The Anthony Seibold Grievances MEGA THREAD

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Reserve Grader
I dont think you guys understand how badly Siebs is killing this club. Not just for now but for many years to come, with all these horrible recruitment decisions we will be bottom 6 team for the next 5 years.
And i am also done with these weak participation award fans. You are not Manly. The Manly i know win or die trying, nothing else is acceptable. Weak coach, weak gen z fanbase.


First Grader
I dont think you guys understand how badly Siebs is killing this club. Not just for now but for many years to come, with all these horrible recruitment decisions we will be bottom 6 team for the next 5 years.
And i am also done with these weak participation award fans. You are not Manly. The Manly i know win or die trying, nothing else is acceptable. Weak coach, weak gen z fanbase.

Totally correct. When Seibold is gone we will be stuck with 30+ age journeymen and would have let go Schuster, Fainu brothers, Humphreys, Weekes to all play first grade for other clubs.


First Grader
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Totally correct. When Seibold is gone we will be stuck with 30+ age journeymen and would have let go Schuster, Fainu brothers, Humphreys, Weekes to all play first grade for other clubs.


I find it hard to totally blame Siebs though.

He is coaching for his career today, with some uncertainty around his job.

He needs instant success and is doing what he thinks is the best thing to get it.

Ricky Stuart on the other hand has the luxury of another 5 year contract to nuture his youth, and recently invest in more.

Ours is a club problem, stemming from the owner, and especially his antics with our coaches over the last decade.


First Grader


First Grader
Premium Member
Totally correct. When Seibold is gone we will be stuck with 30+ age journeymen and would have let go Schuster, Fainu brothers, Humphreys, Weekes to all play first grade for other clubs.
Who are these journeymen that Seibold has signed or resigned that we are committed to next year?


I was anti Brown when we signed him but I think he has been quite good.

Beyond that our signings and resignings this year have been 21, 22, 22, 22 and 23.

Also in November and December we re-signed a 19 yr old and a 25 yr old Origin player.


First Grader
Tipping Member
Who are these journeymen that Seibold has signed or resigned that we are committed to next year?


I was anti Brown when we signed him but I think he has been quite good.

Beyond that our signings and resignings this year have been 21, 22, 22, 22 and 23.

Also in November and December we re-signed a 19 yr old and a 25 yr old Origin player.

I think seibs cut XV-1 grass. There is no hidden agenda there he always provides a balanced point of view 😂


First Grader
Who are these journeymen that Seibold has signed or resigned that we are committed to next year?


I was anti Brown when we signed him but I think he has been quite good.

Beyond that our signings and resignings this year have been 21, 22, 22, 22 and 23.

Also in November and December we re-signed a 19 yr old and a 25 yr old Origin player.
Brown was playing for a contract,of course he was going to put in an effort.Its next season that’ll be the one to keep an eye on.Should of only signed him for one year,although I assume he’s not breaking the cap


First Grader
Premium Member
Brown was playing for a contract,of course he was going to put in an effort.Its next season that’ll be the one to keep an eye on.Should of only signed him for one year,although I assume he’s not breaking the cap
Yeah I would have gone year by year but I can cop two.

As you say, I doubt he is on huge money


So if it’s Seibold’s fault/lack of coaching ability/selection/game plan etc when we lose, whose fault is it when we win?

36-24 over the Bunnies
21-14 over the Roosters
32-18 over the Panthers
34-30 over the Titans
32-18 over the Eels
26-20 over the Storm
30-14 over the Dragons

Who was responsible for this impressive list of victories, featuring several top 4 teams? 🤔


Premium Member
If we sack Seibold, can we find someone to come in and replace Penn. Have not seen nor heard from the flog since he had his week in the Limelight in Vegas.


First Grader
Premium Member
If we sack Seibold, can we find someone to come in and replace Penn. Have not seen nor heard from the flog since he had his week in the Limelight in Vegas.
To be fair, thats how it should be.

The CEO and Coach should be the ones running things and the ones we hear from.

*sorry @mave I should have read ahead, just parroting you here 😂😂


Premium Member
Good. That's the way it should be.

Just sign the cheques, and stay out of operations.
You kidding me. Wouldn't it be nice to have a Russel Crowe (who I don't personally like) or a Matt Trip who have an actual passion for their club, or are seen occasionally, get involved occasionally and genuinely care for the club they own. Penn does SFA except sign a few cheques with not enough zeros on them. 2014 he took full control and history will show you the results.


Premium Member
To be fair, thats how it should be.

The CEO and Coach should be the ones running things and the ones we hear from.

*sorry @mave I should have read ahead, just parroting you here 😂😂
You kidding me. Wouldn't it be nice to have a Russel Crowe (who I don't personally like) or a Matt Trip who have an actual passion for their club, or are seen occasionally, get involved occasionally and genuinely care for the club they own. Penn does SFA except sign a few cheques with not enough zeros on them. 2014 he took full control and history will show you the results.


So if it’s Seibold’s fault/lack of coaching ability/selection/game plan etc when we lose, whose fault is it when we win?

36-24 over the Bunnies
21-14 over the Roosters
32-18 over the Panthers
34-30 over the Titans
32-18 over the Eels
26-20 over the Storm
30-14 over the Dragons

Who was responsible for this impressive list of victories, featuring several top 4 teams? 🤔
7 wins is simply not an impressive list FFS. Have a look at the table, we are 11th after 16 rounds, 2023 we were 12th and 2022 9th. Show me the improvement under this useless coach????


First Grader
Premium Member
Tipping Member
You kidding me. Wouldn't it be nice to have a Russel Crowe (who I don't personally like) or a Matt Trip who have an actual passion for their club, or are seen occasionally, get involved occasionally and genuinely care for the club they own. Penn does SFA except sign a few cheques with not enough zeros on them. 2014 he took full control and history will show you the results.

Lmao....have you been asleep for the last decade?

Anytime Penn is seen, things go to sht.


First Grader
Premium Member
7 wins is simply not an impressive list FFS. Have a look at the table, we are 11th after 16 rounds, 2023 we were 12th and 2022 9th. Show me the improvement under this useless coach????
We'll likely be in the 8 next week pending results though.

That said, results are all over the shop so who knows.

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