I am having extreme difficulty taking anything that people calling for V'Landy's to listen to the Coaches and players seriously ...
These are the same coaches and players that introduced and mastered the greatest scurge the game has every seen .. the Wrestle ..
These are the same coaches and players that within minutes of the head high crackdown introduced the next big scurge on the game .... the Hollywood dive ..
These are the same coaches and players that have within minutes of the HIA protocols introduced the free interchange rorting . ..
These are the same coaches and players that will say and do anything for an opportunistic advantage without a thought as to what it will do to the "spectacle of the game ..
we need to remember the NRLs tolerance and adjudication of the wrestle. still to this day they allow players to not only wrestle but put standing players to ground well after the ref has called held and apply extra efforts to do so, well after held has been called. when will this bubble burst due to bad media
the crusher tackle has been allowed to fester in the game too long and is now compounding the head knock strategy. its not a new problem but its adding plenty of issues to the latest realignment of the rules. constantly slacking off with rules and interpretations is in the hands of the admin. in fairness its there mess, if they have let it rot why do we believe they have the answers
sure the coaches engineer these tactics but history has shown they will always do so with the interchange and playing dead to earn the side an advantage the latest
Just because we know coaches and players will offer advice that suits them , does in know way mean they have nothing other to offer and arrogance/power trip alone it seems has made them an unnecessary addition to the games decisions. you gotta read the room as a boss as mutiny only derails the course
when did the tripping rule cease to be? who decided that, the judiciary, i presume there was no rule change just a change of heart by a few involved entrusted to overlook the integrity of the games rules
So instead we are taking advice from the broadcasters, wayne pearce and vlandys about rule changes as if they are some footy gods that dont have a vested interest like the coaches. the commission has done very little in its lifetime that instills confidence that they do anything but meet for lunch
i am not calling for vlandys head. better the devil you know, but the league is surrounded by a lot of the same issues that has been nobbling the game for years, in broadcaster influence ,knee jerk reactions, no long term plan, maybe its time some of the usual suspects were shown the door
wether we like it or not coaches are engineering the players we need in the next few years and longer. be good if they knew what the game would look like. should a 16 yo prop, slim down, muscle up, get a sprint coach, start marathons, take acting classes, or just get decent legal rep