The dosing changes?? I am not sure you understand the MRNA technology.
Pfizer CEO admits 2 shots of current vaccine have no efficacy on Omicron. That is why they are trying to develop new 'vaccines' for current and future variants. The spike proteins on the virus have mutated. They admit these new vaccines will not be ready for another 4 months. So my point is why are we pushing obsolete vaccines into our young children? The argument to protect others clearly has no sway anymore. Children with no comorbidities are not in the risk group. The virus has mutated and changed, but our policies remain the same. Calling everyone an anti vaxxer because they are questioning existing policies and practices in the midst of emerging data and studies is not helpful.
The reason why there is a huge drive in misinformation and conspiracy theories is because there is a control in the debate of science. Science is not exact. I am not claiming to be a scientist. But there a lot of credible and outstanding scientists and medical professionals who have been ostracised for voicing an opinion which flies contrary to the narrative.
As more data is being released, I hope there is a more robust discussion on how we move forward.
I'm not sure if you were aware but the FDA have been forced to release Pfizer clinical data at a rate of 55,000 pages per month. Originally they wanted 75years to release information.
So hopefully with more transperancy we become united in the fight against this disease.
Score one for transparency.