Lol,I am a simple man.
If the message from the start has been to get vaccinated to help our health systems not be overloaded and others who are in need of the systems unable to access them,then I am not so worried about any complications (eg heart disease)in the future.
If we have our health system in order in the future thanks to vaccination then it would not be a problem with overloaded numbers accessing it in the future?
Using people who play football an example is really stretching it when comparing them to a pandemic,taking drugs and an STD is also not passed on to the person in the supermarket next to you,so I don't buy that argument...(those personal choices have limited impact on the people surrounding you in your community,if you say **** the community as long as I get what I want then that is your choice).
If the government had been seen to be doing nothing about the virus they would have been destroyed being accused of doing nothing to help people(it is not just self serving as they represent what the majority want)
I actually find it a little ironic about the loss of freedom view.I do not know you and am not saying that you fall into this category....but many people who are in the minority now and demanding their views heard and acted on seem to also be the same people who get pissed that minority groups in the past that they do not like or have any association with demand to be heard and want to dismiss them because that is not what the majority of "Aussies" want.
It is not here in Australia but Eagle of London has stated that the UK has exploding infection numbers but the hospitalizations are remaining relatively stable,maybe hinting that vaccination in working?
Probably the biggest burden on the healthcare system is due to alcohol and that burdens many peoples lives directly and indirectly.(i would be more than happy to ban alcohol consumption but i know this will never happen, yet at the same time i respect people should have the choice)
The comments in this thread were made from the angle of "burden on the healthcare system" and i'm just illustrating how on both sides of the fence you can easily have a confirmation bias if you look at things from a different perspective.
There is enough "newish" developments in regards to the Covid vaccines for people to rightly have hesistations, to question, to read up more on especially due to the pace of development, even if you take into account the large sums of money directed towards research and the speeding up of data gathering to make the advances happen.
Many people working in the UK healthcare system are saying the opposite and that the numbers are not as stable as being promoted and there is strain as the Omicron variant builds momentum.
What the very early data shows is this variant is less lethal but multiplies 70 times faster than Delta, which means less people dieing as a percentage of infections but more people infected still leading to the healthcare system being overwhelmed through sheer weight of numbers.
Do you fear a slow moving version (talking in relative terms) with say for simple numbers sake a 1 in 10 death rate or a fast moving version that kills 3 or 4 in 70, both are going to burden the healthcare system either through it's lethalness/strength or sheer weight of numbers.
Hopefully as more people become infected or vaccinated the strain as predicted will weaken in it's lethal nature to survive(which tends to happen but no guarantees) but i do fear the more targetted vaccine design in these modern vaccines will only offer short term relief which may prolong and offer opportunities for Covid to evolve more.