I think one of the problems with political correctness, is that it's its own worst enemy.
By overplaying the hand, it just causes division and annoyance among the general public, and actually enhances discriminatory behaviour.
Certainly its important that we show respect to all people, but as Mossop once said 'I don't want (it) thrust down my throat'. I find discriminatory behaviour on any level childish, and usually its the childish extreme element that causes problems. But we don't need lowest common denominator rules placed upon us, or have these issues constantly thrust in our face. If there is a problem with certain people take action against them.
I don't care if someone is gay, female, of a different ethnic group, or religion/philosophy, colour, age, or if they prefer their eggs sunny side up. If they show respect to others, who cares what they do or believe in their personal life, as long as it doesn't impose itself on others.
I watch rugby league because of the enjoyment of the game and a group of very talented individuals. I'm only interested in how they play the game, not whether they are secret cross dressers, or prefer being whipped before sex. I don't care.
In this I agree totally with Kent. We don't need to get on the political bandwagon about anything else but how they play the game. The rest is their business and frankly I don't have any interest in it. Laissez Faire I say.