I am sure I am in the minority here for thinking this 😉 .If you plan a gameplan around having 4 running forwards each week and it is entrenched as your game plan and injuries in a match occur(yes,not given but regularly do occur),having to switch forwards around to the backs mean your interchange(times of minutes and when players come off and on) and gameplan is completely thrown out for the rest of the game.Planning around 3 running forward interchange players and a utility player means injuries pose less disruption to your tactics.I agree that maybe having someone else than Brown is preferable and yes we could do that and yes coaches should be able to think on their feet like players should too,yes maybe Baz could or should change tactics,but this is how he is going and unfortunately we have no one else as versatile as Brown even though he is good at no positions at all.Oh well,in Baz I trust....let me know if you disagree lol(just don't get personal,no one wants to start that sxxt)