Salary Cap Witch Hunt. **Appeal unsuccessful**

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Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Did the Telefark just change the title of the article to:

Manly officials will meet with the NRL in effort to clarify salary cap ...

If that's the case someone must have received a phone call to tone the language down

Could be a very interesting few weeks ahead of us but hopefully we’ll know #nextweek
Could be a very interesting few weeks ahead of us but hopefully we’ll know #nextweek


First Grader
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Tipping Member
Manly officials will meet with the NRL in effort to clarify salary cap investigation

MANLY’S heavyweights will meet with the NRL this week in an attempt “to lift the dark cloud over the entire game” — the first sign that the salary cap saga is edging towards a resolution.

Having officially denied all claims of salary cap rorting in the wake of the club being hit with an NRL breach notice 77 days ago, Manly have asked to present their case in-person to the NRL Integrity Unit — possibly within the next 72 hours.

Sea Eagles chairman Scott Penn, chief executive Lyall Gorman and the club’s legal team will have the chance to front the NRL, in a bid to have the case wrapped-up prior to round one — in just 10 days time.


Penn, Gorman and the club’s legal team will meet with the NRL.
“For the sake of the dark cloud that is hanging over the entire code, it’s important that our fans, members, sponsors and the entire NRL to have clarity ahead of the new season,’’ Gorman told The Sunday Telegraph.

“We have our season launch (on Sunday) at Lottoland (Brookvale Oval) and the NRL will officially launch their season next week.

“Everyone within the game and who supports rugby league would agree that this should be a time for optimism, excitement and celebrating the game — not uncertainty.

“Hopefully, we can move forward like we all want too, over the next week.’’

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Manly have long denied any wrongdoing with Penn repeatedly stating since the club was hit with the allegations last December that the alleged breaches were “really technicality issues”.

Undeniably, the cap scandal has played havoc with the Sea Eagles pre-season and critical recruitment of a replacement five-eighth for Blake Green, who was released to join the Warriors.

Like the punters, who have run scared from Manly — drifting from $13 to win the premiership to $21 with the TAB — so too, has the likes of Matt Moylan, Trent Hodkinson and Mitchell Pearce.

All three representative halves were eager to join the Sea Eagles, but the uncertainty over the club’s financial status and threat of the NRL penalising the club with a reduced cap in 2018 or 2019, swayed the trio to sign with rivals Cronulla and Newcastle.


The club have denied wrongdoing from the start.
To Manly coach Trent Barrett’s credit, he’s repeatedly championed rookie half Lachlan Croker as being more than capable to partner Daly Cherry-Evans.

However, exiled former Dally M winner Todd Carney has made no secret of his willingness to reignite his NRL career with Manly.

Yet the cap-saga has virtually frozen the Sea Eagles ability to access what is believed to be around $800,000 remaining in their salary cap — in the fear they could be forced to use that money to pay a “significant penalty”, if the allegations are proven.

As the club pushes for a resolution, they have already secure one victory with the upgrade of their sponsorship deal with Shaw and Partners as lower grade jersey sponsor and also on the sleeve of first-grade.

manly al

First Grader
Total disgrace and probably travesty of justice and yet the N R L are there supposedly and expected to look after and assist all of the club's best interests and welfare . Absolute bunch of hypocrites and phonies when everything is taken into account and not just in Manly's case .


Grizzly old fart
I think Greenburg's softening approach regarding the issue and TPAs may be an admission that they either got it wrong or that it is no where near as serious as has been portrayed in the media.

If so getting their $800,000 back is just not enough. At minimum a formal public apology from Greenburg should immediately follow and some substantial concessions should be offered.

The threat of litigation and compensation should be made if the NRL doesnt make substantive efforts to clear the Sea Eagles name and forward significant peace offerings. And the Manly club should indicate they are holding a caveat that any further negative interference from the NRL over the next few years will result in significant court action. Manly needs to draw the line.


First Grader
I think Greenburg's softening approach regarding the issue and TPAs may be an admission that they either got it wrong or that it is no where near as serious as has been portrayed in the media.

If so getting their $800,000 back is just not enough. At minimum a formal public apology from Greenburg should immediately follow and some substantial concessions should be offered.

The threat of litigation and compensation should be made if the NRL doesnt make substantive efforts to clear the Sea Eagles name and forward significant peace offerings. And the Manly club should indicate they are holding a caveat that any further negative interference from the NRL over the next few years will result in significant court action. Manly needs to draw the line.
Greenturd will never apologise to Manly. I hope Penn sues the crap out of the NRL. Damage is done I'm afraid


Journey Man
Here’s a conspiracy theory. A pommy team, say Wigan, can release a player to a Sydney team. The pommy team pays most of the player’s contract for the year, so minimal cap hit for the Sydney team. A mystery Sydney entity pays the pommy team in a totally unrelated transaction.


Tipping Member
I've been saying this for a while, the NRL have got nothing or very little on Manly. Our lawyers should be handing the NRL a breach noticefor damages to our brand. We've missed out on signings because of these bastards.


Grizzly old fart
Here’s a conspiracy theory. A pommy team, say Wigan, can release a player to a Sydney team. The pommy team pays most of the player’s contract for the year, so minimal cap hit for the Sydney team. A mystery Sydney entity pays the pommy team in a totally unrelated transaction.

Shoe1 I'm absolutely certain that this is how many TPAs operate. Someone like Politis for example is a multi hundred million dollar man. He has many business mates no doubt. As an example this other business man enters a TPA agreement. Behind the scenes Politis makes an unrelated business deal with that person over other offers to the significant benefit of the business identity, but the transaction is all above board. The only question mark is why he chose that business man over another. Easy to do. Hard to prove there's been anything untoward done.


Premium Member
We are only doing what every other team does re TPAs. It is astounding the nrl are as stupid as they are to pursue the issue with us in light of the recent change in CEOs. Kelly going to the rorters drags them into the equation and Gorman coming to us drags the Sharks into the equation. Gorman would have inside info re what was happening at the sharks (when they won the premiership). If the nrl sting us, then we could easily implicate the sharks. What then nrl, would you take their long awaited premiership away from them - I doubt it. I just can't believe the nrl thought they could bully us into just rolling over given the CEO scenario noted above. This is what happens when vindictive idiots are left in charge.


Sea Eagle Lach
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Our lawyers should be handing the NRL a breach noticefor damages to our brand.
I've seen this suggestion numerous times here, but can't see how that could be possible, especially if we want to remain in the NRL competition, which presumably we do.

Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
I've seen this suggestion numerous times here, but can't see how that could be possible, especially if we want to remain in the NRL competition, which presumably we do.

Yes, that’s ridiculous, we’d never ever take them to court , if we did we’d become “ the Perth Reds” for sure.

An apology would be great but Greenslime will want to save face so this won’t happen.

At best it’s a “ nothing found so let’s move on”.


Grizzly old fart
Yes, that’s ridiculous, we’d never ever take them to court , if we did we’d become “ the Perth Reds” for sure.

An apology would be great but Greenslime will want to save face so this won’t happen.

At best it’s a “ nothing found so let’s move on”.

I think Manly are in a stronger position than, say, a Perth side would be (at least in this decade). If Manly looked like being lost, the League would be in an embarrassing situation of servicing no League supporters from the Bridge to Swansea. That's a population of around a million people, who have been raised on league in their area. I think Manly can at least play a little hard ball here. Manly may not be popular, but they do have a large if silent, support base.

Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
I think Manly are in a stronger position than, say, a Perth side would be (at least in this decade). If Manly looked like being lost, the League would be in an embarrassing situation of servicing no League supporters from the Bridge to Swansea. That's a population of around a million people, who have been raised on league in their area. I think Manly can at least play a little hard ball here. Manly may not be popular, but they do have a large if silent, support base.

Yes, but let’s not forget this is Greenslime and his power broker mates you’d be up against and I think they’d have long long memories!!


Premium Member
I think Manly are in a stronger position than, say, a Perth side would be (at least in this decade). If Manly looked like being lost, the League would be in an embarrassing situation of servicing no League supporters from the Bridge to Swansea. That's a population of around a million people, who have been raised on league in their area. I think Manly can at least play a little hard ball here. Manly may not be popular, but they do have a large if silent, support base.
Especially after they build that rectangular stadium for us.

(sarcasm not directed at you @Bearfax)

This a competition that kicked it's most popular club, South Sydney, out. I don't think they would lose sleep if we went, unfortunately. I think a near profitable club and an increase in member numbers would be good for our longevity.

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