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Careful Spartan, this is covid misinformation you are posting, you can’t trust GPs 😂
thanks for sharing

I hear ya, let's kill the poor little buggers with comorbidities then!
I'm so over the inhumanity I'm reading on social media while Health Care Workers are being smashed trying to actually help those with and without 'comorbidities'.
OK. I'm out of the covid threads.
No. You don't obviously hear me or understand me. Sorry but you don't make any sense..

"let's kill the poor little buggers with comorbidities then!"

That's pretty inhumane. How can you suggest or infer that is what I or anyone would be advocating for? That's simply outrageous.

If you could actually respond to what is actually being discussed it would actually be more productive than going off on a tangent. Did you even read the study? Probs not.

Anyway. Take care.
The head of Pfizer said it himself.
The dosing changes?? I am not sure you understand the MRNA technology.

Pfizer CEO admits 2 shots of current vaccine have no efficacy on Omicron. That is why they are trying to develop new 'vaccines' for current and future variants. The spike proteins on the virus have mutated. They admit these new vaccines will not be ready for another 4 months. So my point is why are we pushing obsolete vaccines into our young children? The argument to protect others clearly has no sway anymore. Children with no comorbidities are not in the risk group. The virus has mutated and changed, but our policies remain the same. Calling everyone an anti vaxxer because they are questioning existing policies and practices in the midst of emerging data and studies is not helpful.

The reason why there is a huge drive in misinformation and conspiracy theories is because there is a control in the debate of science. Science is not exact. I am not claiming to be a scientist. But there a lot of credible and outstanding scientists and medical professionals who have been ostracised for voicing an opinion which flies contrary to the narrative.

As more data is being released, I hope there is a more robust discussion on how we move forward.

I'm not sure if you were aware but the FDA have been forced to release Pfizer clinical data at a rate of 55,000 pages per month. Originally they wanted 75years to release information.

So hopefully with more transperancy we become united in the fight against this disease.

Sorry if I'm mistaken, but weren't you guys previously damning Pfizer for past sins yet now you're quoting what the head of Pfizer has said as gospel truth?
By the way @Kevinward777 I hope your family are doing OK.
Also in relation to your post yesterday, of course I don't think you are a liar, I was merely referring to the fact that I don’t trust some of the conclusions you arrive at. But I put that down to your reasoning, not dishonesty.
As for victimising and 'policing' you - no that hasn't happened. I know the Govt and the health officials and the Pharma CEOs are all against us.... but let's not get paranoid!
By the way @Kevinward777 I hope your family are doing OK.
Also in relation to your post yesterday, of course I don't think you are a liar, I was merely referring to the fact that I don’t trust some of the conclusions you arrive at. But I put that down to your reasoning, not dishonesty.
As for victimising and 'policing' you - no that hasn't happened. I know the Govt and the health officials and the Pharma CEOs are all against us.... but let's not get paranoid!
Thanks mate.
Sorry if I'm mistaken, but weren't you guys previously damning Pfizer for past sins yet now you're quoting what the head of Pfizer has said as gospel truth?
Pfizer has a terrible history no doubt. Pfizer boss is only stating the obvious. But if you and others have faith and trust in him you can take his word as gospel. Not me.

Personally, Pfizer's CEO'S statement was not a revelation. There was emerging global studies and data which indicated this. I'll just site one

Just look at case numbers here in Oz. Record break out infections amongst double vaccinated. I've seen personally within my family and extended family and friends. So have others. I bet you have as well. It's in the media every day.

The 'booster' is being recommended. And I would guess that would be the motivation of CEO statement.
Try getting a Prostatectomy, it halves in size !!

Seriously , that’s a side affect.

Oh and your days of getting a stiffy are over.

Lastly 2 in 5 of you will have this happen post 60 years of age.

Hope Ive brightened your day up.
With our season commencing in March the only positive is the peak of the current “ wave” might be through by then.

If it’s not there’s going to be disruptions aplenty.
With our season commencing in March the only positive is the peak of the current “ wave” might be through by then.

If it’s not there’s going to be disruptions aplenty.
The worst of Omicron will probably be over, but Deltacron might start gathering legs. An upgraded version 1.1 vaccine is due to be released in March. Will there be a v1.2, v1.3, v1.4 throughout the season?
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How The Covid-19 Vaccine Injected Billions Into Big Pharma—And Made Its Executives Very Rich

EDITORS' PICK|May 14, 2021,04:30pm EDT|63,773 views

How The Covid-19 Vaccine Injected Billions Into Big Pharma—And Made Its Executives Very Rich​

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Nina Burleigh
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Two Heads: Billionaire BioNTech cofounders Ozlem Tureci and Ugur Sahin.

An exclusive excerpt from Virus: Vaccinations, the CDC, and the Hijacking of America’s Response to the Pandemic by Nina Burleigh

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Big Pharma had been easing out of the vaccine business for decades. By 2019, the major vaccine makers supplying America had dwindled to a handful of large companies—Merck, Sanofi, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson. Because vaccines are only used once or twice—as opposed to medicines that people take daily—they are not profitable. The scale of vaccination programs also invites class action litigation if something goes awry.
The White House needed a whopping amount of money to coax companies to research and test and then produce hundreds of millions of doses. They initially asked for and Congress rapidly appropriated $10 billion. Ultimately, Operation Warp Speed (OWS)—the U.S. government’s Covid-19 relief program—would dole out $22 billion to Big Pharma.

The amounts of money were the kinds of sums normally seen in the smaller defense budget line items, but were massive for a public health project—$2.5 billion to Moderna, $1.2 billion to AstraZeneca, half a billion dollars to Johnson & Johnson, and $1.6 billion to a small company called Novavax. Only Pfizer opted out of ponying up to the trough at first—it didn’t want to devote resources to coordinating with the US government on its work.
In July, Pfizer signed a $1.95 billion deal to sell one hundred million doses of its two-shot vaccine to the United States, enough for fifty million people. It would be the first to reach American arms. The price per double shot—about forty dollars—is comparable to the price per shot of the flu vaccine. By February, the government had ordered three hundred million doses from Moderna, with its first shipment of one hundred million priced at thirty dollars per double-shot dose—cheaper than Pfizer partly because the United States had forked over nearly a billion dollars to Moderna research. Moderna’s CEO has said the price per dose will be higher for retail once the government contracts phase out.

Because the project worked, it may well elude financial investigation.
OWS was staffed at every level by pharmaceutical industry executives and their revolving door of allies in the government. They could, if they wished, keep their investments thanks to a special exemption. Brought on as “contractors,” they were not subject to federal conflict-of-interest regulations in place for employees. OWS advisers with connections and investments had to agree to assign some of their Covid vaccine earnings to the NIH—but they could wait to do so until after their deaths.

Executives at Moderna and Pfizer cashed in on the vaccine, selling shares timed precisely to clinical trial press releases.

OWS was staffed at every level by pharmaceutical industry executives and their revolving door of allies in the government. They could, if they wished, keep their investments thanks to a special exemption. Brought on as “contractors,” they were not subject to federal conflict-of-interest regulations in place for employees. OWS advisers with connections and investments had to agree to assign some of their Covid vaccine earnings to the NIH—but they could wait to do so until after their deaths.
Former Big Pharma executive Moncef Slaoui sat on the board of Moderna. Thirteen days after the first massive infusion of taxpayer money into its coffers—which triggered a jump in the company’s stock price—Slaoui was awarded options to buy 18,270 shares in the company, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings first reviewed by Kaiser Health News. Those shares were added to 137,168 options he’d accumulated since 2018. He reaped an estimated $8 million when he resigned from the Moderna board.
Among the other known connections between OWS and Big Pharma cash: OWS advisers and Pfizer employees William Erhardt and Rachel Harrigan maintained financial stakes of unknown value in Pfizer, the recipient of a nearly $2 billion HHS contract for one hundred million doses of its vaccine. Richard Whitley, an adviser on the vaccine safety panel, is associated with Gilead, maker of the Covid antiviral agent remdesivir. Adviser Carlo de Notaristefani is connected to Teva, maker of the Trump-approved hydroxychloroquine. Former FDA commissioners Dr. Scott Gottlieb and Dr. Mark McClellan, informally advising the federal response, both have seats on the boards of Covid vaccine developers.

Even more money was raining down on company insiders trading on good-news releases. Executives at Moderna and Pfizer cashed in on the vaccine, selling shares timed precisely to clinical trial press releases.
Timing stock sales like that is neither unusual nor illegal. Columbia Law School economist Joshua Mitts has found that execs in many sectors are up to three times more likely to sell o their company stock on days when their companies announce positive news than on days when negative, neutral, or no news is released.
Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer

The Big Shot: Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
On November 9, the day Pfizer announced its more than 90 percent vaccine efficacy, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sold more than half of his holdings—62 percent. It was a good day to sell—the positive news jacked stock prices 15 percent. Bourla was among seven Pfizer executives who collectively earned $14 million from stock sales in 2020, according to data provided to the Los Angeles Times by Equilar, an executive compensation and corporate governance data firm.
Not to be outdone, Moderna executives made $287 million from timed stock sales in 2020—and kept going. In just a few days in late January and February 2021, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel sold millions of dollars’ worth of his stock.

Virus Nina Burleigh Seven Stories Press

Adapted from Virus by Nina Burleigh, published by Seven Stories Press. © 2021 by the author.
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Nina Burleigh
Nina Burleigh

Nina Burleigh is a reporter and author of six prior books, including most recently The Trump Women: Part of the Deal and the New York Times bestseller The Fatal Gift of Beauty: The Italian
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Janhoi McGregor
Janhoi McGregor

I’m a London-based freelance journalist who specializes in all aspects of technology including reviews, investigations, comment and news. I'm a recovering founder
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The human race is prospering? Which society is that, exactly?

Well, obviously the dead babies and starvation in Africa you mention are not signs of prospering, so clearly by ‘the human race’ you just mean the important part. The white, privileged part. Fought for by our forebears in bloody wars, but sadly now under threat thanks to weak govts fussing around to protect unimportant lives.

Or did you mean something different?
The human race isn't prospering, but big pharma certainly is.
Strong's #5331: pharmakeia (pronounced far-mak-i'-ah)

from 5332; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):--sorcery, witchcraft.

Thayer's Greek Lexicon:



1) the use or the administering of drugs

2) poisoning

3) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it

4) metaphorically the deceptions and seductions of idolatry

Part of Speech: noun feminine

Relation: from G5332
Why is it legal for the unvaccinated to walk over the border to Qld, but on entering, can't walk into a coffee shop. I'm DD jabbed by the way !!
Unfortunately we have lived in a society now where people have had it too good, for too long.

They (the minority) don’t understand past generations and the sacrifices they have made to give us what we have today.

Imagine if the measles only first started today…. The same people would be complaining about mandated vaccines….

We are in an age of complaints and self entitlement.

Covid is one of the most transmissible viruses to ever hit the human race (and it is still mutating) yet there are a minority screaming that they have google knowledge and have an educated position.

They scream freedoms have been taken, when the government is encouraging them to take free vaccines to limit the effects of a deadly virus.

They complain that the government keeps changing the rules (for a virus that keeps mutating).

Unfortunately, some will always want to complain (for the sake of it) and only think of themselves and not other or future generations.
Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page
Industry: pharmaceuticals
Penalty Total since 2000: $86,041,395,388
Number of Records: 1,000
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall. The totals are adjusted to account for the fact that each parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.

Top 10 Parent Companies Total Penalty $ Number of Records
Johnson & Johnson $14,760,947,763 65
Merck $10,467,285,581 81
Pfizer $10,193,896,333 75
Purdue Pharma $9,262,372,787 10
GlaxoSmithKline $8,739,033,406 39
Takeda Pharmaceutical $3,733,566,447 25
AbbVie $3,403,142,507 50
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries $3,003,122,694 53
Eli Lilly $2,831,293,176 25
Novartis $2,711,283,570 40

Individual Penalty Records:
Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.
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Company Parent Primary Offense Type Year Agency Penalty Amountsort icon
Purdue Pharma LP Purdue Pharma fraud 2020 DOJ_CIVIL $8,344,000,000
Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2021 MULTI-AG $5,000,000,000
Merck & Co. Merck drug or medical equipment safety violation 2007 private lawsuit-federal $4,850,000,000
American Home Products Pfizer drug or medical equipment safety violation 2002 private lawsuit-federal $3,750,000,000
GlaxoSmithKline Holdings (Americas) GlaxoSmithKline tax violations 2006 IRS $3,400,000,000
GlaxoSmithKline LLC GlaxoSmithKline off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2012 FDA $3,000,000,000
Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson product safety violation 2021 private lawsuit-federal $2,500,000,000
DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. Johnson & Johnson drug or medical equipment safety violation 2013 private lawsuit-federal $2,475,000,000
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Takeda Pharmaceutical drug or medical equipment safety violation 2015 private lawsuit-federal $2,400,000,000
Pfizer Inc. Pfizer off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2009 FDA $2,300,000,000
Merck & Co., Inc. Merck tax violations 2007 IRS $2,300,000,000
Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2013 FDA $2,200,000,000
Mallinckrodt Mallinckrodt Controlled Substances Act violation 2020 MULTI-AG $1,600,000,000
Abbott Laboratories Inc. AbbVie off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2012 FDA $1,500,000,000
Eli Lilly and Company Eli Lilly off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2009 FDA $1,415,000,000
Cephalon, Inc. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries consumer protection violation 2015 FTC $1,200,000,000
Merck, Sharp & Dohme Merck off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2011 FDA $950,000,000
TAP Pharmaceutical Products Inc. Takeda Pharmaceutical False Claims Act and related 2001 DOJ_CIVIL $875,000,000
Endo International PLC Endo International drug or medical equipment safety violation 2014 private lawsuit-federal $830,000,000
Pfizer Inc. Pfizer False Claims Act and related 2016 DOJ_CIVIL $784,600,000
Endo International PLC Endo International drug or medical equipment safety violation 2017 private lawsuit-federal $775,000,000
GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline drug or medical equipment safety violation 2010 private lawsuit-federal $770,000,000
Amgen Inc. Amgen off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2012 FDA $762,000,000
SB Pharmco Puerto Rico Inc. GlaxoSmithKline drug or medical equipment safety violation 2010 FDA $750,000,000
Pfizer Pfizer drug or medical equipment safety violation 2004 private lawsuit-federal $750,000,000
Pfizer Pfizer drug or medical equipment safety violation 2008 private lawsuit-federal $745,000,000
Serono, S.A. Merck KGaA (EMD) off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2005 FDA $704,000,000
Eli Lilly and Company Eli Lilly drug or medical equipment safety violation 2005 private lawsuit-federal $690,000,000
Merck & Company Merck False Claims Act and related 2008 DOJ_CIVIL $650,000,000
Boehringer Ingelheim International Boehringer Ingelheim drug or medical equipment safety violation 2014 private lawsuit-federal $650,000,000
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Novartis False Claims Act and related 2020 DOJ_CIVIL (*) $642,000,000
Amgen Inc. Amgen off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2012 MULTI-AG (*) $612,000,000
Allergan Inc. AbbVie off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2010 FDA $600,000,000
Abbott Laboratories and CG Nutritionals Abbott Laboratories False Claims Act and related 2003 DOJ_CIVIL $600,000,000
Purdue Frederick Company Inc. Purdue Pharma False Claims Act and related 2007 USAO $600,000,000
Indivior Solutions Indivior Inc. False Claims Act and related 2020 DOJ_CIVIL $589,000,000
Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2013 MULTI-AG (*) $541,000,000
AstraZeneca LP AstraZeneca off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2010 FDA $520,000,000
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Bristol-Myers Squibb off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2007 DOJ_CIVIL $515,000,000
Ranbaxy USA Inc. Sun Pharmaceuticals drug or medical equipment safety violation 2013 FDA $500,000,000
Schering-Plough Corporation Merck drug or medical equipment safety violation 2002 DOJ_CIVIL $500,000,000
Eli Lilly and Company Eli Lilly drug or medical equipment safety violation 2007 private lawsuit-federal $500,000,000
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc. Pfizer off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2013 FDA $490,900,000
GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2012 MULTI-AG (*) $477,792,391
Mylan Inc. Viatris False Claims Act and related 2017 DOJ_CIVIL $465,000,000
Mylan Inc. Viatris False Claims Act and related 2017 MULTI-AG (*) $465,000,000
Schering-Plough Corporation Merck off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2006 USAO $435,000,000
Warner-Lambert Pfizer off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2004 FDA $430,000,000
Cephalon Inc Teva Pharmaceutical Industries off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2008 FDA $425,000,000
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Novartis off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2010 FDA $422,500,000
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Johnson & Johnson off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2013 USAO $410,000,000
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Novartis kickbacks and bribery 2015 USAO $390,000,000
Janssen Pharmaceuticals Johnson & Johnson drug or medical equipment safety violation 2019 private lawsuit-federal $387,500,000
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Pfizer False Claims Act and related 2016 MULTI-AG (*) $371,351,180
Eli Lilly and Company Eli Lilly off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2009 MULTI-AG (*) $361,828,456
Actelion Pharmaceuticals US, Inc. Johnson & Johnson False Claims Act and related 2018 DOJ_CIVIL $360,000,000
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP AstraZeneca False Claims Act and related 2003 DOJ_CIVIL $354,900,000
Shire Pharmaceuticals LLC Takeda Pharmaceutical False Claims Act and related 2017 DOJ_CIVIL $350,000,000
Schering-Plough Corporation Merck kickbacks and bribery 2004 DOJ_CIVIL $345,000,000
Abbott Laboratories AbbVie off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2012 MULTI-AG (*) $339,148,643
Pfizer, Inc. Pfizer kickbacks and bribery 2009 MULTI-AG (*) $331,485,170
Bristol-Myers Squibb Bristol-Myers Squibb fraud 2005 USAO $300,000,000
Indivior plc Indivior Inc. off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2021 MULTI-AG $300,000,000
Daiichi Sankyo Inc. Daiichi Sankyo product safety violation 2017 private lawsuit-federal $300,000,000
Schering-Plough Corporation Merck kickbacks and bribery 2004 MULTI-AG (*) $292,969,482
Merck Merck False Claims Act and related 2008 MULTI-AG (*) $290,000,000
Pfizer Pfizer drug or medical equipment safety violation 2013 private lawsuit-federal $288,000,000
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 2016 DOJ_CRIMINAL $283,177,348
Dey Inc. Viatris False Claims Act and related 2010 DOJ_CIVIL $280,000,000
Roxane Laboratories Inc. Hikma Pharmaceuticals False Claims Act and related 2010 DOJ_CIVIL $280,000,000
Celgene Corp. Bristol-Myers Squibb False Claims Act and related 2017 USAO $280,000,000
Purdue Pharma Purdue Pharma Controlled Substances Act violation 2019 OK-AG $270,000,000
Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries product safety violation 2012 private lawsuit-federal $270,000,000
Ranbaxy Sun Pharmaceuticals drug or medical equipment safety violation 2013 MULTI-AG (*) $266,729,715
Serono Inc. Merck KGaA (EMD) off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2005 MULTI-AG (*) $262,000,000
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Pfizer off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2013 MULTI-AG (*) $257,400,000
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 2016 SEC $236,000,000
Novartis Hellas S.A.C.I. et al. Novartis Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 2020 DOJ_CRIMINAL $233,000,000
Insys Therapeutics Insys Therapeutics False Claims Act and related 2019 DOJ_CIVIL $225,000,000
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP AstraZeneca off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2010 MULTI-AG (*) $218,092,993
Taro Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. Taro Pharmaceutical Industries False Claims Act and related 2021 DOJ_CIVIL $213,200,000
United Therapeutics Corporation United Therapeutics False Claims Act and related 2017 DOJ_CIVIL $210,000,000
Elan Corporation PLC Perrigo off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2010 FDA $203,000,000
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Merck off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2012 MULTI-AG (*) $201,975,000
Allergan Finance LLC AbbVie off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2021 NY-AG $200,000,000
AstraZeneca AstraZeneca drug or medical equipment safety violation 2010 private lawsuit-federal $198,000,000
Sandoz Inc. Novartis price-fixing or anti-competitive practices 2020 DOJ_ANTITRUST $195,000,000
Endo Health Solutions Inc. Endo International off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2014 FDA $192,700,000
Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc. Sanofi False Claims Act and related 2007 DOJ_CIVIL $190,000,000
Warner-Lambert Pfizer off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2004 MULTI-AG (*) $190,000,000
Bristol-Myers Squibb Bristol-Myers Squibb False Claims Act and related 2008 MULTI-AG (*) $187,000,000
Sandoz Inc. Novartis False Claims Act and related 2021 DOJ_CIVIL $185,000,000
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Johnson & Johnson off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2012 MULTI-AG $181,000,000
Novartis Corporation Novartis employment discrimination 2010 private lawsuit-federal $175,000,000
Endo Health Solution Endo International off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2014 MULTI-AG (*) $173,000,000
Teva Pharmaceuticals Inc. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries False Claims Act and related 2010 MULTI-AG $169,000,000
Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc. AbbVie off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2011 FDA $164,000,000
SB Pharmco Puerto Rico Inc. GlaxoSmithKline drug or medical equipment safety violation 2010 MULTI-AG (*) $163,560,000
Purdue Frederick Company Inc. Purdue Pharma False Claims Act and related 2007 MULTI-AG (*) $160,000,000
Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products 2012 TX-AG $158,000,000
Par Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Endo International False Claims Act and related 2011 MULTI-AG $154,000,000
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