I personally don't understand the rush to sign up for 19/20 when he clearly could have waited till conditions were already in place...? If they were such a big issue that is... I mean it apparently was terrible for him, doing everything, struggling with a lack of support - but signs up with 14 months to go on his contract for a further 2yrs... Odd.
If you recall he was in no rush to re-sign ... the negotiations took several months ..... people on here were saying hurry up and get it done .... it was the club that offered the extension ....
He resigned in July. Why did he resign if his contract is broken? Why not go to court? Why go to Rothfield after resigning with a list of complaints like garden furniture attrocities and how Manly used his family as slave labour to clean the change rooms back in 2016? That doesn't sound like the issues of a broken contract, they sound like excuses.
You will recall that his interview with RothTool was only reluctantly done AFTER Penn came out in the press and did the usual attempt at character assassination on him ..... and it was clear that he gave examples like the furniture as indicative of a club attitude and 2nd rate conditions ... not as any major or going issue or a reason for his resignation ...
Barrett has stated that certain conditions of his contract have not been met .... I cannot say if these are contractual or just promises ... but either way they have triggred his resignation ... I believe on principle ... something held in very limited quantities by his detractors at the club ..
PSS ... His coaching record whilst interesting bears ...... no relevance to this discussion ...