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Journey Man
Chez was just on Fox refuting all the backflip rumors and stating how the stalking of his family is not on. Nothing has or will change and he understands that the speculation will unfortunately continue till round 13.@:cool:

Erin Molan started all this, why doesn't she come out and detail what caused her to believe that there is a backflip and to put it on as the headline news :mad:


No complaints from anyone when Lewis,Papaalli,Tedesoco or the Maatuua (brothers back flipped) and no complaints will be coming when RTS back flips and stays at the rossters yet DCE is the devil according 2 the media and is disloyal and owes it 2 the tiatns 2 go there.

NRL's rule and they have no 1 to blame but themselves the day news corp ENCOURAGED young players to break contracts with super league this is what we have.

Did someone mention karma.


Chez was just on Fox refuting all the backflip rumors and stating how the stalking of his family is not on. Nothing has or will change and he understands that the speculation will unfortunately continue till round 13.@:cool:

Erin Molan started all this, why doesn't she come out and detail what caused her to believe that there is a backflip and to put it on as the headline news :mad:

So why was Joe Kelly and Orr at a meeting together at Fox?


Living in the demountable.
I call that rubbish if we offered according 2 Joe Kelly 1.8 mill (900thou) each for Foz and DCE and we can't find 1.2 I find that hard 2 believe.

If we are "scrambling" and passing the "hat" around I find it a worry for the future of the club.

Penn did say he had 1mill each for Christmas 1 is going and he can't find 200 thou?
No, there is no money left after all the signings they've announced...


First Grader
I call that rubbish if we offered according 2 Joe Kelly 1.8 mill (900thou) each for Foz and DCE and we can't find 1.2 I find that hard 2 believe.

If we are "scrambling" and passing the "hat" around I find it a worry for the future of the club.

Penn did say he had 1mill each for Christmas 1 is going and he can't find 200 thou?
Sack Hasson and give his salary to DCE


Journey Man
So why was Joe Kelly and Orr at a meeting together at Fox?
Ask them - it could be for another Player in the Orr stables.

It could be something that Bozo told JK to explore and Chez would not be aware of a counter offer in that case.
But, both JK and Chez are on record stating that Manly are not interested in changing Chez's mind @:cool:

Its really interesting how Chez is being attacked by the Media over a possible change.
Weidler's section on him yesterday was incredible for a reporter that makes his living out of interviewing sports people - where's T'eo to set him straight.:mad:

Chez has a right to sign with whichever Club till Round 13 without harassment by these hacks@:mad:


We should be rolling in cash (salary cap wise) for next season so we shouldn't be putting around the begging bowl.

We need a marquee signing 2 lift the spirits only way 2 get 1 is open the purse straps.


I'd rather Elgey for 1/3 of DCE price.

So would I and that should be an easy sell but it appears he wants 2 stay at the coast from the few stories I have read.

Little disconcerting if you ask me.

I just hope the club isn't wasting time hoping and praying they can convince either player 2 stay and we miss out on other players.


First Grader
Always been a huge supporter of DCE, but what im seeing of Elgey lately, if DCE does go, we must get Elgey! Young with huge potential and 1/3 of the price of Daley. Never thought much of Maloney (been leaning towards Carney) but Maloney had a whale of a game on the weekend in very high quality match. Put both tries on in crunch times of the match with superb balls, then kicked a goal from the sideline to level the scores with minutes to go and didn't miss one tackle all game. Again, would cost around half of dce which means we can still go after rep forwards which we desperately need!!


Tipping Member
I'm concerned that DCE is still just mucking us around and Elgey will think the way our club is managed is a joke and we will end up missing out on both.


Premium Member
Seriously the amount of media articles on DCE is out of control. Paul Kent is comparing the integrity of Muhammad Ali not wanting to step forward to join the armed forces to DCE potentially not signing with the Titans? Granted DCE's integrity will come under the microscope but there have been plenty of non-Manly players to have backflipped and there was no where near the media BS surrounding it.

Doesn't bode well for Manly if they are hoping of DCE to sign as the media is painting him out to be the biggest vilian in history. He will probably just cave in.

How hard is it to make a signing period between Sept-Jan with a cooling off period of Feb and locked in by March when the season begins. 6 mths to sort out contracts is more than adequate and there is no second guessing when Rd 1 is underway!!


These media guy's are just cretins they are now into word games and if he doesn't utter exactly what they want they print this junk.

1 his mum has said he is not back flipping

2 his manager say's he is not back flipping

3 the only guy's reporting a back flip are the media who are now reporting that he won't deny the back flip that they appear 2 have made up lol

I'm disappointed DCE is leaving but the media should get off his back imo


Living in the demountable.
I do believe that story I saw somewhere on the weekend about DCE wanting a career in the media, which they believe is what the Fox thing was about. Like the idiot only realised AFTER that if he goes to the GC, he'll screw himself because he can't be on one of Fox's 15 footy shows. So if Manly can help get him a media contract then that could get him to stay. But that same story went on to say that if that is what DCE wants, he's royally ****ed up his own plan via his signing shenanigans. Also, they kind of ripped him for his his bull****ty camera style. Like they said he comes across as very fake and disingenuous. Which is 100% true. He's way too measured. You get the gigs by speaking the truth, not spin laden bull****.

**** the idiot should just talk to Tooves, Mason and Ballin - they all have deals with Fox.

He is he isn't its about money its about TV deals... ****ING OVER IT (yet here I am posting more **** **** this all why can't it just be about footy..?)


Journey Man
The Media are the ones who invented a non-story that they then insist Chez validate by answering :confused: Ritchie insisting on the exact wording of a retraction is ludicrous even for a hack :banghead:

How does integrity come into it? Its not like Chez is GI who walked out on a handshake deal with the Broncos.
The NRL system states that its an open market till 1st July@:cool:

It would be the height of irony if RTS is the one who actually backflips :D

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