The Anthony Seibold Grievances MEGA THREAD

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We'll likely be in the 8 next week pending results though.

That said, results are all over the shop so who knows.
Do you wanna bet on whether we will play finals or not. We are a 10-14 place team and have not improved at all under the man who took Brisbane to the spoon. I simply cannot comprehend why so many in this place are so wilfully blind to just how bad this “weapon” is 😩


First Grader
Premium Member
Do you wanna bet on whether we will play finals or not. We are a 10-14 place team and have not improved at all under the man who took Brisbane to the spoon. I simply cannot comprehend why so many in this place are so wilfully blind to just how bad this “weapon” is 😩
Whats your bet?

I am once scorned though, I previously did a bet on here for someone who said Dolphins wouldn't win a game last year. Was to donate to the website and they never stood by their word.

I actually still think we are a good shot at the 8, very good draw, troops coming back.

Only 6 teams have won more games than us and only 5 have had less losses. We are still right in the mix.


First Grader
Tipping Member
When was our last big blue chip signing ?

Awkward Cricket GIF

Fibro Eagle

Premium Member
Tipping Member
Seibold can’t be responsible for dropped balls , bad reads , or going the wrong direction, But most think that’s all on him , It’s easy to say after the result should have played him there and him there .
The team has showed they can play attacking football and defend at times but this team can’t play for a full 80 mins , They are fit enough but there is something missing , Whether you want to Blame Seibold for everything , but how many times are you yelling at the playing when watching the game or are you yelling at Seibold for that player missing the tackle or dropping the ball or taking the wrong option
The whole organisation is responsible for where Manly is at the moment not just Seibold


Do you wanna bet on whether we will play finals or not. We are a 10-14 place team and have not improved at all under the man who took Brisbane to the spoon. I simply cannot comprehend why so many in this place are so wilfully blind to just how bad this “weapon” is 😩
Yeah, Righto. He left after round 13 that year.


Premium Member
Tipping Member
Do you wanna bet on whether we will play finals or not. We are a 10-14 place team and have not improved at all under the man who took Brisbane to the spoon. I simply cannot comprehend why so many in this place are so wilfully blind to just how bad this “weapon” is 😩

I'm your huckleberry @Ralphie $20 PayPal bet. Payable to @Dan at the end of the regular season.


Let’s all have a chew!
We'll likely be in the 8 next week pending results though.

That said, results are all over the shop so who knows.
IF we’d won v Souths and results go/went our way we’d be 4th after next week. That’s how close the comp is. As it stands we are where we are. I’ll judge Siebold at the end of the season. Until then, we lost on the weekend, onto next week v bye.


First Grader
Premium Member
IF we’d won v Souths and results go/went our way we’d be 4th after next week. That’s how close the comp is. As it stands we are where we are. I’ll judge Siebold at the end of the season. Until then, we lost on the weekend, onto next week v bye.
Agreed, get behind Seibold for the season, but if we dont make the 8 then its time to have a think.


Reserve Grader
You kidding me. Wouldn't it be nice to have a Russel Crowe (who I don't personally like) or a Matt Trip who have an actual passion for their club, or are seen occasionally, get involved occasionally and genuinely care for the club they own. Penn does SFA except sign a few cheques with not enough zeros on them. 2014 he took full control and history will show you the results.
Russell Crowe has SFA to do with Souths... wait that's being generous, he bullied Luke Keary out of Souths and straight into a premiership team. Matt Tripp? A News Corpse faceless man.

You lot are genuinely stuck in the past, Manly aren't playing in a capless competition. Instead of crying about Seibold suggest a realistic replacement, Seibold is still playing with the plodders Hasler stacked us with - like every club he's touched.

Short memories around here, must be the lead poisoning.
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Reserve Grader
So if it’s Seibold’s fault/lack of coaching ability/selection/game plan etc when we lose, whose fault is it when we win?

36-24 over the Bunnies
21-14 over the Roosters
32-18 over the Panthers
34-30 over the Titans
32-18 over the Eels
26-20 over the Storm
30-14 over the Dragons

Who was responsible for this impressive list of victories, featuring several top 4 teams? 🤔
Easy answer . Bunnies are **** , Roosters not at full strength, Panthers weren’t at full strength , Titans we had a leg up from the refs plus they were missing 6-7 players that game , eels also not at full strength, Storm also missing key players , Dragons are crap but our most impressive win …


Reserve Grader
Starting to feel a bit concerned with how many young talented players we have let go the past season. Weekes and Sammy fainu look like they are going to fulfill their potential and Jamie Humphries sounds like he’s headed to Souths.. just wondering what the hell our succession plan is once Dce is done.
Team P W L PD Pts
15 12 3 113 28
15 10 5 108 24
15 10 5 77 24
16 10 6 195 22
15 8 7 64 20
15 8 7 40 20
16 9 7 2 20
15 8 7 -30 20
15 7 7 28 19
15 7 8 21 18
15 7 8 -47 18
15 7 8 -89 18
16 7 8 -31 17
14 5 9 -112 16
14 4 10 -71 14
15 4 11 -129 12
15 4 11 -139 12
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