Terry Zarsoff
First Grader
It’s times like this you need a time machine.Oh my God. That was the most excruciating thing I've watched since Darren Albert scored in the dying minute of the Grand Final.
Picture it, the SFS, 1997:
you pop into the Manly dressing rooms at halftime and approach Bozo - “Mr Fulton, I have just buzzed in from the future, 2022 to be more accurate. Please tell these numbnuts not to take their feet off the peddle, keep grinding out points until they hit the 25-30 point mark.
That means Nevin cannot afford to miss any goals. If he starts, threaten him with a one way visit to North Head - because Newcastle are coming for your team in the second half. They have the ref in their pocket and your old mate Mal has a few of his players ‘hepped up’ on performance enhancers!
And tell that caveman Hoppa’s ear not to rile O’Davis!”
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