OK so my only query is why it's taking so long. The Salary Cap investigation commenced in July 2017. A preliminary notice was issued to Manly in December 2017. The club was advised in March 2018 that we were guilty of operating under an illegal salary cap & sanctions came into effect. The club then applies to appeal the sanctions. It's now almost 4 months since the application to appeal was lodged. 12 months on & counting the cost of the NRL's vendetta against Manly we're still no clearer as to what is going on. If it was so clear cut that we were guilty then why is this $hi@ still on going. The longer this drags on the more I'm thinking the NRL is in damage control mode & working behind the scenes trying to find a way to lessen the backlash they will receive when the club is found to not have breached any salary cap rules & then having to compensate the club for damages. Possibly the reason the Penn's are so quiet & Gorman is on a deserved holiday relaxing after doing his bit to ream Greenberg's slimy a#se & watching his empire crumble.
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