

  • Very good

  • A pass mark

  • needs to be better

  • A failure

  • Needs to be sacked immediately ..

  • Woodsie does too many polls and should do his own homework

Results are only viewable after voting.
we need to remember the NRLs tolerance and adjudication of the wrestle. still to this day they allow players to not only wrestle but put standing players to ground well after the ref has called held and apply extra efforts to do so, well after held has been called. when will this bubble burst due to bad media

the crusher tackle has been allowed to fester in the game too long and is now compounding the head knock strategy. its not a new problem but its adding plenty of issues to the latest realignment of the rules. constantly slacking off with rules and interpretations is in the hands of the admin. in fairness its there mess, if they have let it rot why do we believe they have the answers

sure the coaches engineer these tactics but history has shown they will always do so with the interchange and playing dead to earn the side an advantage the latest

Just because we know coaches and players will offer advice that suits them , does in know way mean they have nothing other to offer and arrogance/power trip alone it seems has made them an unnecessary addition to the games decisions. you gotta read the room as a boss as mutiny only derails the course

when did the tripping rule cease to be? who decided that, the judiciary, i presume there was no rule change just a change of heart by a few involved entrusted to overlook the integrity of the games rules

So instead we are taking advice from the broadcasters, wayne pearce and vlandys about rule changes as if they are some footy gods that dont have a vested interest like the coaches. the commission has done very little in its lifetime that instills confidence that they do anything but meet for lunch

i am not calling for vlandys head. better the devil you know, but the league is surrounded by a lot of the same issues that has been nobbling the game for years, in broadcaster influence ,knee jerk reactions, no long term plan, maybe its time some of the usual suspects were shown the door

wether we like it or not coaches are engineering the players we need in the next few years and longer. be good if they knew what the game would look like. should a 16 yo prop, slim down, muscle up, get a sprint coach, start marathons, take acting classes, or just get decent legal rep

Put your hand on your heart ... throw your mind back 12 months .. and tell me ... whether you believe the game was better under the blight of Melb, ScamSmith and the constant wrestle and slowing down of play ...

How quickly we forget .... followed by the robotic standard 5 tackle hit-ups and then the standard kick or backline block play ...

OR .. blowouts not withstanding ... the open attacking end to end footy we are currently seeing ... I have seen more length of the field tries and halves performing magic in the past 5 weeks than I saw in the past 5 years of wrestle mania ..
So ... the NRL shouldn't have introduced mandatory HIA assessments to stop the scenes of concussed players staggering around, falling over, and staying on the field .... because they should have predicted coaches would try to rort the free interchange rule ...
no issue with this as it is an ACTUAL medical response to an ACTUAL medical issue... that player is no good to anyone out on the field and is in danger...

I have not once argued that bad head-highs should not be punished - my problem is that these WERE being punished already and the current 'crack-down' is a farce that serves no real purpose except window-dressing (at the expense of the contest)...

So the NRL shouldn't have introduced the six again because we all loved watching the slowing down wrestle game so much ... and because a more open game with creative halves coming back into their own and putting on tries is in some way bad ...
not mid-season no - absolute farce and totally changed the way the game was played after the COVID break... was not justified or needed immediately and there was no reason it could not have been implemented before R1 of 2020 or 2021...

personally I hate it anyway because at least the refs are accountable for the penalty count...

and the NRL should have ignored the threat of head trauma litigation because coaches would coach players to take a dive ...
they did/do not have to take the p*ssy-ar*ed approach that they have where ANY contact - incidental, minimal, accidental, the lot - results in a penalty...

and they did not have to take the approach that if it is reckless and forceful (because it was delivered by a big bloke during a hit-up generally) then it is 10min yet if it is reckless and weak (like a one-on-one above the shoulder direct to the chin but delivered by a winger) it is just a penalty... it is either RECKLESS or it is not....

it is a total c*ck-up and they purposefully RUINED one of their best centre-pieces (magic round) - which is total malfeasance for mine...
that is why you sit bloke on the sideline...
a. does not ruin the game
b. shows that the game is serious about the issue
c. makes coaches sit up and take notice

you cannot implement on-field punitive measures for hits that creep up off the ball or from a falling player without changing the ethos of the game... it is not like a crusher where it purely comes down to bad tackling form, these 'high' contacts happen at speed and are often the result of other players (including the attacker) input...

but you can still get some real change by making it a very unattractive outcome and make blokes think about their technique etc....

at the moment the whole thing is nothing but a joke - the 'head high' on Laurie is a perfect example...

Yes, but it seems that most of your problems with it concerns more about how the bunker and ref's are adjudicating and grading offences than the fact the NRL had a crackdown ..

I too think some of the face slaps a joke ... but I am confident we will arrive at a sensible outcome ..
Yes, but it seems that most of your problems with it concerns more about how the bunker and ref's are adjudicating and grading offences than the fact the NRL had a crackdown ..

I too think some of the face slaps a joke ... but I am confident we will arrive at a sensible outcome ..
I get that but the fact that they let it get to this point, and willingly ruined one of their greatest spectacles, does not instill the same level of confidence in me... plus I think the mechanisms were in place already and a 'crack-down' was unnecessary (deal with it in the MRC and send BAD ones off)

plus I am not a fan of mid-season changes EVER... it is a reflection upon the disorganised nature of the powers that be that they think there is something so fundamentally wrong with the game that it HAS to be changed IMMEDIATELY - yet they never picked up on it all off-season...

personally I reckon...

He’s got the game moving in the right direction. It will take some teams and coaches longer than others to adapt. As mentioned by others, slight tweaks to the way the rules are implemented might be needed.

He’s a lot better than gallop and even more betterer than Turdy.
Yeah but the sport was better to watch under gallop and turdy. PV has just changed the dynamic of the sport to suit highlight reels
So, in summary.

No one wants to see intentional or reckless head high contact go unpunished.

Almost everyone thinks the mid-season rule changes is policy on the run. An approach no other sporting code employs. Funny that.

Most people would like the NRL to reconsider the attack at all costs approach they have implemented. It's not Big Bash Cricket, Pete.

A tiny percentage of posters enjoy the game more since the rule changes, crackdowns, and whistle happy pinkies decided to take centre stage.

The grumblings are growing louder.

The NRL will likely take a few backward steps in the coming weeks to save face.
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The NRL will likely take a few backward steps in the coming weeks to save face.

Starting Wednesday night, no doubt.

They are screwed either way now anyway.

Ref SOO like the last few weeks and cop the backlash, or start letting stuff go, and cop the backlash.

Either way, the refs are the biggest talking point in that what we want ?
they don't want less high tackles ... they want NO high tackles ...

Impossible to achieve. Less high tackles is as good as it well ever get in this sport. Unless we go to tag/touch.
Which I think is ultimately inevitable btw.

And the Coaches and players have been given "incentives" that benefit them .. don't hit high and you won't have players sent off ... don't hold down in tackles and you won't have six again against you ..

Punitive measures create what we have here....extra power to refs, dissention amongst the powers that be, media stirring everyone up, etc.

If you want the coaches and the rest on-board, give them incentives to coach to the way you want, to get the outcomes you want.
Impossible to achieve. Less high tackles is as good as it well ever get in this sport. Unless we go to tag/touch.
Which I think is ultimately inevitable btw.

Punitive measures create what we have here....extra power to refs, dissention amongst the powers that be, media stirring everyone up, etc.

If you want the coaches and the rest on-board, give them incentives to coach to the way you want, to get the outcomes you want.
Reads like a summary of professional fake wrestling.
Put your hand on your heart ... throw your mind back 12 months .. and tell me ... whether you believe the game was better under the blight of Melb, ScamSmith and the constant wrestle and slowing down of play ...

How quickly we forget .... followed by the robotic standard 5 tackle hit-ups and then the standard kick or backline block play ...

OR .. blowouts not withstanding ... the open attacking end to end footy we are currently seeing ... I have seen more length of the field tries and halves performing magic in the past 5 weeks than I saw in the past 5 years of wrestle mania ..
While i wont ignore the merit of what you say regarding the expansive game, i can not ignore the blowouts either. A contest is the aim of the game and many are not

its not to say tinkering with the existing ruck and application as opposed to changing rules would not have provided a better, less disruptive product and response from the games stakeholders. The ref has never been more in the spotlight if thats possible when we all know the game is best when they fade into the contest

Billy birminghams said it best as richie benaud. We will do it as a team , and will do it MY WAY

It sounded smug and arrogant when billy said it for a reason. Hail king Richie , hail the great man
Impossible to achieve. Less high tackles is as good as it well ever get in this sport. Unless we go to tag/touch.
Which I think is ultimately inevitable btw.

Punitive measures create what we have here....extra power to refs, dissention amongst the powers that be, media stirring everyone up, etc.

If you want the coaches and the rest on-board, give them incentives to coach to the way you want, to get the outcomes you want.

But none of what you suggest even begins to mitigate the only important issue that faces the entire game ... and that is that the ruling body not only appears to be exercising the appropriate level of duty of care but in fact is implementing the very rules and punishments that are necessary to avoid any negligence litigation ...

You can't be sued for accidents .. but you can be sued for not taking action to minimise them ... and you can be held responsible for delaying any action once you become aware of a danger ..
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While i wont ignore the merit of what you say regarding the expansive game, i can not ignore the blowouts either. A contest is the aim of the game and many are not

its not to say tinkering with the existing ruck and application as opposed to changing rules would not have provided a better, less disruptive product and response from the games stakeholders. The ref has never been more in the spotlight if thats possible when we all know the game is best when they fade into the contest

Billy birminghams said it best as richie benaud. We will do it as a team , and will do it MY WAY

It sounded smug and arrogant when billy said it for a reason. Hail king Richie , hail the great man

Agree regarding contest ...

But ref's have always held the power to sway games ... back in my day it was through the awarding of penalties for infringements in the woeful disasters that were called scrums .. nearly every one of them resulted in a penalty and the ref could justifiably give the penalty to either side for 5 different reasons ..
But none of what you suggest even begins to mitigate the only important issue that faces the entire game ... and that is that the ruling body not only appears to be exercising the appropriate level of duty of care but in fact is implementing the very rules and punishments that are necessary to avoid any negligence litigation ...

You can't be used for accidents .. but you can be sued for not taking action to minimise them ... and you can be held responsible for delaying any action once you become aware of a danger ..
but would you not agree that putting blokes on the sideline for weeks as a result of incidental contact is a greater punitive measure than 10 min in the bin??

My question for you is this - Do you believe that the 10min in the bin will in any way lessen the NRL's negligence in a future CTE claim? Or is it mechanisms like HIA, mandatory stand-down periods, independent doctor evaluations, directives to clubs and heavy suspensions that will matter?
but would you not agree that putting blokes on the sideline for weeks as a result of incidental contact is a greater punitive measure than 10 min in the bin??

My question for you is this - Do you believe that the 10min in the bin will in any way lessen the NRL's negligence in a future CTE claim? Or is it mechanisms like HIA, mandatory stand-down periods, independent doctor evaluations, directives to clubs and heavy suspensions that will matter?

I think all those things you mention have a bearing on minimising the codes exposure to litigation .. the sin bins and send off's ably demonstrate that the League in no way abides unlawful actions ..

And let's be serious ... 90% of the swinging arms that result in a send off won't be contested ... and they will probably get 70% of the sin bins right ...but there will always be some that people will disagree on ..
Agree regarding contest ...

But ref's have always held the power to sway games ... back in my day it was through the awarding of penalties for infringements in the woeful disasters that were called scrums .. nearly every one of them resulted in a penalty and the ref could justifiably give the penalty to either side for 5 different reasons ..
i think we all agree on player welfare. Inventing 15 new grades of crusher tackle at the same time lacked foresight. As did not thinking through how the coaches will milk it.

We like attacking footy if its balanced with defence. Implementing the rule on the run lacked foresight as many many fans have objected

Implementing them weeks apart and in the wrong order lackes foresight

As you can see a pattern is forming. Its kind of like becoming CEO of commbank and announcing. Its clear customers are shying away from cash, thats why we will be imposing sheckles on all of our customers tomorrow. Get used to it. If business want to survive get sheckled
Lol, I think Woodsie's point was that you wouldn't reasonably expect consultation with the dog to produce better outcome here 🙂

Yeah, years ago there was a big push for a banking reform ... so the silly buggers in the Gov't did the unbelievable ... they pretty much limited there enquiries to people "in" the banking Industry ... needless to say nothing changed ..
i think we all agree on player welfare. Inventing 15 new grades of crusher tackle at the same time lacked foresight. As did not thinking through how the coaches will milk it.

We like attacking footy if its balanced with defence. Implementing the rule on the run lacked foresight as many many fans have objected

Implementing them weeks apart and in the wrong order lackes foresight

As you can see a pattern is forming. Its kind of like becoming CEO of commbank and announcing. Its clear customers are shying away from cash, thats why we will be imposing sheckles on all of our customers tomorrow. Get used to it. If business want to survive get sheckled

There has never been one rule since 1908 that coaches and players haven't within weeks gotten up to numbnuttery ... I am certain those at head office where not surprised .. but had to see how the most recent rorting and diving was going to manifest itself before taking action to counter it ..

Remember even the simple introduction of the 40/20 .. no biggee , simple ... but within weeks they had to impliment a rule that said the ballboy had to put the ball on the ground at the linesman's feet ... because teams were coaching their ballboys to throw the ball to their players on the run .. but to delay or have trouble finding a ball if it was the other team ..

Numbnuttery is as numbnuttery does
the sin bins and send off's ably demonstrate that the League in no way abides unlawful actions ..
if you actually believe that then ANY contact with the head (including an attacker raising the ball carrying arm or leading with their hip) should result in a sin-binning.... to send the right message...

...sadly, we may be headed down that road...

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