Firstly, hope you feel better soon from your second jab.
As for where the extra deaths come from – take a quick look at the article I linked, it’s quite short and quotes a variety of credible sources, experts in health statistics. It is wrong to say we can ‘safely assume Covid deaths aren’t undercounted’. Common sense – and now a bunch of experts – say it is far more likely the opposite. And by a long way.
So what, you ask?
Well, minimising the seriousness of Covid is part of the argument that the pandemic is being used as an excuse to force or trick us into sacrificing ‘our society, our sovereignty, our childrens future’. We need to open our eyes sheeple, our politicians are a new ruling class, maybe we’d do better with a truly benevolent dictator and a heavily regulated society… (so the argument goes).
Look, the string of posts in this thread aren’t mere idle musings to pass the off-season. We really are in a time of uncertainty and social upheaval, it’s a time to be very clear about the possible directions our societies might move in. Learn from history. We all know what the upheavals of the 1930s produced.
It’s important to challenge misinformation and misleading arguments that downplay the seriousness of Covid. I would say particularly when they are made in a compelling manner by someone who blithely asserts that those who die of covid aren’t important anyway, a few million deaths aren’t important.