The Anthony Seibold Grievances MEGA THREAD

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Seibs response of. We had no one else. Was alarming.
It was Arthur’s. and druggie. And literally no one.
Not that he wasn’t ready. Or had things to work on.

There’s clearly is an issue that we don’t know about. Or as mentioned they would have put him in at 14. And then moved the team around for 20 mins if it didn’t work


Journey Man
Tipping Member
the old participation award , it’s unacceptable that people accept loses as a positive

place is a joke
Happiness is Manly Winning
Have a look just how Happy this Manly Baby is
Manly have scored the Winning try
There are tears of Joy in Every Manly souls eye
It does not get any better than this
And this is the Pinnacle of Manly Happiness
Nothing come close
Nothing compares to the end of game Cheers of Manly Winning
You take that smile to your grave
What a way to go !


First Grader
Premium Member
Not sure it was a terrible loss - just not a pretty way to go down
I mean we had opportunities down there end and looked unlikely
Was it majestic South's defence or a lack of Attacking ability ?
I'll take the easy option and say most NRL sides would have scored a minimum of 2 tries vs that Rabbids defence
But in saying that, not on the coach, but those NRL players unable to execute many opportunities I. Key position


KT 623
Premium Member
Tipping Member
He looked edgy and a bit red in the face explaining tonights offerings. Brown looked liked he wanted to add something, Seibs couldn't wait to get outa there asap.
The so called Journos there just go along with his bullshiit. Why didn’t anyone ask about Humphreys omission?
Why didn’t anyone ask Siebold if he felt proud and brave about the fact it’s been 75 years since Souths held us to nil?
Why didn’t they ask why we kept throwing the ball from one side to the other, inevitably finding the touch line? Is that the sort of game plan you stick to when it’s pissing down rain?
No we can’t ask anything that may be deemed as controversial these days.
The only one I felt sorry for was Nathan Brown. He had a red hot crack. Then he had to sit next to gravel gutz spilling his crap.


If Seibold wants that extension he's been asking for, then he's done nothing to improve his position. Granted last week's win was great, tonight he should've backed that up with selecting a strong side with remaining troops, except he chose players out of positions and what looked like no game plan. Just go out there and see what you can muster is what it looked like. Vermin were rubbish, yet we were worse. Mestrov should have plenty of questions for Seibold and his selections.
Lucky to keep his job not get an extension. Diabolical decision not to give Jamie a run. Treatment of Gordie too. Not giving them a proper go before letting them go.


First Grader
Tipping Member
We’re 7 and 7. Mid Year. Again with plenty of injures and issues.

And we’ve beaten the Roosters panthers and storm

His career will be decided on how we perform after round 20. With most of the team back. And in the run to the finals.

If we fall again. His out

Up until this week I haven’t been that disappointed with seibs this season. However, todays selections were puzzling to say the least. We have a reasonable run home with plenty of troops returning so anything but a finals appearance is an abject failure. Happy with him getting an extension if we make the 8 but see you later if we don’t.
The so called Journos there just go along with his bullshiit. Why didn’t anyone ask about Humphreys omission?
Why didn’t anyone ask Siebold if he felt proud and brave about the fact it’s been 75 years since Souths held us to nil?
Why didn’t they ask why we kept throwing the ball from one side to the other, inevitably finding the touch line? Is that the sort of game plan you stick to when it’s pissing down rain?
No we can’t ask anything that may be deemed as controversial these days.
The only one I felt sorry for was Nathan Brown. He had a red hot crack. Then he had to sit next to gravel gutz spilling his crap.
His pressers make me sick, you are right, its like the journo,s are too scared to ask the hard questions, maybe they are sick of his pressers as well lol. Brad Arthur where are you


First Grader
Premium Member
Tipping Member
I think we have improved under seibs in most disciplines but we are still a pretty dumb footy team

I dont think we gain anything by making seibs think too short term unless we have a really decent replacement in the bag. But Manly isnt going to oay that kind of dollars

Best we could hope for is a brad artur type who has some loyal followers maybe

You dont get succession plans unless coaches can see a reason and that reason is there own future.
Why build a 5 year roster if your there for 2

Seibs stays but extensions are moderate and not a priority until seasons end at best. Talk after christmas, but we want you unless the clearys want to come home to manly, for cheap

Eagle 1

First Grader
The so called Journos there just go along with his bullshiit. Why didn’t anyone ask about Humphreys omission?
Why didn’t anyone ask Siebold if he felt proud and brave about the fact it’s been 75 years since Souths held us to nil?
Why didn’t they ask why we kept throwing the ball from one side to the other, inevitably finding the touch line? Is that the sort of game plan you stick to when it’s pissing down rain?
No we can’t ask anything that may be deemed as controversial these days.
The only one I felt sorry for was Nathan Brown. He had a red hot crack. Then he had to sit next to gravel gutz spilling his crap.
yeah, i only listen to 1 in 3 after game pressers from Seibs. There's always a sameness about them, like he's reading from last weekend's script. On the reporters, who are and what credentials do these people have to ask footy smart questions of Siebold, it's just a lot nothing questions really. Would love to have a Gus Gould or Johns asking pertinent questions the thinking footy fans would want to be asked, or is this to much to explain to a lot of disappointed footy fans on the night.


First Grader
Premium Member
It's called toxic positivity mate, and most of the fanbase have accepted, promote and celebrate it now.

I was told this week by a numpty here, celebrating and being happy after a loss "is where it's at".

So I've basically given up now. No-one seems to care anymore. There were some in the GameDay thread talking about how proud they were and how everyone else should be too.

People's standards are in their arses these days. Sorry.
Serious question, why would the way other fans support Manly lead you to give up?

Particularly anonymous fans in an online forum.

I enjoy coming in and talking footy here, thats why I do it, but....and no offence to any of the posters here, what is said does not effect how I live my life.

Tragic Eagle

Premium Member
Tipping Member
A tough game with this squad. The effort was there. A game we were never going to win, and we never looked like winning. Not going to compete when battered by a 10 - 3 penalty count. Inevitable outcome.

It’s easier to coach a side at full strength than it is to bring out something special in last night’s circumstances. We put in some disappointing performances at near full strength this season and have thrown away at least 6 competition points. Last night is not the reason we are languishing outside of the 8.

We have more than enough talent in the squad to make the 8 this year and a sufficient platform to get there. We blew a real chance to press for a top 4 finish this season and now we will be doing well to make the 8. Can our coach get them there?


We just have to accept we are going to always be a club that just makes up the numbers.
The success we got used to ended over 10 years ago and is never coming back, I feel we are like Norths and I won't see a premiership again in my life time.
We will jag a few top eight finishes but the majority of seasons we will miss out.

How do teams like the Storm and Roosters attract players and rarely miss the finals, we should be the same and continued on when we were the same 10 years ago.

We aren't going to attract a top name coach or players.
The club has gone through coaches, players and CEOs like there is no tomorrow and the only thing that hasn't changed is the owner. He has been the biggest handbrake on the club and always will be.
To succeed we need a owner like Nick Politis, he doesn't put up with mediocre and has the passion for his team and makes sure things happen.


Reserve Grader
Willing to give Seibold a pass for last night as we were likely never going to win even if his team selection wasn’t as disgraceful as it was. But with our run home if we fail to make the 8 again, that should spell the end of both his Manly and NRL coaching career
Team P W L PD Pts
15 12 3 113 28
15 10 5 108 24
15 10 5 77 24
16 10 6 195 22
15 8 7 64 20
15 8 7 40 20
16 9 7 2 20
15 8 7 -30 20
15 7 7 28 19
15 7 8 21 18
15 7 8 -47 18
15 7 8 -89 18
16 7 8 -31 17
14 5 9 -112 16
14 4 10 -71 14
15 4 11 -129 12
15 4 11 -139 12
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