manly al
First Grader
One thing that does seem more then plausible with the almost continuous and on balance unacceptable and appalling treatment by Grenberg and elements of the N R L to disadvantage and harm the Manly club could simply be an underhand attempt to diminish and lessen the Penn "s resolve and commitment to Manly . One short term outcome then would be more then likely Manly having to go cap in hand to the N R L for financial support and survival and be then in reality actually beholden to them . Maybe a bit of a slightly far fetched theory but i would not rule it out and also the another factor again could be for Greenberg to regularly and conveniently find a distraction and diversion to the apparent serious short comings and double standards of his own organization and administration . On any reasonable assessment again he just represents a disgrace and blight to the game but i guess the issue still seems to be when or how can he be bought to account and subject to some proper scrutiny .