Muslim's (and others) claim that the gospels and the New Testament have been changed therefore it cannot be a reliable source for placing one's faith. If this is true, then I would agree. However, since this belief (the gospels/NT has been changed from the original) is expressed as a "truth claim", then how can this "truth claim" be varified without the original manuscripts?
If the nutshell messege of the good news is that Jesus provided the only way to redemption and reconcilation to God throught His death on the cross, the forgiveness of sins, one needs to ask, what was the original messege by christians before the scriptures we have today? Was a bad messege changed to good? If so, what was it and where's the evidence?
Why did the writers of the gospels included bad and embarassing behaviours and statements, why weren't they omitted in the copying of the N/T?
The very fact that these have not been omitted shows the importance that the copyist's viewed the claims found in the originals.