Details the Integrity units rights discussion as stated below:
Clause 109 of the NRL's Code of Conduct, titled 'Full and Free Access to Club Record' states, under the sub-head 'Copying Computer Data 48': "In any case where the NRL Integrity and Compliance Unit (or any person who is the subject of a delegation under Rule 41) believes that records of the kind referred to in Rule 45 have been saved, stored, copied or backed up on an Internet server, laptop, computer hard drive, portable hard drive or other device (including computer tablets and smart phones) and considers that it is necessary to examine, copy and/or download those records, the NRL Integrity and Compliance Unit (or any person who is the subject of a delegation under Rule 41) may: (a) Take possession of the computer hard drive, laptop, portable hard drive, Internet storage server or other device to enable that to occur; (b) Download from the Internet server any stored data including emails; (c) Copy data from a laptop, computer hard drive, portable hard drive or other device; (d) Take an entire copy of the data on an Internet server, laptop, computer hard drive, portable hard drive or other device using imaging or similar technology."
Although the SMH think that the above outlines why the NRL can take the information - to me the reason Manly don't have to is written in the title "Full and Free Access to CLUB Record"... NOT PERSONAL.
Yep. If my employer (or an overarching governing body) wants me to hand over personal electronic devices, they'd bloody well better turn up with a proper search warrant - which, incidentally, has to state specifically what they're looking for.
You want the items you issued to me? No problem. But my personal stuff - get stuffed.
This is one of those cases where the NRL can have their own 'rules' and they're enforceable to a point - the point where the 'rule' contravenes an actual law. Show us the search warrant or piss right off.