I will support the club as I've always done , I've supported this club for over 50 years and seen the highs and the lows , I've seen this club nearly lose it's identity . I've enjoyed the wins not so the losses . To sign a petition that states
" As fans, we have collectively agreed to boycott any further memberships until someone is held accountable and there is real change that sees this once great club back on the rise."
That is not me they are not my thoughts
The club has made some decisions that I might not be happy with . The coach has made choices that I don't understand , I don't know the inner workings of this club .
I get to a game or watch on tv win or lose I move onto next week to cheer again . The club / team is in a rut ,a good season followed by a poor season then now a bad start , Still time to turn it around and have a good season , Is the club on a downward spiral for such drastic outcry 3 rounds into the comp , Is the club in financial trouble that can be confirmed , there are improvements going on at the ground there are juniors that have signed and not leaving.
I get the frustration but to threaten club memberships to damage the club is not what I stand for
If you have a grievance with the way it's run , Personally write directly to club put your name and membership # to it , March with Ryan put a face to what you want , faceless petitions, I don't see the point
These are my thoughts