Okay uncle Peter Garrick thanks for the input. I used 'crushing' on him in its many and various iterations in this constantly shifting landscape of terminology that is one instant meaning something then the next termed derogatory.
I think in your case 'crushing' with no sexual or romantic permutations may have been pretty accurate 😁
The bloke can't tackle anything without a sideline for help. He is also a lazy defender. He also hasn't played centre for seven years. He also hasn't shown in his body language any culpability in his own actions as fricking under ten level to anyone with a modicum of rugby league knowledge of players, plays, structure or general common sense since his first tepid foray into the field of centre play.
He is a defensive liability I have been calling out all year and fans on this page like yourself have argued with. Just don't Peter cause this is me responding on the toilet I'm two minutes with a class about to start in five (and before your little half syphilitic sandwich lovin' brain thinks oh he's a student, nah man I'm a teacher).
Teachers are usually good at holding their **** in. REALLY DUCKING GOOD. Cause you can't leave a class full of kids to go and drop your guts unattended.
And this is me only half warmed up, friend, I keep myself civil here.
But take this to heart. Seriously. Reuben Garrick cannot defend at centre. Lachlan Croker cannot play hooker at Sydney shield level.
Let's debate this civilly or duck off uncle Garrick.
Fire Hashira out.