more COVID discussion

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KT 623
Premium Member
Tipping Member
From this debacle I have learned not to trust conventional medicine. Conventional medicine has lost it’s way and has been sold out, our system educated doctors simply memorise and practice pharmaceutical industry policy, procedure and dogma.

The amount of weight pharmaceutical companies have under governments is astonishing.
Couldn’t agree more. Again I’ll highlight the series "Dopesick", if you want to see just how far big Pharmas tentacles spread. And the lengths they will go too, to cover up their shady business acts.
Purdue Pharma treated the senate select committee investigations with utter contempt.


Feast yer eyes ..
Tipping Member
Why are you making sweeping generalizations to enhance your argument when they are not reflective of my views or how i went about my research, "in the end" i came to the conclusion i should still get vaccinated so what is your problem.

If your aim is to appear tough and arrogant behind a "sense of humour or sarcasm" you are failing in both departments big time---- well to me anyway, obviously the broader demographic probably finds you entertaining though so maybe Facebook is where you should spend more time at.(glad you found your home)

Because just the term "do your own research" when used in relation to medical science is worthy of humour.

Smokin Joe

Our death toll and healthcare management was due to the strict lockdowns and border policy, the healthcare system now is already showing signs of strain in the early stages of the new variant.

I'm not debating the effectiveness of vaccination, never have, it is purely freedom of choice above all.

Filtering and tailoring online information creates distrust and mandates give people a reason to distrust also. Let the effectiveness and safeness(short and long term) of the vaccines speak for themselves and many who distrust Govt or have a predisposition to always doubt everything will more than likely come on board.
The lockdown that kept it down was due to the govt so I don't really see the point,they kept us out of serious trouble to get everyone ( or the majority) vaxed.( I thought that was the point I was making?If you thought that I was referring to the public in general,I was not)
The health system may be straining but I think it would be a lot worse if people not vaxed (the UK and US pretty much back that up).
What filtering of info are you referring to,the information is out there if you care to look.Is there specific information you feel has not been given?Because if you are saying that people who distrust the govt. are not capable of doing a little research
If a person distrusts the government,nothing will convince them,they will just think it is lies no matter what is said or done.
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Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
The arguments on here are interesting to say the least , lot of varied opinions which is life as it should be.

Argue as you will on big company profits etc etc but one thing shines through regardless.

As much as we mightn’t like some of them , with no rule book to follow our politicians have all done a pretty good job in retrospect as to keeping us safe , getting us vaccinated , and preparing us for the ****storm that’s hitting us now.

EOL now nesting on the GC

Official NRL commentator of the UK Royal Family
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Delta variant is still around apparently and most of the hospital covid admissions in N S W are Delta related . Still plenty of people of all ages in OZ with pre existing conditions and compromised health systems . They should be still entitled to some reasonable form of community health prevention measures . Boris Johnson 's overall covid approach and looks like some Australian poli"s approach also highly questionable and largely discredited for some balanced control . Dominant omicron or not dominant omricron strain , still a lot of potential to cause a lot of grief and disruption to communities all over Australia if the let it rip policy is allowed to prevail over at least some still surely necessary and effective control measures .
Unfortunately this is what happens when you kick the can down the road. Its a direct byproduct of 'doing well in the beginning' by limiting death rates.

It will sound terrible but a big part of why the Omicron variant isn't having a huge play in death and hospitalisation rates here is simply the fact so many of the vulnerable have already died.


It's not a lie, if you believe it.
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Nah, it will be just about all over by the time we hit Mudgee.

I'm hoping you're right Mave.

I'm encouraged by the recent changes to what constitutes a close contact.


First Grader
The arguments on here are interesting to say the least , lot of varied opinions which is life as it should be.

Argue as you will on big company profits etc etc but one thing shines through regardless.

As much as we mightn’t like some of them , with no rule book to follow our politicians have all done a pretty good job in retrospect as to keeping us safe , getting us vaccinated , and preparing us for the ****storm that’s hitting us now.
I'm guessing a much bigger ****storm is on it's way.

Smokin Joe

The arguments on here are interesting to say the least , lot of varied opinions which is life as it should be.

Argue as you will on big company profits etc etc but one thing shines through regardless.

As much as we mightn’t like some of them , with no rule book to follow our politicians have all done a pretty good job in retrospect as to keeping us safe , getting us vaccinated , and preparing us for the ****storm that’s hitting us now.
Have to agree mate,easy when it is something that is known.
When it is something you are dealing with on the fly.,.would not want the responsibility myself.
Easy to be critical when you don't have to walk in their shoes.

Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Have to agree mate,easy when it is something that is known.
When it is something you are dealing with on the fly.,.would not want the responsibility myself.
Easy to be critical when you don't have to walk in their shoes.
Definitely, and of course they’ve made mistakes.

Would I want their job , no ****ing way !!

Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
I see Frank Pritchard ( Bulldogs / Panthers ) is critically ill with Covid, ICU think from Twitter reports.

I think he’s an anti vaxxer as well so he could be in really deep ****.

Wish him all the best of course.


First Grader
I see Frank Pritchard ( Bulldogs / Panthers ) is critically ill with Covid, ICU think from Twitter reports.

I think he’s an anti vaxxer as well so he could be in really deep ****.

Wish him all the best of course.
Frank Pritchard is definitely not an anti vaxxer. He is one of the premier advocates for spreading the word on Covid 19 to Pacifika nations. He is vehemently opposed to the spread of misinformation regarding the virus. He is fully vaccinated.


KT 623
Premium Member
Tipping Member
I see Frank Pritchard ( Bulldogs / Panthers ) is critically ill with Covid, ICU think from Twitter reports.

I think he’s an anti vaxxer as well so he could be in really deep ****.

Wish him all the best of course.
You might be getting him mixed up with Frank Winterstein (who had a stint with us). His missus Taylor was running anti-vax classes a cpl years ago. She copped a fair bit of shiit at the time.
As for Frank Pritchard, he has been involved in getting the message across to his Samoan people, as Kev mentioned.
I hate to say it, but the latest prognosis is not good for him. Hang in there Frank. :h:

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manly al

First Grader
Unfortunately this is what happens when you kick the can down the road. Its a direct byproduct of 'doing well in the beginning' by limiting death rates.

It will sound terrible but a big part of why the Omicron variant isn't having a huge play in death and hospitalisation rates here is simply the fact so many of the vulnerable have already died.
Always going to be subjective in hindsight but think that much of the previous damage and serious outcomes in both the U K and Australia could have been reduced with some better decision making and options which was more then possible at crucial times . Countries like the U S and Brazil were always going to have inevitable bad outcomes with their respective government positions at the start of the pandemic and for most of 2020 but again think that there were some fairly definite examples in the U K and Australia where the wrong calls were made against some very credible medical advice . Anyway just of course hope that this curse is in its [ or on course for its ] final stages everywhere to get close or as close as possible for some normality again . Pretty much had it in Queensland to be as normal as possible for most of the prior pandemic stages but had to inevitably let it run its course here as well .

Kaufusi's Elbow

Reserve Grader
Mods on here need to FACT CHECK these posts about Frank Pritchard attending the lockdown rally. Frank Winterstein, Ben Roberts, and Roy Asotasi were the ex NRL players who attended this event. Apart from a few unsubstantiated Facebook and Twitter threads, there has been ZERO Reports of Frank Pritchard EVER attending an anti vaccine protest. We don't want any misinformation to spread now.
Changed post K7

Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Frank Pritchard is definitely not an anti vaxxer. He is one of the premier advocates for spreading the word on Covid 19 to Pacifika nations. He is vehemently opposed to the spread of misinformation regarding the virus. He is fully vaccinated.
Ah thank you , and my apologies to the Tank!!
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