Mate, there is a core here, who think taking action, or standing up and having a say (to create change) achieves nothing. Don't let them drag you down.
What those same, "do nothing, the club already know's where they are" people don't realize, that unlike most of us on this forum, an extended period of mediocrity will have many of the borderline or fickle fans losing interest, sending memberships, game attendances, merchandise acquisitions south.
To that end, people & kids looking for a club to support, won't be interested in supporting a record breaking (in a bad way) club that sticks with the same unsuccessful model (i.e. same players, same coach, same systems, same off field issues in management, etc etc) .
So kudos to you, mate. I appreciate your efforts.
People told me last time I created a petition, I was wasting my time as well. What's the point they said. You'll make us look embarrassing they said. Who'll listen to a numpty like you they said. Well, we got 10,000 signatures. I made the petition look like a professional book (spent a lot of time and money), and my wife presented it to Grant Mayer, who with Graeme Annersley took it, and presented it to Morris Iemma, who gave us the initial 10M in state funding that started the monetary input into this present upgrade. I was even in The Manly Daily about it.
So don't listen to the naysayers mate. We need fans like you.