The Anthony Seibold Grievances MEGA THREAD

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Terry Zarsoff

First Grader
From the SMH. Through the smoke and mirrors, perhaps more smoke and mirrors, especially when you have the full support of Mr Penn:

Are Manly, Anthony Seibold and Isaac Moses still on the same page?​

Adam Pengilly

By Adam Pengilly

May 23, 2024 — 7.45pm

In rugby league, there can be many versions of the truth about the one story – it just depends on who you talk to.

But on Thursday, the key players in the Manly-Anthony Seibold contract tango were waltzing to the same tune.

Just over 24 hours out from their potentially season-shaping showdown with the Melbourne Storm, Seibold and chief executive Tony Mestrov sat down to discuss their respective positions, with the coach eyeing a new deal beyond the end of 2025.

Manly started the year like top-four contenders but have lost their last three matches by a combined nine points, as well as Tom Trbojevic to a long-term hamstring problem,and are now outside the top eight. It’s the fine margins.

Perhaps reasonably, Mestrov said it would be wise to put any further discussions over a new deal for Seibold on hold. He wants Seibold to worry about coaching – and results – first. Mestrov is a no-nonsense club boss who is not afraid to make big calls, having told club legend Des Hasler he was no longer needed in 2022.

If Manly had won their last three games by a combined nine points, they would be running third and the Seibold deal could have almost been done. But they haven’t, and the Sea Eagles want their season to be corrected first.
Anthony Seibold is in his second year in charge of Manly.

Anthony Seibold is in his second year in charge of Manly.CREDIT: GETTY

After that message, things might get a little murkier.

Did Seibold storm out of the meeting with Mestrov, as reported elsewhere? He swears that wasn’t the case.

“I’m very comfortable with where we’re at,” Seibold said on Thursday evening. “I love the club, I love the area. If I’m doing a good job, I would love to stay long term. That’s the reality of it.”

But just down the road, a new vacancy has arisen after Brad Arthur’s sudden sacking at Parramatta.

Seibold’s manager, Isaac Moses – the most influential agent in the game – has his star client, halfback Mitchell Moses, on the Eels’ books. He also has one of the game’s hottest teenage talents, Blaize Talagi, unsigned beyond this season, and knows that if the Eels lose a promising local junior like him, the disaster for their future football team will pale in comparison to the PR wreckage.

It’s safe to assume Talagi, and Moses, will want to know who Parramatta’s next coach is before putting pen to paper.

Seibold is said to have admirers at the Eels, including head of football Mark O’Neill, but the coach’s only thinking is to build Manly back into an NRL powerhouse. Could he have his head turned? It seems unlikely.

Moses also has a cast of clients at the Sea Eagles under Seibold, to the point where there was criticism last year from sections of the media that Manly had fallen under the spell of the controversial agent.
Prop Matt Lodge, who suffered a torn biceps at Magic Round, has no guarantee of a deal at Manly next season.

Prop Matt Lodge, who suffered a torn biceps at Magic Round, has no guarantee of a deal at Manly next season.CREDIT: GETTY IMAGES

Their response in July last year was extraordinary: the Sea Eagles publicly released a list of managers who had players contracted to the club at the time. Moses had five. It was less than Mario Tartak (seven), Daniel O’Loughlin (seven) and the Orr brothers (six).

Moses’ relationship with the club undoubtedly helped him get Matt Lodge a one-year extension for 2024 after he ruptured his ACL just three games into his mid-season switch last year. The day after the game, Mestrov declared they would still offer him a fresh contract. It was a noble gesture.

Lodge completed his rehabilitation in quick time, came back in round seven, but is again out long term with a torn biceps suffered in Magic Round. He has no guarantee of a deal next season.

This time, the parties are squabbling more than before about whether Lodge deserves another NRL lifeline, and if so, how much is he paid. It’s been bubbling away for weeks in the background while the Seibold talks hog the headlines.

“Seibs has got another year to go,” Mestrov said. “We’re comfortable with the position, and we’ve started some preliminary discussions with his manager, and we’ll continue to have them. As everyone knows, it’s a results-driven business.”

It’s unfathomable to think Seibold will walk away from a club which he has worked overtime to heal after the rainbow jersey saga and Hasler’s sacking in 2022.

Even more pertinent was his bruising coaching swap with Wayne Bennett when he left South Sydney for the Broncos. He doesn’t need any more of the NRL soap opera - just results.

After the news of contract talks breaking down were published by the Daily Telegraph, Seibold and bemused Manly owner Scott Penn spoke via phone. Their relationship remains a healthy one. They agreed their project has a long time to run.

“We see Seibs as our long-term coach,” Penn told this masthead. “We’re building, and we’ve only just begun.

“In terms of a contract extension, we’ve had a very high level start of a discussion. It hasn’t even been a negotiation, just a start of some discussions. We’re talking 2026 and beyond.

“Once again, it’s between us and him.”
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Reserve Grader
Penn is so far off the mark if he is talking about 26 and beyond for Seibold you may as well close the doors.

A very sympathetic story it mentions we lost the last three games by a combined 9 points another way to write article is we lost after leading by 20 points on our home ground against a team with two rookie halves, we also lost to dolphins after leading by 12 points.

We also let in on average 22 points per game which is embarrassing.


Journey Man
LOL the Bulldogs are now ahead of Manly on the table.
Amazing what a coach that can coach defense can do.

Seibs must be so proud.

Dogs and Dragons, don't forget Dragons. Cowboys should beat Tigers - we'll be 12th-13th by the end of the weekend. Then we face Panthers. Round 12-13 we could well be 15th odd. Parra just sacked their coach, and could jump ahead of us.


First Grader
Dogs and Dragons, don't forget Dragons. Cowboys should beat Tigers - we'll be 12th-13th by the end of the weekend. Then we face Panthers. Round 12-13 we could well be 15th odd. Parra just sacked their coach, and could jump ahead of us.

If Seibs can actually coach, we should beat Melbourne as they have more players out than us.
But can he and will we 🤔


First Grader
I see this statement a fair bit on here.

What exactly is it you’re doing to demonstrate you will not put up with mediocrity?

Bitching on Silvertails of course.

I am not even going to watch tomorrow nights match live - will be at the pub enjoying myself. I am sick and tired of watching this badly coached team play.


There is nothing wrong with Talau or Brooks. Talau, Brooks & Brown have been great signings. Brooks & DCE combination will take time, Talau has been our best back & Brown gives us the intimidation we need!
I’ll accept that Talau has potential, but Brooks is a loser through and through. A Leopard doesn’t change its spots.


Reserve Grader
For all the people who have bagged Des, he's only missed the finals a total of 4 times.

First when he started here, second when the Bulldogs went to rubbish, third when the Hooker started hooking people with a knife, and finally when the club went behind him to forge a divide between the players and sabotage a side that would've made the Top 8. Every other time he made the finals.

If Seibold doesn't make the 8 this season, not only will his last finals game remain a 58-0 loss, but it'll be over 5 years ago, and he would've missed the finals more than he's made them. If he sticks around for 2025 he very well could match Des's finals misses across his 20 years of coaching, in just 6 seasons. For a "results driven business" I don't know if Mestrov and Penn are committed enough to that motto to actually base their decisions on them.

What's this article where Penn says we are "building"? Didn't he say that we have a premiership roster when he sacked Des, and hence his results were unacceptable...

The double standards shown by Mestrov and Penn are ridiculous. Mestrov seems a great guy and a great manager but has he ever managed something as competitive as an NRL side? He's been neutered by Seibold's nice guy status. I think Seibold is a great guy, and honestly I'd like him as an assistant, but as the head coach he clearly has deficiencies. Everyone had already said that about Seibold before he came, and no one said that about Des before he left, and yet here we are.


When you have a coach like Seibold that cooly and calmly gives the excuse that “the other side played stronger”after we held a healthy lead is pitiful.
Bellamy,Hasler,Stuart etc would not have been so tolerant.
They unceremoniously dumped Hasler because in the eyes of Penn,Mestrov and others Seibold was our premiership coach.
Bring back Toovey!!


01100111 01100101
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Something like this (a potentially destabilising story) seems to come out from the media every time we are about to play the storm.

It's like the media...has an agenda!


For all the people who have bagged Des, he's only missed the finals a total of 4 times.

First when he started here, second when the Bulldogs went to rubbish, third when the Hooker started hooking people with a knife, and finally when the club went behind him to forge a divide between the players and sabotage a side that would've made the Top 8. Every other time he made the finals.

If Seibold doesn't make the 8 this season, not only will his last finals game remain a 58-0 loss, but it'll be over 5 years ago, and he would've missed the finals more than he's made them. If he sticks around for 2025 he very well could match Des's finals misses across his 20 years of coaching, in just 6 seasons. For a "results driven business" I don't know if Mestrov and Penn are committed enough to that motto to actually base their decisions on them.

What's this article where Penn says we are "building"? Didn't he say that we have a premiership roster when he sacked Des, and hence his results were unacceptable...

The double standards shown by Mestrov and Penn are ridiculous. Mestrov seems a great guy and a great manager but has he ever managed something as competitive as an NRL side? He's been neutered by Seibold's nice guy status. I think Seibold is a great guy, and honestly I'd like him as an assistant, but as the head coach he clearly has deficiencies. Everyone had already said that about Seibold before he came, and no one said that about Des before he left, and yet here we are.
I agree with you.
I believe they should’ve if possible kept Flanagan.
I’ve been disappointed with Seibolds demeanour at press conferences,where he calmly explains we were beaten by a better side,as an act of resignation.Bellamy,Hasler,Stuart etc would’ve been seething,not Seibold he is not bold enough.
I remember years ago when Manly would buy a player from the bush,not now.
Penn always goes for the budget buys.
Bring Toovey back!!

Jay Eagle

Reserve Grader
The more time passes the more I like having Mestrov running the club.. if Seibs doesn't turn this season around and we don't make the 8 he won't be getting an extension.. and he will be odds on for the next coaches head to roll if we are not at least 5 and 5 from 10rounds next year.
Forget an extension he may not see out 2025.
If he performs then he will have earnt an extension
The way out should be
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