more COVID discussion

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You might be getting him mixed up with Frank Winterstein (who had a stint with us). His missus Taylor was running anti-vax classes a cpl years ago. She copped a fair bit of shiit at the time.
As for Frank Pritchard, he has been involved in getting the message across to his Samoan people, as Kev mentioned.
I hate to say it, but the latest prognosis is not good for him. Hang in there Frank. :h:

Ah yes , I’m corrected , it was Frank Winterstein.

Oh well had the first name right !!
It's ironic that people who have been questionning the mainstream media narrative about the efficacy of vaccines are called anti vaxers, anti science and pushing mis-information. Even once credible scientists, doctors and health professionals are being deplatformed.

Here is a clip from the host of The Rachel Maddow Show, a nightly television show on MSNBC, pedalling the unquestionable science of the vaccines back in March 21.

It's ironic that people who have been questionning the mainstream media narrative about the efficacy of vaccines are called anti vaxers, anti science and pushing mis-information. Even once credible scientists, doctors and health professionals are being deplatformed.

Here is a clip from the host of The Rachel Maddow Show, a nightly television show on MSNBC, pedalling the unquestionable science of the vaccines back in March 21.

Yep, what a pile of horse$hit. FACT CHECK, LIES! FAKE NEWS!
It wasn’t meant to be funny. Just wondering which large companies you trust and which you boycott because you don’t trust them?

“Hey I don’t buy soap anymore because of all the money the soap companies are making due to the pandemic”.
I just outlined that I don't trust pfeizer for their long track record...they were criminally fined.. it's not about the money.

"Hey I stopped going to the doctors because all the money they are making due to the pandemic."
The lockdown that kept it down was due to the govt so I don't really see the point,they kept us out of serious trouble to get everyone ( or the majority) vaxed.( I thought that was the point I was making?If you thought that I was referring to the public in general,I was not)
The health system may be straining but I think it would be a lot worse if people not vaxed (the UK and US pretty much back that up).
What filtering of info are you referring to,the information is out there if you care to look.Is there specific information you feel has not been given?Because if you are saying that people who distrust the govt. are not capable of doing a little research
If a person distrusts the government,nothing will convince them,they will just think it is lies no matter what is said or done.
Once again why do you keep rehashing the angle to be about "vaccines are effective" i have never questioned that.

I don't care how effective or safe a vaccine is, the freedom of choice surpasses that.(i know the response from others will be the greater good of protecting life in the moment surpasses individual freedoms)

I held off for as long as i could to allow more data about the vaccines to filter into the public domain which i feel is totally acceptable self respecting behaviour since new techniques are being used.

Yes these new vaccination techniques to varying degrees have been studied progressively from the early 90's but nonetheless they are the first or one of the first of their kind for mass public use and to have Govt pushing it like there is no tomorrow like an all in approach during a Poker game doesn't sit right with me.

Marks reply in relation to Frank "probably being an Anti Vaxxer" whether he is right or wrong in that assumption is the kind of arrogant lazy mindset that creates more issues than solves.

Much info that questions, debates or takes a devils advocate approach to the vaccines(for healthy debate) even if the person making these comments support vaccination in general and are well qualified to have an opinion are instantly labelled "Anti Vax" or "Fake News" and many of it is deleted online or pushed back further in search queries.

Once again why do you keep rehashing the angle to be about "vaccines are effective" i have never questioned that.

I don't care how effective or safe a vaccine is, the freedom of choice surpasses that.(i know the response from others will be the greater good of protecting life in the moment surpasses individual freedoms)

I held off for as long as i could to allow more data about the vaccines to filter into the public domain which i feel is totally acceptable self respecting behaviour since new techniques are being used.

Yes these new vaccination techniques to varying degrees have been studied progressively from the early 90's but nonetheless they are the first or one of the first of their kind for mass public use and to have Govt pushing it like there is no tomorrow like an all in approach during a Poker game doesn't sit right with me.

Marks reply in relation to Frank "probably being an Anti Vaxxer" whether he is right or wrong in that assumption is the kind of arrogant lazy mindset that creates more issues than solves.

Much info that questions, debates or takes a devils advocate approach to the vaccines(for healthy debate) even if the person making these comments support vaccination in general and are well qualified to have an opinion are instantly labelled "Anti Vax" or "Fake News" and many of it is deleted online or pushed back further in search queries.
If I am re-hashing vaccines are effective I am sorry to offend you....why do you keep re-hashing that your freedom of choice is more important as I have posted many times that I am fine with people choosing not to Vax?
Maybe Mark referencing Pritchard was lazy but so is basing your views on a couple of acquaintances not dying(as some here have)
I and my family held off until we got some more info and then chose to vax.(there was enough info to make the decision and we were hesitant at first)
Yes having an anti-vax stance at the moment draws criticism to yourself but as you said yourself vaccines are effective and people saying that the Vax is not effective for covid now in keeping people out of hospital is wrong and rightly draws criticism,however as you say if you choose not to Vax you have that right,if the govt believes differently then you can be the noisy minority complaining,just accept like all minorities do that you will draw criticism.
Maybe the searches get pushed back but they are still there,only laziness stops you from digging deeper.
People who only look at the top of any search get what they deserve.
Last edited:

Once again why do you keep rehashing the angle to be about "vaccines are effective" i have never questioned that.

I don't care how effective or safe a vaccine is, the freedom of choice surpasses that.(i know the response from others will be the greater good of protecting life in the moment surpasses individual freedoms)

I held off for as long as i could to allow more data about the vaccines to filter into the public domain which i feel is totally acceptable self respecting behaviour since new techniques are being used.

Yes these new vaccination techniques to varying degrees have been studied progressively from the early 90's but nonetheless they are the first or one of the first of their kind for mass public use and to have Govt pushing it like there is no tomorrow like an all in approach during a Poker game doesn't sit right with me.

Marks reply in relation to Frank "probably being an Anti Vaxxer" whether he is right or wrong in that assumption is the kind of arrogant lazy mindset that creates more issues than solves.

Much info that questions, debates or takes a devils advocate approach to the vaccines(for healthy debate) even if the person making these comments support vaccination in general and are well qualified to have an opinion are instantly labelled "Anti Vax" or "Fake News" and many of it is deleted online or pushed back further in search queries.
If you have any reports/documents/studies/interviews etc...that you believe are valid or credible but are viewed by the mainstream media as false info etc...and are being deleted or pushed back in searches I would be interested in you posting them here to be viewed(as long as mods allow it) so I can see.
If mods have a problem then msg them to me so I can have a look.....
This disease does not discriminate. According to an article in the SMH all 4 deaths in NSW were from those who were vaccinated. But because of the new reporting system we do not know if they died 'of' covid or 'with' covid. I don't agree with this reporting system as it may exaggerate the mortality rate.

"The four new deaths reported on Monday were of two men and two women. Two people were aged in their 70s, one in their 80s and one in her 90s, a woman from western Sydney who died at Bolton Clarke Cabrini aged care facility in Westmead. It is the first death linked to an outbreak at this facility.

Three people had received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, and one person had received three doses"
If you have any reports/documents/studies/interviews etc...that you believe are valid or credible but are viewed by the mainstream media as false info etc...and are being deleted or pushed back in searches I would be interested in you posting them here to be viewed(as long as mods allow it) so I can see.
If mods have a problem then msg them to me so I can have a look.....
I’ve tried to refrain from being drawn in on this topic, but since you have expressed an interest in reviewing the possibility of false info etc…. I will throw up the following info for you to review, it’s a lot to take in, but if you can be bothered with the reading, it should help bring some truths to light. Enjoy the reading!

Research summary and debunk regarding the existence of “SARS-CoV-2” and “COVID-19”​

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Updated: 2022-01-03
In this article I present information that refutes the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 “virus” but it also include information that challenge all alleged “viruses”. I don’t expect people to go through it all because this has taken me over a year to research. I will continue to update this article as my research continues so I would recommend people to bookmark it.

Notice: I am not saying that nobody has died or fallen ill, what I am saying is that the CAUSE is NOT the “virus”. I am also fully aware of articles claiming isolation but none of those articles have done an isolation according to the definition(the separation of something from everything else). The problems of those claims are being discussed more in detail in the research material below.​

As of January 1, 2022: 153 institutions and offices in over 25 countries have responded thus far, as well as study authors and none have provided or cited any record describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification.
Excel file listing the 150 institutions (last updated December 23, 2021):
Here are compilation pdfs containing FOI responses from 127 institutions in >25 countries/jurisdictions, re the isolation/purification/existence of “SARS-COV-2”, as well as emails from authors of studies that claimed to have “isolated the virus” and an email from the Head of the Consultant Laboratory for Diagnostic Electron Microscopy of Infectious Pathogens at Germany’s Robert Koch Institute
Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10
People can also visit this page by Christine Massey to be up to date with all of these challenges and their respective responses.
“FOIs reveal that health/science institutions have no record of any “virus” having been isolated/purified. Because virology isn’t a science.”
“The Final Refutation Of Virology”
For translated versions of the video above, go to Kate Sugak’s channel on Rumble
“Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)”
Virus Isolation (SOVI) by Morell, Cowan & Kaufman
“COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless”
Here are the links to the email responses from the authors of “SARS-COV-2” studies listed above in the image.
Sharon R. Lewin et al. (The Medical Journal of Australia): ““The nucleic acid extraction was performed on isolate material recovered from infected cells. This material was not centrifuged, so was not purified through sucrose gradient to have a density band as such. The EM images were obtained directly from cell culture material” (see Email).
Leo L. M. Poon; Malik Peiris (Nature Medicine): “The image is the virus budding from an infected cell. It is not purified virus” (see Email).
Myung-Guk Han et al. (Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives): “We could not estimate the degree of purification because we do not purify and concentrate the virus cultured in cells” (see Email).
Wan Beom Park et al. (Journal of Korean Medical Science): “We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification” (see Email).”
Na Zhu et al. (NEJM): “[We show] an image of sedimented virus particles, not purified ones” (see Email).
“No one has died from the coronavirus”
“No one has died from the coronavirus”
“COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud”
“Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2”
Michael Laue, representative of the German Robert Koch Institute.
“Ten Fatal Errors: Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR Driven Lockdown”
“The Scam Has Been Confirmed: PCR Does Not Detect SARS-CoV-2”
“New Study published by top British Biomedical Scientist proves the Covid-19 Fraud is a Crime against Humanity”
“Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020”
“Addendum: Peer reviewed literature and preprints covering wet-lab experiments, in silico analysis of the Corman Drosten protocol-design, meta-data analysis on and further discussion”
“The measles control experiment told by the head of an independent laboratory in Germany”
“The Virus Misconception Part 1 – Measles as an example” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 2 – The beginning and end of the corona crisis” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 2 – The beginning and end of the corona crisis” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 3 – Corona simple and understandable” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“Virologists” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
Excerpt from Virologists:

“Interview of Dr Stefan Lanka by Michael Delias”
“Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Stefano Scoglio”
“CPE – Control Experiment – 21 April 2021 – English version”
“PI-water and a new theory of life”
“The Misinterpretation of Antibodies”
“Abstruse Antibody Test”
Excerpt from Abstruse Antibody Test:
Abstruse Antibody Test
“go VIRUS go”
“Project Immanuel – Announcement”
“Immanuel Project – O.R.I., No. 01: bioweapons – the myth of man-made pathogens”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (1 of 3)”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (2 of 3)”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (3 of 3)”
A letter sent to the Federal Minister of Health in Germany regarding the anti-scientific behavior in “virology”.
“The problems behind the claim of a mock infected cell culture”
“All claims about ‘viruses’ as pathogens are false”
“Anatomy of COVID-19 by Dr. Andrew Kaufman”
“Dr Andrew Kaufman exposing the ‘Covid-19’ magic trick – the sleight of hand that transformed society”
“Chromosome 8 w/ David Icke and Dr. Kaufman”
“ZERO Evidence that COVID Fulfills Koch’s 4 Germ Theory Postulates – Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Sayer Ji”
“Danish Make-up Study is Beautiful” by Dr Andrew Kaufman
“Dr. Andrew Kaufman – The Delta Variant HOAX Exposed”
“Omicron – Fact or Fiction with Dr Kaufman”
“Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers : A Randomized Controlled Trial”
“More Than a Dozen Credible Medical Studies Prove Face Masks Do Not Work Even In Hospitals!”
“German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage”
“COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse”
“Masks, false safety and real dangers, Part 3: Hypoxia, hypercapnia and physiological effects”
“Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory by David Crowe”
“Antibody Testing for COVID-19 by David Crowe”
“The Infectious Myth – Stephen Bustin on Challenges with RT-PCR”
“The Infectious Myth – Simplifying RT-PCR”
“Comparison of 33 FDA-approved RT-PCR COVID-19 tests.”
“Isolation versus Purification”
“Truthiverse Episode 2 w/ David Crowe: Coronavirus, Suppressed Medical Science & the Infectious Myth”

“Has the existence of polio, measles, hiv, cmv, ebv, hep c, ebola, the flu, zika and now corona viruses been demonstrated and scientifically proven?” by Dr Robert Young
“Dr Robert Young speaks out about COVID & other matters part 1”
“Dr Robert Young speaks out about COVID & other matters part 2”
“Dr. Tom Cowan – COVID-19 Is Just Smoke and Mirrors”
“Dr. Luis Marcelo Martínez – The Spike protein doesn’t exist”
“Live From NPHET Which Is Unable to Provide Any Scientific Proof That Covid19 Exists” with journalist Gemma O’Doherty
The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses
Appearances can be deceiving – viral-like inclusions in COVID-19 negative renal biopsies by electron microscopy
“Did you know the bogus idea of ‘social distancing’ was invented by a 14-year-old girl during the Bush administration in 2006?”
“The COVID-19 Fraud & War On Humanity PART ONE”
For more related information
“The existence of ANY “virus””
“A Cornucopia of Categorized Links Exploring & Exposing COVID-19 Lies & the Liars Who Tell Them (Regularly Updated Database)”
Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic”

Here is an alternative theory of why some, NOT all, are falling ill and dying under the false label of “COVID-19” showing symptoms of blood clots and hypoxia, air pollution. Air pollution is one huge environmental factor which plays a part of the discussion that is currently not being discussed. The reason for that to me is obvious, the “virus” is partly used as the cover story for environmental pollution, this is how big corp gets away with it.
Lets start with Wuhan: “In 2015, a documentary about air pollution in China, titled “Under the Dome,” received 100 million views by Chinese netizens within 48 hours. In the film, a 6-year-old girl told the interviewer she doesn’t know what a white cloud looks like. The film director raised the question of China’s development model and was forced to cut that part out for fear of it not passing the censor. Government censors then quickly shut the film down after its popularity proved it touched a nerve of the country.”
“Air pollution is linked to an increased risk of developing an irregular heartbeat — a risk factor for stroke — and blood clots in the lung, finds a large study. The evidence suggests that high levels of certain air pollutants are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, but exactly how this association works has not been clarified.”
“Small amounts of cyanide bind to the ferrous ion on the hemoglobin molecule, which does not interfere with oxygen binding. However, cyanosis can occur as a preterminal event if a large amount of cyanide exposure occurs. Hypoxia in the presence of adequate oxygen occurs due to the inability of mitochondria to use oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor in the electron transport chain.”
“Coronavirus Pandemic 2019: Environment Omitted”
“Doctor Exposes the Corona Effect – COVID is Blood Coagulation”

Recommended books to read that challenge the germ theory with scientific references.

You can find more video material regarding the existence of “viruses” on my Bitchute channeland Odysee channel
Follow me:
I’ve tried to refrain from being drawn in on this topic, but since you have expressed an interest in reviewing the possibility of false info etc…. I will throw up the following info for you to review, it’s a lot to take in, but if you can be bothered with the reading, it should help bring some truths to light. Enjoy the reading!

Research summary and debunk regarding the existence of “SARS-CoV-2” and “COVID-19”​

Share on facebookTweet on twitter

Updated: 2022-01-03
In this article I present information that refutes the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 “virus” but it also include information that challenge all alleged “viruses”. I don’t expect people to go through it all because this has taken me over a year to research. I will continue to update this article as my research continues so I would recommend people to bookmark it.

Notice: I am not saying that nobody has died or fallen ill, what I am saying is that the CAUSE is NOT the “virus”. I am also fully aware of articles claiming isolation but none of those articles have done an isolation according to the definition(the separation of something from everything else). The problems of those claims are being discussed more in detail in the research material below.​

People can also visit this page by Christine Massey to be up to date with all of these challenges and their respective responses.
“FOIs reveal that health/science institutions have no record of any “virus” having been isolated/purified. Because virology isn’t a science.”
“The Final Refutation Of Virology”
For translated versions of the video above, go to Kate Sugak’s channel on Rumble
“Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)”
Virus Isolation (SOVI) by Morell, Cowan & Kaufman
“COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless”
Here are the links to the email responses from the authors of “SARS-COV-2” studies listed above in the image.
Sharon R. Lewin et al. (The Medical Journal of Australia): ““The nucleic acid extraction was performed on isolate material recovered from infected cells. This material was not centrifuged, so was not purified through sucrose gradient to have a density band as such. The EM images were obtained directly from cell culture material” (see Email).
Leo L. M. Poon; Malik Peiris (Nature Medicine): “The image is the virus budding from an infected cell. It is not purified virus” (see Email).
Myung-Guk Han et al. (Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives): “We could not estimate the degree of purification because we do not purify and concentrate the virus cultured in cells” (see Email).
Wan Beom Park et al. (Journal of Korean Medical Science): “We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification” (see Email).”
Na Zhu et al. (NEJM): “[We show] an image of sedimented virus particles, not purified ones” (see Email).
“No one has died from the coronavirus”
“No one has died from the coronavirus”
“COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud”
COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud
“Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2”
Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2
Michael Laue, representative of the German Robert Koch Institute.
“Ten Fatal Errors: Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR Driven Lockdown”
Ten Fatal Errors: Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR Driven Lockdown - UncoverDC
“The Scam Has Been Confirmed: PCR Does Not Detect SARS-CoV-2”
The Scam Has Been Confirmed: PCR Does Not Detect SARS-CoV-2
“New Study published by top British Biomedical Scientist proves the Covid-19 Fraud is a Crime against Humanity”
“Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020”
Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020
“Addendum: Peer reviewed literature and preprints covering wet-lab experiments, in silico analysis of the Corman Drosten protocol-design, meta-data analysis on and further discussion”
“The measles control experiment told by the head of an independent laboratory in Germany”
“The Virus Misconception Part 1 – Measles as an example” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 2 – The beginning and end of the corona crisis” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 2 – The beginning and end of the corona crisis” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 3 – Corona simple and understandable” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“Virologists” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
Excerpt from Virologists:

“Interview of Dr Stefan Lanka by Michael Delias”
“Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Stefano Scoglio”
“CPE – Control Experiment – 21 April 2021 – English version”
“PI-water and a new theory of life”
“The Misinterpretation of Antibodies”
“Abstruse Antibody Test”
Excerpt from Abstruse Antibody Test:
Abstruse Antibody Test
“go VIRUS go”
“Project Immanuel – Announcement”
“Immanuel Project – O.R.I., No. 01: bioweapons – the myth of man-made pathogens”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (1 of 3)”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (2 of 3)”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (3 of 3)”
A letter sent to the Federal Minister of Health in Germany regarding the anti-scientific behavior in “virology”.
“The problems behind the claim of a mock infected cell culture”
“All claims about ‘viruses’ as pathogens are false”
“Anatomy of COVID-19 by Dr. Andrew Kaufman”
“Dr Andrew Kaufman exposing the ‘Covid-19’ magic trick – the sleight of hand that transformed society”
“Chromosome 8 w/ David Icke and Dr. Kaufman”
“ZERO Evidence that COVID Fulfills Koch’s 4 Germ Theory Postulates – Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Sayer Ji”
“Danish Make-up Study is Beautiful” by Dr Andrew Kaufman
“Dr. Andrew Kaufman – The Delta Variant HOAX Exposed”
“Omicron – Fact or Fiction with Dr Kaufman”
“Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers : A Randomized Controlled Trial”
“More Than a Dozen Credible Medical Studies Prove Face Masks Do Not Work Even In Hospitals!”
“German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage”
“COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse”
“Masks, false safety and real dangers, Part 3: Hypoxia, hypercapnia and physiological effects”
“Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory by David Crowe”
“Antibody Testing for COVID-19 by David Crowe”
“The Infectious Myth – Stephen Bustin on Challenges with RT-PCR”
“The Infectious Myth – Simplifying RT-PCR”
“Comparison of 33 FDA-approved RT-PCR COVID-19 tests.”
“Isolation versus Purification”
“Truthiverse Episode 2 w/ David Crowe: Coronavirus, Suppressed Medical Science & the Infectious Myth”

“Has the existence of polio, measles, hiv, cmv, ebv, hep c, ebola, the flu, zika and now corona viruses been demonstrated and scientifically proven?” by Dr Robert Young
“Dr Robert Young speaks out about COVID & other matters part 1”
“Dr Robert Young speaks out about COVID & other matters part 2”
“Dr. Tom Cowan – COVID-19 Is Just Smoke and Mirrors”
“Dr. Luis Marcelo Martínez – The Spike protein doesn’t exist”
“Live From NPHET Which Is Unable to Provide Any Scientific Proof That Covid19 Exists” with journalist Gemma O’Doherty
The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses
Appearances can be deceiving – viral-like inclusions in COVID-19 negative renal biopsies by electron microscopy
“Did you know the bogus idea of ‘social distancing’ was invented by a 14-year-old girl during the Bush administration in 2006?”
“The COVID-19 Fraud & War On Humanity PART ONE”
For more related information
“The existence of ANY “virus””
“A Cornucopia of Categorized Links Exploring & Exposing COVID-19 Lies & the Liars Who Tell Them (Regularly Updated Database)”
Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic”

Here is an alternative theory of why some, NOT all, are falling ill and dying under the false label of “COVID-19” showing symptoms of blood clots and hypoxia, air pollution. Air pollution is one huge environmental factor which plays a part of the discussion that is currently not being discussed. The reason for that to me is obvious, the “virus” is partly used as the cover story for environmental pollution, this is how big corp gets away with it.
Lets start with Wuhan: “In 2015, a documentary about air pollution in China, titled “Under the Dome,” received 100 million views by Chinese netizens within 48 hours. In the film, a 6-year-old girl told the interviewer she doesn’t know what a white cloud looks like. The film director raised the question of China’s development model and was forced to cut that part out for fear of it not passing the censor. Government censors then quickly shut the film down after its popularity proved it touched a nerve of the country.”
“Air pollution is linked to an increased risk of developing an irregular heartbeat — a risk factor for stroke — and blood clots in the lung, finds a large study. The evidence suggests that high levels of certain air pollutants are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, but exactly how this association works has not been clarified.”
“Small amounts of cyanide bind to the ferrous ion on the hemoglobin molecule, which does not interfere with oxygen binding. However, cyanosis can occur as a preterminal event if a large amount of cyanide exposure occurs. Hypoxia in the presence of adequate oxygen occurs due to the inability of mitochondria to use oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor in the electron transport chain.”
“Coronavirus Pandemic 2019: Environment Omitted”
“Doctor Exposes the Corona Effect – COVID is Blood Coagulation”

Recommended books to read that challenge the germ theory with scientific references.

You can find more video material regarding the existence of “viruses” on my Bitchute channeland Odysee channel
Follow me:
Lol,I will try to get through it when I can,will get back to you sometime in the future.....
Can’t wait to read this article by a naturopath:

“Has the existence of polio, measles, hiv, cmv, ebv, hep c, ebola, the flu, zika and now corona viruses been demonstrated and scientifically proven?” by Dr Robert Young

His book sounds interesting:
Young's work - and treatments provided at his Valley Center ranch - were based on the theory that acidity in the body is the cause of disease, and that an alkaline diet is the answer.

I wonder how that will end up for people who follow it. Turns out, not well.
“In 2015, cancer patient Dawn Kali sued Young in San Diego Superior Court alleging negligence and fraud. She said he advised her to forego chemotherapy and traditional treatment, and instead go with treatment in line with his alkaline theories.

Patrick Swan, one of Kali's attorneys, said his 45-year-old client's oncologist said Kali has about three or four years to live. She now has stage 4 cancer.”
Haha Thomas Cowan is up there, he’s the one who linked Covid with 5G. He’s now an unlicensed health coach.

Dr Andrew Kaufman “claims that appendicitis—a common inflammation of the appendix which can lead to sepsis and death—is no big deal. According to him, it’s simply constipation, which can be relieved by enema”.

What a list of dangerous grifters you’ve compiled there.
I’ve tried to refrain from being drawn in on this topic, but since you have expressed an interest in reviewing the possibility of false info etc…. I will throw up the following info for you to review, it’s a lot to take in, but if you can be bothered with the reading, it should help bring some truths to light. Enjoy the reading!

Research summary and debunk regarding the existence of “SARS-CoV-2” and “COVID-19”​

Share on facebookTweet on twitter

Updated: 2022-01-03
In this article I present information that refutes the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 “virus” but it also include information that challenge all alleged “viruses”. I don’t expect people to go through it all because this has taken me over a year to research. I will continue to update this article as my research continues so I would recommend people to bookmark it.

Notice: I am not saying that nobody has died or fallen ill, what I am saying is that the CAUSE is NOT the “virus”. I am also fully aware of articles claiming isolation but none of those articles have done an isolation according to the definition(the separation of something from everything else). The problems of those claims are being discussed more in detail in the research material below.​

People can also visit this page by Christine Massey to be up to date with all of these challenges and their respective responses.
“FOIs reveal that health/science institutions have no record of any “virus” having been isolated/purified. Because virology isn’t a science.”
“The Final Refutation Of Virology”
For translated versions of the video above, go to Kate Sugak’s channel on Rumble
“Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)”
Virus Isolation (SOVI) by Morell, Cowan & Kaufman
“COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless”
Here are the links to the email responses from the authors of “SARS-COV-2” studies listed above in the image.
Sharon R. Lewin et al. (The Medical Journal of Australia): ““The nucleic acid extraction was performed on isolate material recovered from infected cells. This material was not centrifuged, so was not purified through sucrose gradient to have a density band as such. The EM images were obtained directly from cell culture material” (see Email).
Leo L. M. Poon; Malik Peiris (Nature Medicine): “The image is the virus budding from an infected cell. It is not purified virus” (see Email).
Myung-Guk Han et al. (Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives): “We could not estimate the degree of purification because we do not purify and concentrate the virus cultured in cells” (see Email).
Wan Beom Park et al. (Journal of Korean Medical Science): “We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification” (see Email).”
Na Zhu et al. (NEJM): “[We show] an image of sedimented virus particles, not purified ones” (see Email).
“No one has died from the coronavirus”
“No one has died from the coronavirus”
“COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud”
COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud
“Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2”
Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2
Michael Laue, representative of the German Robert Koch Institute.
“Ten Fatal Errors: Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR Driven Lockdown”
Ten Fatal Errors: Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR Driven Lockdown - UncoverDC
“The Scam Has Been Confirmed: PCR Does Not Detect SARS-CoV-2”
The Scam Has Been Confirmed: PCR Does Not Detect SARS-CoV-2
“New Study published by top British Biomedical Scientist proves the Covid-19 Fraud is a Crime against Humanity”
“Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020”
Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020
“Addendum: Peer reviewed literature and preprints covering wet-lab experiments, in silico analysis of the Corman Drosten protocol-design, meta-data analysis on and further discussion”
Addendum: Peer reviewed literature and preprints covering wet-lab experiments, in silico analysis of the Corman Drosten protocol-design, meta-data analysis on and further discussion
“The measles control experiment told by the head of an independent laboratory in Germany”
“The Virus Misconception Part 1 – Measles as an example” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 2 – The beginning and end of the corona crisis” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 2 – The beginning and end of the corona crisis” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 3 – Corona simple and understandable” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“Virologists” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
Excerpt from Virologists:

“Interview of Dr Stefan Lanka by Michael Delias”
“Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Stefano Scoglio”
“CPE – Control Experiment – 21 April 2021 – English version”
“PI-water and a new theory of life”
“The Misinterpretation of Antibodies”
“Abstruse Antibody Test”
Excerpt from Abstruse Antibody Test:
Abstruse Antibody Test
“go VIRUS go”
“Project Immanuel – Announcement”
“Immanuel Project – O.R.I., No. 01: bioweapons – the myth of man-made pathogens”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (1 of 3)”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (2 of 3)”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (3 of 3)”
A letter sent to the Federal Minister of Health in Germany regarding the anti-scientific behavior in “virology”.
“The problems behind the claim of a mock infected cell culture”
“All claims about ‘viruses’ as pathogens are false”
“Anatomy of COVID-19 by Dr. Andrew Kaufman”
“Dr Andrew Kaufman exposing the ‘Covid-19’ magic trick – the sleight of hand that transformed society”
“Chromosome 8 w/ David Icke and Dr. Kaufman”
“ZERO Evidence that COVID Fulfills Koch’s 4 Germ Theory Postulates – Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Sayer Ji”
“Danish Make-up Study is Beautiful” by Dr Andrew Kaufman
“Dr. Andrew Kaufman – The Delta Variant HOAX Exposed”
“Omicron – Fact or Fiction with Dr Kaufman”
“Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers : A Randomized Controlled Trial”
“More Than a Dozen Credible Medical Studies Prove Face Masks Do Not Work Even In Hospitals!”
“German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage”
“COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse”
“Masks, false safety and real dangers, Part 3: Hypoxia, hypercapnia and physiological effects”
“Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory by David Crowe”
“Antibody Testing for COVID-19 by David Crowe”
“The Infectious Myth – Stephen Bustin on Challenges with RT-PCR”
“The Infectious Myth – Simplifying RT-PCR”
“Comparison of 33 FDA-approved RT-PCR COVID-19 tests.”
“Isolation versus Purification”
“Truthiverse Episode 2 w/ David Crowe: Coronavirus, Suppressed Medical Science & the Infectious Myth”

“Has the existence of polio, measles, hiv, cmv, ebv, hep c, ebola, the flu, zika and now corona viruses been demonstrated and scientifically proven?” by Dr Robert Young
“Dr Robert Young speaks out about COVID & other matters part 1”
“Dr Robert Young speaks out about COVID & other matters part 2”
“Dr. Tom Cowan – COVID-19 Is Just Smoke and Mirrors”
“Dr. Luis Marcelo Martínez – The Spike protein doesn’t exist”
“Live From NPHET Which Is Unable to Provide Any Scientific Proof That Covid19 Exists” with journalist Gemma O’Doherty
The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses
Appearances can be deceiving – viral-like inclusions in COVID-19 negative renal biopsies by electron microscopy
“Did you know the bogus idea of ‘social distancing’ was invented by a 14-year-old girl during the Bush administration in 2006?”
“The COVID-19 Fraud & War On Humanity PART ONE”
For more related information
“The existence of ANY “virus””
“A Cornucopia of Categorized Links Exploring & Exposing COVID-19 Lies & the Liars Who Tell Them (Regularly Updated Database)”
Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic”

Here is an alternative theory of why some, NOT all, are falling ill and dying under the false label of “COVID-19” showing symptoms of blood clots and hypoxia, air pollution. Air pollution is one huge environmental factor which plays a part of the discussion that is currently not being discussed. The reason for that to me is obvious, the “virus” is partly used as the cover story for environmental pollution, this is how big corp gets away with it.
Lets start with Wuhan: “In 2015, a documentary about air pollution in China, titled “Under the Dome,” received 100 million views by Chinese netizens within 48 hours. In the film, a 6-year-old girl told the interviewer she doesn’t know what a white cloud looks like. The film director raised the question of China’s development model and was forced to cut that part out for fear of it not passing the censor. Government censors then quickly shut the film down after its popularity proved it touched a nerve of the country.”
“Air pollution is linked to an increased risk of developing an irregular heartbeat — a risk factor for stroke — and blood clots in the lung, finds a large study. The evidence suggests that high levels of certain air pollutants are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, but exactly how this association works has not been clarified.”
“Small amounts of cyanide bind to the ferrous ion on the hemoglobin molecule, which does not interfere with oxygen binding. However, cyanosis can occur as a preterminal event if a large amount of cyanide exposure occurs. Hypoxia in the presence of adequate oxygen occurs due to the inability of mitochondria to use oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor in the electron transport chain.”
“Coronavirus Pandemic 2019: Environment Omitted”
“Doctor Exposes the Corona Effect – COVID is Blood Coagulation”

Recommended books to read that challenge the germ theory with scientific references.

You can find more video material regarding the existence of “viruses” on my Bitchute channeland Odysee channel
Follow me:
May I ask where you copied this list from?
I’ve tried to refrain from being drawn in on this topic, but since you have expressed an interest in reviewing the possibility of false info etc…. I will throw up the following info for you to review, it’s a lot to take in, but if you can be bothered with the reading, it should help bring some truths to light. Enjoy the reading!

Research summary and debunk regarding the existence of “SARS-CoV-2” and “COVID-19”​

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Updated: 2022-01-03
In this article I present information that refutes the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 “virus” but it also include information that challenge all alleged “viruses”. I don’t expect people to go through it all because this has taken me over a year to research. I will continue to update this article as my research continues so I would recommend people to bookmark it.

Notice: I am not saying that nobody has died or fallen ill, what I am saying is that the CAUSE is NOT the “virus”. I am also fully aware of articles claiming isolation but none of those articles have done an isolation according to the definition(the separation of something from everything else). The problems of those claims are being discussed more in detail in the research material below.​

People can also visit this page by Christine Massey to be up to date with all of these challenges and their respective responses.
“FOIs reveal that health/science institutions have no record of any “virus” having been isolated/purified. Because virology isn’t a science.”
“The Final Refutation Of Virology”
For translated versions of the video above, go to Kate Sugak’s channel on Rumble
“Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)”
Virus Isolation (SOVI) by Morell, Cowan & Kaufman
“COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless”
Here are the links to the email responses from the authors of “SARS-COV-2” studies listed above in the image.
Sharon R. Lewin et al. (The Medical Journal of Australia): ““The nucleic acid extraction was performed on isolate material recovered from infected cells. This material was not centrifuged, so was not purified through sucrose gradient to have a density band as such. The EM images were obtained directly from cell culture material” (see Email).
Leo L. M. Poon; Malik Peiris (Nature Medicine): “The image is the virus budding from an infected cell. It is not purified virus” (see Email).
Myung-Guk Han et al. (Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives): “We could not estimate the degree of purification because we do not purify and concentrate the virus cultured in cells” (see Email).
Wan Beom Park et al. (Journal of Korean Medical Science): “We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification” (see Email).”
Na Zhu et al. (NEJM): “[We show] an image of sedimented virus particles, not purified ones” (see Email).
“No one has died from the coronavirus”
“No one has died from the coronavirus”
“COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud”
COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud
“Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2”
Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2
Michael Laue, representative of the German Robert Koch Institute.
“Ten Fatal Errors: Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR Driven Lockdown”
Ten Fatal Errors: Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR Driven Lockdown - UncoverDC
“The Scam Has Been Confirmed: PCR Does Not Detect SARS-CoV-2”
The Scam Has Been Confirmed: PCR Does Not Detect SARS-CoV-2
“New Study published by top British Biomedical Scientist proves the Covid-19 Fraud is a Crime against Humanity”
“Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020”
Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020
“Addendum: Peer reviewed literature and preprints covering wet-lab experiments, in silico analysis of the Corman Drosten protocol-design, meta-data analysis on and further discussion”
Addendum: Peer reviewed literature and preprints covering wet-lab experiments, in silico analysis of the Corman Drosten protocol-design, meta-data analysis on and further discussion
“The measles control experiment told by the head of an independent laboratory in Germany”
“The Virus Misconception Part 1 – Measles as an example” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 2 – The beginning and end of the corona crisis” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 2 – The beginning and end of the corona crisis” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 3 – Corona simple and understandable” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“Virologists” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
Excerpt from Virologists:

“Interview of Dr Stefan Lanka by Michael Delias”
“Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Stefano Scoglio”
“CPE – Control Experiment – 21 April 2021 – English version”
“PI-water and a new theory of life”
“The Misinterpretation of Antibodies”
“Abstruse Antibody Test”
Excerpt from Abstruse Antibody Test:
Abstruse Antibody Test
“go VIRUS go”
“Project Immanuel – Announcement”
“Immanuel Project – O.R.I., No. 01: bioweapons – the myth of man-made pathogens”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (1 of 3)”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (2 of 3)”
“Stefan Lanka DSalud Número 249 English (3 of 3)”
A letter sent to the Federal Minister of Health in Germany regarding the anti-scientific behavior in “virology”.
“The problems behind the claim of a mock infected cell culture”
“All claims about ‘viruses’ as pathogens are false”
“Anatomy of COVID-19 by Dr. Andrew Kaufman”
“Dr Andrew Kaufman exposing the ‘Covid-19’ magic trick – the sleight of hand that transformed society”
“Chromosome 8 w/ David Icke and Dr. Kaufman”
“ZERO Evidence that COVID Fulfills Koch’s 4 Germ Theory Postulates – Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Sayer Ji”
“Danish Make-up Study is Beautiful” by Dr Andrew Kaufman
“Dr. Andrew Kaufman – The Delta Variant HOAX Exposed”
“Omicron – Fact or Fiction with Dr Kaufman”
“Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers : A Randomized Controlled Trial”
“More Than a Dozen Credible Medical Studies Prove Face Masks Do Not Work Even In Hospitals!”
“German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage”
“COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse”
“Masks, false safety and real dangers, Part 3: Hypoxia, hypercapnia and physiological effects”
“Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory by David Crowe”
“Antibody Testing for COVID-19 by David Crowe”
“The Infectious Myth – Stephen Bustin on Challenges with RT-PCR”
“The Infectious Myth – Simplifying RT-PCR”
“Comparison of 33 FDA-approved RT-PCR COVID-19 tests.”
“Isolation versus Purification”
“Truthiverse Episode 2 w/ David Crowe: Coronavirus, Suppressed Medical Science & the Infectious Myth”

“Has the existence of polio, measles, hiv, cmv, ebv, hep c, ebola, the flu, zika and now corona viruses been demonstrated and scientifically proven?” by Dr Robert Young
“Dr Robert Young speaks out about COVID & other matters part 1”
“Dr Robert Young speaks out about COVID & other matters part 2”
“Dr. Tom Cowan – COVID-19 Is Just Smoke and Mirrors”
“Dr. Luis Marcelo Martínez – The Spike protein doesn’t exist”
“Live From NPHET Which Is Unable to Provide Any Scientific Proof That Covid19 Exists” with journalist Gemma O’Doherty
The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses
Appearances can be deceiving – viral-like inclusions in COVID-19 negative renal biopsies by electron microscopy
“Did you know the bogus idea of ‘social distancing’ was invented by a 14-year-old girl during the Bush administration in 2006?”
“The COVID-19 Fraud & War On Humanity PART ONE”
For more related information
“The existence of ANY “virus””
“A Cornucopia of Categorized Links Exploring & Exposing COVID-19 Lies & the Liars Who Tell Them (Regularly Updated Database)”
Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic”

Here is an alternative theory of why some, NOT all, are falling ill and dying under the false label of “COVID-19” showing symptoms of blood clots and hypoxia, air pollution. Air pollution is one huge environmental factor which plays a part of the discussion that is currently not being discussed. The reason for that to me is obvious, the “virus” is partly used as the cover story for environmental pollution, this is how big corp gets away with it.
Lets start with Wuhan: “In 2015, a documentary about air pollution in China, titled “Under the Dome,” received 100 million views by Chinese netizens within 48 hours. In the film, a 6-year-old girl told the interviewer she doesn’t know what a white cloud looks like. The film director raised the question of China’s development model and was forced to cut that part out for fear of it not passing the censor. Government censors then quickly shut the film down after its popularity proved it touched a nerve of the country.”
“Air pollution is linked to an increased risk of developing an irregular heartbeat — a risk factor for stroke — and blood clots in the lung, finds a large study. The evidence suggests that high levels of certain air pollutants are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, but exactly how this association works has not been clarified.”
“Small amounts of cyanide bind to the ferrous ion on the hemoglobin molecule, which does not interfere with oxygen binding. However, cyanosis can occur as a preterminal event if a large amount of cyanide exposure occurs. Hypoxia in the presence of adequate oxygen occurs due to the inability of mitochondria to use oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor in the electron transport chain.”
“Coronavirus Pandemic 2019: Environment Omitted”
“Doctor Exposes the Corona Effect – COVID is Blood Coagulation”

Recommended books to read that challenge the germ theory with scientific references.

You can find more video material regarding the existence of “viruses” on my Bitchute channeland Odysee channel
Follow me:
Just had a look at the claim about the virus not being isolated and purified therefore not existing.
Seems to be a lot of evidence that suggests that it has and the genome of the virus mapped.
Also seems that science was disproved as relates to 19th cent microbiology and not viruses.
Sadly, all the overnight deaths were either double or triple vaccinated. I guess they might ask what was the point if they were still with us.
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