@Brisbane Tragic .... And food for thought .. you are an intelligent man and honest in your views .. I would like your response to this situation ... because to me it is an important part of the build up to the drama that is being ignored ... and one that to me, points specifically to the mindset of the club in the days prior to the bruhaha ..
I have done the simple maths and the chances of randomly picking 3 players from the usual starting 17 to get an advance look at the Jerseys and model them ... and ending up with the 3 non-Polynesian players ... Keppie, Foran and Garrick .. is ... wait for it ... one (1) chance in ninety one (91)
Question ... Either the laws of probability have been breached ... or the club knew there would be a drama and deliberately acted to keep the polynesian players in the dark ...
Which do you think it was ..
PSS (for those checking my maths ... I withdrew Croker, Davey and Jake due to the fact that last week I assume they would have been unavailable due to covid ISO)