Perception rules supreme!
As a moderator, do you expect more respect from members? If someone attacks you, once off, and is what you yourself would consider NOT run of the mill behaviour, would you use your mod abilities to cane them, or would you let it slide? Members have no power and if they can't defend themselves, they must simply cop it sweet or leave. By the way, I hate the old "it's only humour" shield too.
You can see that when two members have a go at each other and things get heated, if no one is there to intervene, the gutter is usually the place it ends up, which is embarrassing for the site and its visitors. The lack of respect shown by some posters here at times is woeful. It is also a big "screw you!" to Dan, IMO.
The mods should get respect and enforce their powers where and when necessary, otherwise chaos reigns and the loonies seem to be in control.
But, that's just how I perceive it. lol
Thankfully it isn't too regular of an occurrence.'s good to see you here a bit more @Fro!
You are damned if you do, you are damned if you don't. That's the problem. There are many examples of where people have been very rude or disrespectful towards me but I never use the tools we have to ban people because I personally am not getting along with them or have argued with them. My personal opinion of a poster should not and does not matter.
I am hopeful that the wider community will choose the type of community they want and if someone is being an idiot hopefully the greater community will tell them they are being an idiot and tell them to pull their head in. Or ask us to take action.
We don't want to be seen as police, we are just members of the greater whole as well.