SOO, Jake, DCE, general discussion

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Eagle 1

First Grader
Must be a dearth of ex-actual Blues players available. Gee I really hope Fittler takes over the Dogs next year, it could turn into an even bigger train wreck.
Speaking of assistants, seen the work experience guys at Moorons training lately, it's all fun and games. GI, Scam and Slater all adding the Melb touch to this debacle.

The '47ers

When Eagles are silent Parrots begin to chatter
Our Qld Eagle as captain, no NSW eagles, Rueben Cotter from my hometown and Qld underdogs again, all is good 💪🏻

how do I get this italics off, FMD I struggle🤦‍♂️


01100111 01100101
Staff member
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Our Qld Eagle as captain, no NSW eagles, Rueben Cotter from my hometown and Qld underdogs again, all is good💪🏻

how do I get this italics off, FMD I struggle🤦‍♂️

mod magic...! and service.

Erm...maybe the "I" (top left, next to the "B" has been clicked) - so click 'er again!


I need sleep.

And Iced vovo's! ICED VOVO'S!!!!!!


Throwing this out there. Don't know why Garrick isn't considered for SOO. I think after watching last night (and before), he's actually gone from a fill-in fullback to an ACTUAL fullback option for a team.

He'd be great on the wing for The Blues. Could kick goals. The occassions don't seem to affect him. He's really consistent.

Anyways, just my thoughts. I'd have him in there over Blind Freddie's buddy Tupou. Did Tupou score the world record of points last season ? Surely that accounts for something.

Lastly, Jake was outstanding last night. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Blind Freddy. If NSW are carved up through the middles, and they tangibly miss Jake's defensive glue, that's all on the coach and selectors. They've gone for offense, but The Blues never struggle to score. We struggle to prevent points, just saying.
I thought similar @Ryan, it's like he's realised he CAN play fullback, it's why a game like last week v the Warriors would be such a confidence boost for him.
The backing up from the Harper break was quality and I didn't think he had that turn of speed.
22pts in the game would be close to the season's best ( probs Paps in the 70 points v the Warriors is higher)
He rarely makes an error, but I'd say he'll be condemned to be one of those ultimate professionals that won't taste SOO.

Agree re Jake too, anyone who questions what he brings to our club just doesn't get it in my opinion.


01100111 01100101
Staff member
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Well you can at least put emoji’s in , I would know how !!

Hooray, then tell us!


When posting... see the 3 vertical dots next to the little rectangle that looks like a picture? (up on the right?)

click on that

then 9 more little pics appear. The one on the left is a smiley face.

click on that

then a window opens up with all the emojis available and click on the one you want.


conversely, you can learn the keyboard codes.

eg: a smiley face is: 'colon and capital D' : D :D
the laughing face is: 'at' symbol colon and D. @ : D (no spaces) @:D

meh.... what am I doing? No one cares to learn anything over 55.


First Grader
Staff member
For anyone who doubts the value jake brings us…someone mentioned our first win in the SOO period since 2017? Around the time both him and DCE started getting picked regularly I would think (give or take a year)

Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Hooray, then tell us!


When posting... see the 3 vertical dots next to the little rectangle that looks like a picture? (up on the right?)

click on that

then 9 more little pics appear. The one on the left is a smiley face.

click on that

then a window opens up with all the emojis available and click on the one you want.


conversely, you can learn the keyboard codes.

eg: a smiley face is: 'colon and capital D' : D :D
the laughing face is: 'at' symbol colon and D. @ : D (no spaces) @:D

meh.... what am I doing? No one cares to learn anything over 55.
Hooray, then tell us!


When posting... see the 3 vertical dots next to the little rectangle that looks like a picture? (up on the right?)

click on that

then 9 more little pics appear. The one on the left is a smiley face.

click on that

then a window opens up with all the emojis available and click on the one you want.


conversely, you can learn the keyboard codes.

eg: a smiley face is: 'colon and capital D' : D :D
the laughing face is: 'at' symbol colon and D. @ : D (no spaces) @:D

meh.... what am I doing? No one cares to learn anything over 55.


The more I think about it the worse I feel about the NSW team. Tupou over Fox is just silly and having Tariq Sims in there but not Jake doesn't sit well either. And the whole Crichton thing on the bench and Wighton starting. Again just weird in my view.

Queensland just seem to have a better balanced team. It's all good and well to have Latrell and Turbo running riot - then you can pick whoever else around them. But Freddie needed to be better this year without those guys.

I'm not in love with Matterson and RCG but will keep them in there. But this is the team Freddie should have picked

1. Teddy
2. To'o
3. Staggs
4. Crichton
5. Addo Carr
6. Luai
7. Cleary
8. Haas
9. Cook
10. Paulo
11. Murray
12. Matterson
13. Yeo

14. Jake T
15. Wighton
16. RCG
17. Martin


Journey Man
Tipping Member
Here they are...... The Blue Sheep to the Slaughter

And the Great DCE will slay them all !!!

Baa, baa, blue sheep, have you any clue ?
Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full

Team P W L PD Pts
15 12 3 113 28
15 10 5 108 24
15 10 5 77 24
16 10 6 195 22
15 8 7 64 20
15 8 7 40 20
16 9 7 2 20
15 8 7 -30 20
15 7 7 28 19
15 7 8 21 18
15 7 8 -47 18
15 7 8 -89 18
16 7 8 -31 17
14 5 9 -112 16
14 4 10 -71 14
15 4 11 -129 12
15 4 11 -139 12
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