The Anthony Seibold Grievances MEGA THREAD

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Journey Man
Tipping Member
Phins have 7 players with Origin experience, 4 NZ Test players, plus Katoa who is one of best young players in the NRL, and Farnworth, rated by some as the world’s best centre.
Pretty solid squad imo.
The Phins are in the top 4 and have been playing with most of their top players out and their coach has their inexperienced replacement's firing in all cylinders are winning
Seibold has good depth but when players go down so does his team IMO


Journey Man
Tipping Member
If Seibold wins a Manly Premiership
I am running naked 3 laps around Silvertails forum

Terry Zarsoff

First Grader
But Seibold came with the best recommendations from... the Broncos hierarchy lol. Penn is an a absolute disgrace
You can see why other clubs’ senior figures laugh at Penn the American, behind his back.

He was sold the ‘Barrett carrot’ and now the ‘Seibold? I’m sold!’ line.

Prior to all that he saw off Des. I mean how dare Hasler demand the resources he needed to keep the club competitive? What a cheek from a two time premiership winning coach! Then Penn did it again, 11 years later, apparently for different reasons, largely of his own making, inadvertently or otherwise.

In between, he had the admirable Toovey worked over by friends in the media, kicking an ‘own goal’ in the process. Whereas if they had backed Toovey to the hilt, Manly probably make the semis in 2015, thus improving the private owners’ bottom line. Nice one. Bringing us back to Barrett…


First Grader
Premium Member
Tipping Member
What do we want coaches to say publicly about team and individuals when pissed off.

does anyone think the shaming of schuster by coach and captain would have been good for the team . Recently the inquire into Keith Tittmus only highlights how inapproaprite it was, and how other players who support shoe would feel. It just made you get a little bit of vomit

no one else does it , its not accepted standards within the industry. Media sure, but team press conferences

I think we are a team of professionals and less of a team at Manly


Things are getting interesting now that Brad Arthur is a free agent. I wouldn't be resigning Seibold if we don't make the top 8 this year which is very likely. As for Brad Arthur who is much more experienced and was at the club in 2013 as an assistant, I would sign him to replace Seibold.

Eagle 1

First Grader
Things are getting interesting now that Brad Arthur is a free agent. I wouldn't be resigning Seibold if we don't make the top 8 this year which is very likely. As for Brad Arthur who is much more experienced and was at the club in 2013 as an assistant, I would sign him to replace Seibold.
Agree, Seibold decided to make a play for the contract extension before more match results got any worse. Coming of 3 losses in a row doesn't give him any bargaining power over the club, basically Sieb's is just hoping for a run of wins to take back to the table at this point.


Things are getting interesting now that Brad Arthur is a free agent. I wouldn't be resigning Seibold if we don't make the top 8 this year which is very likely. As for Brad Arthur who is much more experienced and was at the club in 2013 as an assistant, I would sign him to replace Seibold.
So you would sign a bloke who has achieved nothing after more than a decade coaching a team with huge juniors nursery and virtually unlimited third-party deals and virtually unlimited resources?????



Journey Man
You can see why other clubs’ senior figures laugh at Penn the American, behind his back.

He was sold the ‘Barrett carrot’ and now the ‘Seibold? I’m sold!’ line.

Prior to all that he saw off Des. I mean how dare Hasler demand the resources he needed to keep the club competitive? What a cheek from a two time premiership winning coach! Then Penn did it again, 11 years later, apparently for different reasons, largely of his own making, inadvertently or otherwise.

In between, he had the admirable Toovey worked over by friends in the media, kicking an ‘own goal’ in the process. Whereas if they had backed Toovey to the hilt, Manly probably make the semis in 2015, thus improving the private owners’ bottom line. Nice one. Bringing us back to Barrett…

Hey, there ARE positives. We don't have to scroll up anymore when we look at an NRL table haha. Less clicks, means more time !


Things are getting interesting now that Brad Arthur is a free agent. I wouldn't be resigning Seibold if we don't make the top 8 this year which is very likely. As for Brad Arthur who is much more experienced and was at the club in 2013 as an assistant, I would sign him to replace Seibold.
Brad Arthur is mediocre...a slight upgrade on Seibold at best.

Surely Manly can do better.


Bitching on Silvertails of course.

I am not even going to watch tomorrow nights match live - will be at the pub enjoying myself. I am sick and tired of watching this badly coached team play.
It’s just that you claimed madmax was happy for us to be a bottom whatever team & said it was a POS attitude.

I think that’s pretty harsh given he was only saying he’s loyal to the team regardless.

You wouldn’t like it if someone called you a fairweather fan because you refuse to watch us play when we’re going through a rough patch, would you?

Enjoy the pub tonight, I’ll be at the ground cheering the boys on.


Journey Man
Tipping Member
Only thing I can do is not be a member.
Retain your high Manly Standards , Remain a Proud and Loyal Club Member of the Manly Club that you love and hurt for and be the Inspiration feathered friend
Manly Club Members are the SPIRIT of our Legendary club . They are the Voice and the Vision and History has proven over our leanest years that the Manly SPIRIT has Never given up and has Always Prevailed
We need Manly Club Members with high standards like YOU !!!!

bob dylan

First Grader
Premium Member
Tipping Member
It’s just that you claimed madmax was happy for us to be a bottom whatever team & said it was a POS attitude.

I think that’s pretty harsh given he was only saying he’s loyal to the team regardless.

You wouldn’t like it if someone called you a fairweather fan because you refuse to watch us play when we’re going through a rough patch, would you?

Enjoy the pub tonight, I’ll be at the ground cheering the boys on.

Pffftt fair weather fans aren't fans at all - note numbers at Souths games recently.

I'd rather be at the ground with you cheering the boys on, win lose or draw.


5 wins, 11 games (12 after Storm). One of the worst defensive records in the league. On a sharp trajectory south down the ladder. 3 straight losses. Yep, our new buys are great. Certainly lifted us from our 10th placed finish last season .
So the losses are due to Talau, Brooks & Brown?? We didn’t have them last year or the year before & we lost!! Perhaps Tom & Jake need a mention as to why we lose? Perhaps it’s coz we don’t have a proper hooker? Anyway we all have an opinion. For mine the 3 I’ve mentioned in this thread have earned their salaries so far!


Journey Man
So the losses are due to Talau, Brooks & Brown?? We didn’t have them last year or the year before & we lost!! Perhaps Tom & Jake need a mention as to why we lose? Perhaps it’s coz we don’t have a proper hooker? Anyway we all have an opinion. For mine the 3 I’ve mentioned in this thread have earned their salaries so far!

No, but they are a part of it and not immune to the fault either. It's a team sport, and as a collective, our team is ****ting the bed, AGAIN.

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