Journey Man
Ikin lost control of many arguments and debates and I didn’t think Yvonne over played or under played her hand.
I liked the moments when Kenty didn’t have as much to wind up about, Ikin would often tip him over the edge and I liked Yvonne’s way of diffusing him.
I don’t care if Ikin or Yvonne get moved on but yeh that’s the only show I watched featuring Yvonne and she was fine to me
Did she bother me? No
Did she speak over the guests? No
Will I be shattered if she’s replaced? No
Two NSW hosts is fine with me too..
Sorry but I did see it the other way around. Kent got away with a lot more of his ramblings with Yvonne as host than he did with Ikin. When Kent, Crowley and Rothfield got going, quite often Vonny lost control and was left in the background until she had no choice but to interject that they needed to move to the next segment. Sometimes she did pop into a discussion with a relevant point, but more often than not when she tried to speak, they just spoke over her like she wasn't really there.
Sometimes I thought it was a bit disrespectful how they carried on given that she was the host, but it was also on her to have a stronger voice. She's the host, she needs to assert that control.
I personally wouldn't mind her back as host one day after she's had the baby, but she needs to stand up for herself at that table. Otherwise, what's the point?