more COVID discussion

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First Grader
Does make you wonder, just how many more deaths there would be without the vaccine or booster and many more serious cases in hospital there would be.
A friend sadly passed away in a car accident when another car plowed into him, he was wearing a seatbelt, I guess he could ask the same thing if he was still with us.
Certainly, that is one way of looking at. The car accident/seatbelt comparison is flawed in my opinion. The seat belt still did what it was designed to, while in the case of the four people who died overnight; the vaccine clearly didn't. Sorry about your friend.


First Grader
Thanks for posting them up Kev.
Though I haven't fully read through all, I did notice words just as May, Could, most etc, so my personal interpretation is that despite the overall content of the articles, there was never a 100% guarantee that vaccines would 100% cover deaths, transmissions etc. only reduce the chance.
Add to that the natural mutations and of course vaccines may lose their effectiveness against new variants which then require new doses. It isn't unusual, the Flu vac gets tweaked every year, the only unusual point to me is the short gap for this one, but then as Noval virus, is that to be expected with very fast mutations. I dont know, only time will tell.
All we can do is hope for the best. I hope you and your loved ones remain healthy.


First Grader
Thanks for answering.

Unfortunately we couldn’t really wait a decade with this one. The danger was already here and needed action.

Viruses mutate, maybe the next variant will be even more dangerous and more resistant to vaccination. Maybe it will be milder. Vaccines provide the best way of avoiding further mutations.

Unfortunately a lot of things cause adverse reactions, after every vaccine you have to wait around 10-15 minutes to make sure you don’t have an adverse reaction. They know the signs of serious adverse reactions with vaccines and how to treat it. The death rate from Covid itself dwarfs the death rate from vaccines though.
No problem @Volley

While the banter on here is fun and heated at times, I'm sure that we all want the best for each other.


Just a Man and his Eagle
Certainly, that is one way of looking at. The car accident/seatbelt comparison is flawed in my opinion. The seat belt still did what it was designed to, while in the case of the four people who died overnight; the vaccine clearly didn't. Sorry about your friend.
Thanks Mate.
I disagree, some articles about seatbelts claim to save lives, it didn't save his so using the same generalisations regarding the vaccine isn't all that flawed. Mearly over the top assumptions.
I of course use a little common sense and realise, seatbelts won't save all lives in all circumstances in a crash, prevent serious injury in all accidents, but they will reduce the risk, pretty much like the vaccine.


First Grader
Staff member
This is what is wrong with "sites" like this

This article is clearly based on this article

Which states that

The Therapeutic Goods Administration recorded 78,880 adverse events linked to COVID-19 vaccination, representing a small minority (0.21 per cent) of the 37.8 million doses administered to 18.4 million people, by November 7. The vast majority of those 78,000 adverse events were mild side effects, including headache, nausea and sore arms.

That is a massive difference to what this site is "reporting" as an adverse effect is not the same as a compo claim.

So who is behind the site? All appears murky but it looks like a crowd sourced site which puts it in the same group as the Roar... but on medical matters. Does this mean it is not legit? Who knows but it always worth having a dig into these sites

Smokin Joe

This is what is wrong with "sites" like this

This article is clearly based on this article

Which states that

The Therapeutic Goods Administration recorded 78,880 adverse events linked to COVID-19 vaccination, representing a small minority (0.21 per cent) of the 37.8 million doses administered to 18.4 million people, by November 7. The vast majority of those 78,000 adverse events were mild side effects, including headache, nausea and sore arms.

That is a massive difference to what this site is "reporting" as an adverse effect is not the same as a compo claim.

So who is behind the site? All appears murky but it looks like a crowd sourced site which puts it in the same group as the Roar... but on medical matters. Does this mean it is not legit? Who knows but it always worth having a dig into these sites
The vast majority being headache,nausea,sore arms....hahahahah FMD.
I will say that those severely affected by death or permanent disability are entitled to fair compensation,but it seems a lot of claims may be loss of income and some medical bills.
Wonder what the claims against the government would have been if they had done nothing and waited 10 years for a vaccine to be tested?
As to the booster claims by many to be useless,I thought that most vaccines were 3 stage vaccines and had heard that it is the same for covid and that a 4th shot is technically the booster if needed.
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01100111 01100101
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One article was a completely debunked and misleading prose from Hal turner, a far right wing holocaust denying, political assassination calling, convicted felon,

And the other "unbiased" post was from the childrens defence league, an anti vax organisation which has been a prevalent source of posting misleading and debunked 'theories' about covid, etc.

Both of these are hardly innocent 'alternative and unbiased viewpoints' as claimed and as such have no place on this (or any) reasonable forum.
I think trying to make the point that because vaccinated people can die from Covid it means the vaccine doesn’t provide any benefit is a very weak argument.

It clearly helps in reducing transmission and severe illness.

I’d like some creditable sources of either:
1. Covid not being dangerous; or
2. Vaccines not providing any substantial benefit.

That pile of **** Rafferty posted earlier contains neither. The fact you need boosters doesn’t qualify for 2, as this has been common knowledge once mutations started appearing.

Why do you trust the tetanus vaccine but not any Covid vaccines?
Just so we are all held to account for our assertions, can you please site the evidence/study for your statement "it clearly helps in reducing transmission and severe illness"

When you refer to "it", what is "it" actually in reference to ? Is it the Pfeizer, Moderna, Astra "booster"?

And with respect to "clearly reducing transmission end severe illness" What age group? What strain ? How current?

If it clearly reduces transmission why are cases rising out of control in NSW for instance where 95% of population has been "vaccinated"? Indeed this is a global issue. Why are most 'cases' from those who are "vaccinated"?
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First Grader
Staff member
Just so we are all held to account for our assertions, can you please site the evidence/study for your statement "it clearly helps in reducing transmission and severe illness"

When you refer to "it", what is "it" actually in reference to ? Is it the Pfeizer, Moderna, Astra "booster"?

And with respect to "clearly reducing transmission end severe illness" What age group? What strain ? How current?

If it clearly reduces transmission why are cases rising out of control in NSW for instance where 95% of population has been "vaccinated"? Indeed this is a global issue. Why are most deaths from those who are "vaccinated"?
Do you honestly think anything we post will change your mind?

Most deaths are those who are "vaccinated" (your emphasis not mine)? Please direct me to your sources / leaders


Kim Jong Dan
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Tipping Member
Sometimes I question why I put the effort and personal time into keeping this site going, this thread is a prime example of one of those times.

75 Days until 2022 Season


Mug punter
My final post will quote Mark Twain who once said it’s easier to fool a person, than to convince a person he or she has been fooled.

Never has the concept of caveat emptor been more important, good luck to all in the future and may the mighty eagles bring us home a premiership in 2022.

manly al

First Grader
So must be difficult to differentiate between Delta and Omircon on most of the testing procedures , it apparently just comes up as positive or negative unless no doubt some more extensive tests occur . Unprecedented times for some time to come unfortunately., lucky that it is holiday time for a good portion of the public and summer time but still hard to be totally detached from every day life . Hopefully will be a much better situation [ covid wise ] in a few weeks in Australia with continuing high vaccination rates and boosters and preventative measures but judging from overseas examples , nothing can be really certain
Do you honestly think anything we post will change your mind?

Most deaths are those who are "vaccinated" (your emphasis not mine)? Please direct me to your sources / leaders
Soz. That was an error and I'll edit my post. I was meant to say most "cases" are from those who are "vaccinated".

But even to the 4 deaths from NSW reported on Monday: they were all vaccinated.

And it's not about changing my mind. I have been "vaccinated". My parents and almost all of my family and friends.

What I am not convinced is the path we are taking.

Originally the 'vaccines' were rolled out to protect our elderly and most vulnerable. But each month the goal posts kept moving. With any debate or dialogue that was perceived to be producing " vaccine hesitancy" to being ridiculed, being taken down, scientists,md's being deplatformed from twitter, facebook etc.

Now when we are pushing this to our kids, virtually zero risk group, now as young as 2-5 yo, then alarm bells are ringing. And that is what I am against.

And personally, I am hesitant in getting a 'booster'. This is old software.


Kim Jong Dan
Staff member
Tipping Member
Gee,you must be hard to amuse or entertain .......
neither, walk around constantly laughing and smiling at the world, don't remember the last time I felt bored. I live too full a life and don't have the time to need to find something to do


Journey Man
Tipping Member
We all have our big opinions on here

But None of us have Medical degrees

The Medical experts endorsed correct action is vaccination

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