Just looking through some stat’s and found that our overall win rate against the storm is 35%, they are our second worst overall performance, (Believe it or not the goons are our worst result) both these sides basically own our ass and are the only 2 sides we don’t have a better than 50% win rate against. However the good news on the other hand is we dominate the ratio against the Rorters with 63% and they are our 3rd best kill after the Sharks at 71% followed by the Worriers @ 68%.
Just some interesting stat’s that may or may not mean much, as history is not the sole indicator moving forward, however the question is, psychologically could there be an underlying sleeper effect, impacting upon our performances against certain sides?
Its no secret the army can train an elite soldier to feel no pain and mentally prepare them to sacrifice their own life in extreme situations while staying focused on the task, they work on the mind, footballers are extremely physically fit and huge amounts of work goes into the body and physical side of the game, maybe investing some time on the mental side with an ex army specialist or mind conditioning expert would help build our mental capacity and be money well spent by the club. Just a thought, as we clearly didn’t comes to terms with the pressure or expectations on Friday night, youth aside, all our players could benefit with improved mental focus and determination, South’s displayed awesome application to their task last night, as did Melbourne against us on Friday, experience aside, if we can find that type of application to our game, we would improve dramatically, we have talent, sometimes we just lack application and dedication to the process.