Sack Barrett

Should we sack Trent

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Just so you know (and Trent couldn’t possibly have not known this) the plans and negotiation for the Centre of excellence (therefore upgraded facilities) has been with the gov for months. It’s been a back and forth process. It was happening anyway. It’s not because he quit or demanded it. Work was being done on it. That’s why all this garbage about facilities and equipment is rubbish. The final thing if it all goes ahead (parts may get cut) is about a 35mil facility

And why would the club update facilities with their own money this year
when the govt are going to pay for them in the near future.
It appears Des has no problem waiting or in fact continuing with the current facilities.

The whole facilities crap was just a blame tool for either Barrett's failure or an attempt at a face-saving escape route.
And why would the club update facilities with their own money this year
when the govt are going to pay for them in the near future.
It appears Des has no problem waiting or in fact continuing with the current facilities.

The whole facilities crap was just a blame tool for either Barrett's failure or an attempt at a face-saving escape route.
I tried to imply that. Glad someone got there
Beats me how some on here can talk barrett up while questioning des's credentials. Some blow in dragons wannabe who bitched and moaned to cover up for his own shortcomings, never even looked like he had anything approaching a game plan, and who is now holding the club to ransom, over a 200+ sea-eagles legend, a two time GF winning coach, including our greatest ever triumph. Beats the **** out of me.
Incomprehensible really.
He may not have been a wonderful coach (according to some), but now that Des is returning, all the things that Barrett asked is now being provided .

Sorry, Ryan - it's not "according to some", it's strictly according to results. Judged purely on his win/loss record, Barrett was a failure as a head coach at Manly. That's all there is to it: he couldn't get the job done. Talked a good game and the players apparently loved him, but it just didn't translate into wins. As an "outsider" he was always on a hiding to nothing, but he simply had to go.
Bit of chatter barrett well regarded in player world (prob as he goes soft on them). My thoughts there bit more to play out in this story. This **** got his eyes on turbos at next club he goes to
Bit of chatter barrett well regarded in player world (prob as he goes soft on them). My thoughts there bit more to play out in this story. This **** got his eyes on turbos at next club he goes to
The Turbos will forget about their love for Trent when they start experiencing that winning feeling on a more frequent basis. Nearly every player who has been coached by Des, absolutely loves him, but most importantly, they all respect him as well. Even Moses Mbye has come out and said what a wonderful coach the man is... he even suggested that Dessie was in fact too far advanced in his thinking in the last couple of seasons at the Dogs and the players let him down by not worjkinf hard enough to catch up. Barrett is an abject failure, who has not even come close to winning a competition as a coach or as an assistant. The Turbos are going to be elated by the time Des has had a chance to mould them.
Beats me how some on here can talk barrett up while questioning des's credentials. Some blow in dragons wannabe who bitched and moaned to cover up for his own shortcomings, never even looked like he had anything approaching a game plan, and who is now holding the club to ransom, over a 200+ sea-eagles legend, a two time GF winning coach, including our greatest ever triumph. Beats the **** out of me.

Hallelujah Brother !!!!
We can agree to disagree. I believe the facilities was a blatant excuse to make himself appear hard done by and make the club look bad.

The gym out there is good. I’ve been in it. And as for demountables for offices, most public schools have demountables.

I think these are convenient excuses to mitigate blame

It is hard to debate an issue with someone who continues to think the gym and the demountables were the problem ..... this even after Barrett has said that they are not the problem and that he enjoys training at Narrabeen .....

He signed a contract on the understanding that certain staff and resources would be provided ..... after 6 months when they still hadn't been provided he resigned and gave the 12 month notice as his contract stipulated he must ....

Every other fanciful and slanderous motivation and reason attributed to his actions are figments of bum sore imaginations that simply refuse to accept he was lied to and let down by Penn ......

And PSS ... it is now 12 months after Bozo left and Penn/Gorman still haven't employed the needed staff .... It is Dessie that has insisted on bringing Crusher and Donny to the club .... Penn just likes to get his picture taken saying it was his idea all along ...

And for the numbnuts that continue with the ridiculous notion that he should just walk fail to grasp the simpliest fact that then that would put him in a breach situation and at risk of being sued for the balance of his contract ....... he has at all times acted appropriately within the contractual responsibilities.

..... never in the annals of contract law has so much stupidity, been written by so many Punchies with so few facts .....
It is hard to debate an issue with someone who continues to think the gym and the demountables were the problem ..... this even after Barrett has said that they are not the problem and that he enjoys training at Narrabeen .....

He signed a contract on the understanding that certain staff and resources would be provided ..... after 6 months when they still hadn't been provided he resigned and gave the 12 month notice as his contract stipulated he must ....

Every other fanciful and slanderous motivation and reason attributed to his actions are figments of bum sore imaginations that simply refuse to accept he was lied to and let down by Penn ......

And PSS ... it is now 12 months after Bozo left and Penn/Gorman still haven't employed the needed staff .... It is Dessie that has insisted on bringing Crusher and Donny to the club .... Penn just likes to get his picture taken saying it was his idea all along ...

And for the numbnuts that continue with the ridiculous notion that he should just walk fail to grasp the simpliest fact that then that would put him in a breach situation and at risk of being sued for the balance of his contract ....... he has at all times acted appropriately within the contractual responsibilities.

..... never in the annals of contract law has so much stupidity, been written by so many Punchies with so few facts .....

Amen, brother!!
I reckon Penn is fattening this steer for sale. Give the people what they want, having all the right faces around the club and boosting the fan base = more $$$ at sale time!

If not that...Des had better hit the ground running! Penn will turn on him quicker and with more venom than trying to pick up a red bellied black by the tail. Looking good and taking credit is what Penn is all about. I predict a very big clash between Des and Penn resulting in internal sh!t fights that Des may win...with any luck.

The sooner the club is Penn free the better!
It is hard to debate an issue with someone who continues to think the gym and the demountables were the problem ..... this even after Barrett has said that they are not the problem and that he enjoys training at Narrabeen .....

He signed a contract on the understanding that certain staff and resources would be provided ..... after 6 months when they still hadn't been provided he resigned and gave the 12 month notice as his contract stipulated he must ....

Every other fanciful and slanderous motivation and reason attributed to his actions are figments of bum sore imaginations that simply refuse to accept he was lied to and let down by Penn ......

And PSS ... it is now 12 months after Bozo left and Penn/Gorman still haven't employed the needed staff .... It is Dessie that has insisted on bringing Crusher and Donny to the club .... Penn just likes to get his picture taken saying it was his idea all along ...

And for the numbnuts that continue with the ridiculous notion that he should just walk fail to grasp the simpliest fact that then that would put him in a breach situation and at risk of being sued for the balance of his contract ....... he has at all times acted appropriately within the contractual responsibilities.

..... never in the annals of contract law has so much stupidity, been written by so many Punchies with so few facts .....
Come on Woodsie... let it go mate. You’re trying to parade around a rotting carcass and tell us all it’s a Mallee bull. Even a blind man can see that Trent tried to be clever and got beaten on the draw. I don’t think anyone on here believes that Penn is blameless with how he’s been running the joint. But if you really believe that Barrett resigned when he did because he didn’t have a list manager or that he’s not walking away because he doesn’t want to be hit with a bill for his full contract amount, then you in fact are the Punchy. If he really wanted to make a statement, he would have handed in his resignation so he finished at the END of next season or requested an immediate release without pay. Not mid season next year... Trent attempted a clever (underhanded) play with his contract... but it appears that his business nous is on par with his coaching ability... sh1thouse.
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I like being outside the herd. @:p

Isn't it funny when someone tells you that you need to wake up and face reality? What they really mean is that they demand that you to accept their version of reality.
The irony of this post is that woodsie is roaming round implying anyone that doesn’t agree with him is somehow stupid or ill informed. I actually consider myself very well informed with several things I’m not stupid enough to say on a forum.

I think Trent has tried to play a game and unfortunately ended up without a seat at the table. Whether penn or anyone else was also playing a game is a different question. I’ve never said he wasn’t nor do I state the altruism of anyone else’s actions.

What I do feel with a high degree of confidence is that Barrett has only ever acted in his own interests in this situation
The irony of this post is that woodsie is roaming round implying anyone that doesn’t agree with him is somehow stupid or ill informed. I actually consider myself very well informed with several things I’m not stupid enough to say on a forum.

I think Trent has tried to play a game and unfortunately ended up without a seat at the table. Whether penn or anyone else was also playing a game is a different question. I’ve never said he wasn’t nor do I state the altruism of anyone else’s actions.

What I do feel with a high degree of confidence is that Barrett has only ever acted in his own interests in this situation

My simple statement was not in defence of anyone. It was just a statement.

Are these things that you are not stupid enough to say on a forum related to the Trent/Penn situation? Why bother saying anything if you're not prepared to back it up with facts?? That's like me saying the earth is me, I have it on good authority...but I'm not prepared to share...just trust me! To say there is a difference between TB playing a game and Penn playing a game confuses me.

In are played all the time. Trust me, I play them often! Between rival businesses and mine, between staff and myself......

I believe Trent pulled the "I quit" card in a last ditch attempt to get the club to help him out. That bit him in the arse and that's just they way it goes sometimes. So long, Trent...hello, Des!

I'm not prepared to label a bloke useless or a self server without knowing all the facts. That's all.

I understand also that there is a great deal of difference in the coaching ability of Des and Trent. Well....their results and stats. But don't forget that with all that Des brings...he also brings some other issues. I think that down the track there will be conflict between Des and Penn if positive results aren't a regular occurance...based on Des and Penn's personalities.
I like being outside the herd. @:p

Isn't it funny when someone tells you that you need to wake up and face reality? What they really mean is that they demand that you to accept their version of reality.
I agree with the sentiment of your post @mozgrame... but a dislike for Hasler and/or dissatisfaction with how the Penns are running the club, doesn’t negate the many aspects of Barrett’s tenure as a head coach where he has come up short. I believe Barrett called heads and the coin came up tails... and if that makes me a Punchy, then so be it. At the end of the day people are dissecting hairs... whenever someone points towards his poor numbers as a coach, the argument gets shot down because it’s not about his coaching. Then when people argue that the facilities have served us well in the past, that gets refuted as well and it becomes all about a list manager. At the end of the day, he didn’t really achieve all that much with a fairly decent squad... would you keep someone employed who gave you Barrett like returns on your investment?
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My simple statement was not in defence of anyone. It was just a statement.

Are these things that you are not stupid enough to say on a forum related to the Trent/Penn situation? Why bother saying anything if you're not prepared to back it up with facts?? That's like me saying the earth is me, I have it on good authority...but I'm not prepared to share...just trust me! To say there is a difference between TB playing a game and Penn playing a game confuses me.

In are played all the time. Trust me, I play them often! Between rival businesses and mine, between staff and myself......

I believe Trent pulled the "I quit" card in a last ditch attempt to get the club to help him out. That bit him in the arse and that's just they way it goes sometimes. So long, Trent...hello, Des!

I'm not prepared to label a bloke useless or a self server without knowing all the facts. That's all.

I understand also that there is a great deal of difference in the coaching ability of Des and Trent. Well....their results and stats. But don't forget that with all that Des brings...he also brings some other issues. I think that down the track there will be conflict between Des and Penn if positive results aren't a regular occurance...based on Des and Penn's personalities.
And as far as the world being flat is concerned... NASA says it’s a sphere... and a guy named Capernicus somehow figured that out over 500 years ago, with nothing more than a little wooden telescope and some random numbers he came up with in his head... so it must be true.
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So ... for the 99th but I am guessing not the last time .... the only facts we have is that barrett, 6 months after signing an extension triggered the 12 month notice clause in his contract stating the reason as the clubs failure to provide the resources (staff) that were promised .....

Every other assertion, opinion, belief, scheme, plot, plan, reason and accusation and abuse are simply products of fertile imaginations and sore bums ...... and yes ..... if you attribute your opinion as a fact to Barretts actions ... and then abuse him for it ..... you are a Punchie ....

.... and it amuses me that several people have suggested I stop giving my view ...... given that my view always follows a new assertion by the same people ....
And as far as the world being flat is concerned... NASA says it’s a sphere... and some guy named Capernicus somehow figured that out over 500 years ago, using a little wooden telescope and some numbers he came up with in his head.

and 1700 years before Copernicus a Greek named Erastodenes (200 AD) not only knew the Earth was a sphere but measured the circumference to an accuracy of 6 miles ... he didn't just state it as an opinion, he proved it ..... but alas ..... the world preferred to ignore the facts and run with opinion .......

Sounds familiar .....
The irony of this post is that woodsie is roaming round implying anyone that doesn’t agree with him is somehow stupid or ill informed

I'm not roaming around .... I am right here ..... and I have never had an issue with people disagreeing with me ..... it is when they use an "opinion" to say I am wrong that I have a problem ..... if you want to prove me wrong all you need is one fact ....
Every other fanciful and slanderous motivation and reason attributed to his actions are figments of bum sore imaginations that simply refuse to accept he was lied to and let down by Penn ......
I agree with your post apart from this bit.

There is certainly a suggestion that as of July this year he he was led to believe he had the Panthers job. Which would explain the otherwise bizarre timing of his resignation notice. And also fits in with the 'no-one quits unless they have another job to go to' line.

Of course, I don't know if it's true or not, but that story is not just a figment of someone's imagination, it was published here briefly and attributed to a credible source.

As for his coaching, it wouldn't shock me at all if he kicks on as a coach as time goes by. I don't buy the 'loser', 'total failure' line. He needed better mentoring and and better/more support resources, as you correctly point out.

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